The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Master's Programme in Fine Arts

Teaching language



  • KF-406 Concepts of Contemporary Art(s)

  • KF-409 Theories and Methods of Aesthetics

  • 10 credits from an optional course in the 2nd semester. If the student studies abroad during the 2nd semester, corresponding courses will be approved.

Course contents

The course is predominantly focused on the student’s work with their own chosen master’s project. The work must be independent and completed without supervision. The master’s project can be an artistic development project, an artistic research dissertation, an arts related dissemination project or a combination of these. The assignment can be realised in two formats, either as a practice-based project with a presentation and a written reflection or as a written dissertation. Throughout the master’s project the students must use and further develop the competencies in theory, analysis, and methodology that they have gained during the programme.

Learning outcomes

After course completion the student must:

  • have advanced competency in an area of specialisation in artistic development, artistic research, arts related dissemination work or a combination of these

  • be able to practice, disseminate, supervise or lead an arts organisation

  • be able apply artistic research methods and combine artistic research methodologies with artistic research or arts related dissemination work

  • be able to work independently with practical and theoretical problem solving

  • be able to apply artistic research theories and methods

  • be able to analyse and maintain a critical approach to source

  • be able to apply knowledge and skills to new areas within artistic development, research and dissemination or a combination of these

  • be able to complete an independent project in line with current research ethics standards

  • be able to reflect upon professional hypothesis and present these reflections in both written and oral form

Examination requirements

  • Approved attendance of compulsory classes

  • Entered into a written supervision agreement

  • Approval of their own master’s project proposal

  • 6-8 approved assignments and presentations for assignment seminars

Teaching methods

Each student will have a supervisor whom they will have compulsory supervision meetings with. The first stage of the master’s project is to write a project proposal, which must be approved by the supervisor. The remaining work will be accompanied by individual supervision and regular colloquia where the students will present their projects and progress.

It is assumed that the students will work independently and systematically, and that they participate in group work, seminars and lectures. It is also expected that the students will give and get evaluation of their own theoretical and practical work and of the work of others, and that they create colloquia and hold these continuously throughout the course.

The students must have four hours supervision over the duration of their master’s project.

The course includes compulsory attendance. Details thereof will be available on Canvas at the start of the semester.

Expected workload is 27 hours per credits.


The person responsible for the course, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Admission for external candidates


Assessment methods and criteria

The course can be assessed using one of two different assessment methods

The Students will choose one of the methods, in consultation with their supervisor, depending on what suits the form and content of the project best:

Version 1 – Practice based projects:

  • A written reflection of 50-70 pages must be submitted three weeks before the showing of the project. The written reflection will make up 30% of the final grade

  • Showing of the project in the form of an exhibition, a demonstration of work process, or other modes of practical showing. The showing will make up 40% of the final grade.

  • 20-minute individual oral presentation after the showing with a debriefing with the censor committee to follow. This will make up 30% of the final grade.

Version 2 – Dissertation:

  • The Student will submit a dissertation of 80-110 pages. This makes up 60% of the final grade.

  • The student gives a 20-minute individual oral presentation with a debriefing with the censor committee to. This will make up 40% of the final grade.

Assessment terminology: Grading by letters.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:47:53 AM