The course is connected to the following study programs

Course contents

The aim of the course is first and foremost to provide the candidates with guidance in the dissemination of research results in the form of monographs, articles, book chapters, reports and so on, where the ethics of communication and the academic guidelines for academic and popular scientific publication are in focus. The candidates are to be given help analysing linguistic and formal tendencies which are considered to be typical of the field of research in question in order that they will more easily be able to present their own research, including in English.

A number of concrete aspects of academic publishing will be addressed: Structuring monographs and article-based theses (including the relationship between the summary article and other articles), structuring and writing an academic article (English academic prose writing, stylistics, references and other formalities, co-authorship), identifying suitable journals for publication, and disseminating research at academic conferences.

The course will also provide the opportunity for the candidate to increase the practical relevance of their work so that the training offered is not only in academic stringency, but also in making their own work topical from a practical perspective. The course therefore allows for supervision concerning how research results can be popularised, and in that regard the focus is placed upon the researcher as a participant in public debate. A range of concrete aspects of publishing directed at the general public will be addressed: Disseminating research in one´s own teaching, in digital forms including digital social media, in the form of exhibitions, and through feature articles, interviews etc. in the mass media.

Learning outcomes

After completion of the course, the candidate will be able to:

  • assess challenges in the oral, written and digital dissemination of research results, both to peers and to the general public

  • demonstrate a critical and reflective approach to different forms of communication, both in academic and popular scientific contexts

  • structure different kinds of academic and popular scientific publications

  • master academic and public-oriented writing

  • evaluate possibilities to publish academic work in different publishing channels

  • reflect over the relationship between society in general, media, and research in terms of dissemination

Examination requirements

In order to be eligible to take the exam, the candidate must briefly present his/her own research project during the first session, utilising his/her choice of presentation technique.

Teaching methods

The course is organised in sessions, each with a duration of two consecutive days. The candidate will work on the examination assignments (see below under the heading The Examination).

Lectures and seminars with supervision. Discussion in a dedicated room on Canvas.

Assessment methods and criteria

  • Academic or popular science product within the candidate´s subject area. The scope is from 4000 to 8000 words for written products. The theme and form of the project are to be approved by the person with course responsibility.

  • A document of around 1000 words in which the candidate reflects upon the publication mentioned above.

Submission of product and the aforementioned document must take place no later than 3 weeks after the last session.

Assessment: Pass/fail

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:46:22 AM