Teaching language

This course is taught in Norwegian and an English translation of the course description is not available.


Primary and secondary school teacher students must have passed the practice periods in the fourth year

Course contents

Five ECTS credits in this course are common for all primary and lower secondary school teacher students. In this common part, topics that are relevant to the researching teacher are addressed: philosophy of science and method, research ethics,

source search / source use and academic reading and writing.

Subject-specific part of the course focuses on knowledge of challenges and critical use of research designs relevant to physical education. It should provide a comprehensive understanding of how to design studies in relation to specific research issues. The course focuses on qualitative and quantitative analyzes, and how these are interpreted and communicated.

Through work on the course, the students will acquire a good academic basis so that they can carry out a professional and practical research project (the master's thesis) under supervision.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course, the student will:


  • have in-depth knowledge of the philosophy of science and method relevant to the researching teacher

  • have in-depth knowledge of research ethics, source use and academic reading and writing

  • be able to show in-depth ethical judgement, both in relation to one's own role as a researcher, and how research can affect people's lives

  • be able to critically select, and consider how specific analyzes reflect the data basis

  • have advanced knowledge of strengths and weaknesses in various methods in research on children and physical education



  • be able to apply and critically evaluate different research methods that are relevant for classroom research / school research

  • be able to use digital search tools to find relevant research literature and critically evaluate it

  • be able to analyze and disseminate qualitative and quantitative research in an appropriate manner

  • be able to critically evaluate research literature in the subject area physical education based on given criteria

  • be able to apply research methods that highlight the pupil's perspective in physical education 


General competence

  • at an advanced level be able to contribute to research-informed development work that promotes academic and educational innovation in school

  • be able to independently design research projects relevant to physical education, in accordance with research ethical guidelines

Examination requirements

Approved work requirements. See Canvas for details.

Teaching methods

The teaching will be characterized by varied work methods, and will be given in the form of lectures, seminars, assignments, oral presentations and supervision. Through exemplary forms of teaching, students will gain experience with how to work as a researching teacher in a professional community.

In addition to teaching, students are expected to work on assignments and literature studies, both individually and in groups. A significant part of the students' learning and development will take place through such own efforts.

Estimated student workload in the course is approx. 400 hours, divided into 130 hours in common topics and 270 hours in subject-specific topics.

The subject-specific part will contain the use of statistical analysis tools (Excel and SPSS).


The person responsible for the course, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Assessment methods and criteria

A graded individual two-day written home examination (in both common and subject-specific topics)

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:46:40 AM