The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Master's 5-Year Programme in Teacher Education, level 5-10

Teaching language

This course is taught in Norwegian and an English translation of the course description is not available.


Passed 150 ECTS credits in primary and lower secondary school teacher education, including 30 ECTS credits in Pedagogy and pupil knowledge, ERN130 Food and education, ERN131 Food and nutrition, ERN209 Food and society and ERN210 Food and entrepreneurship or equivalent.

Course contents

  • Food and meal sociology

  • Pupils´ different social and cultural background in relation to food and meals

  • Different meal patterns

  • Religious and ethnic meal customs

  • Food, priority and use of time

  • Food and equality

  • The school subject Food and Health in the Nordic countries

  • Cooperation with relevant social actors

  • Efforts for others – social entrepreneurship

  • Project work including other school subjects

  • Alternative forms of evaluation

Learning outcomes


On successful completion of the course, the students will

  • have in-depth knowledge about food literacy and the importance of meals in the community

  • have in-depth knowledge about food and diet as identity markers

  • be able to identify culture specific diet patterns and traditions

  • be able to analyse and evaluate similarities and differences in the school subject food and health in the Nordic countries



Upon course completion, candidates should be able to

  • analyse time spent and priorities related to cooking and meals

  • develop varied teaching programs with a view to the pupils´ different social and cultural background and which promote intercultural interaction and understanding

  • experiment with the meal as arena for interaction, communication, equality, care, learning and formation

  • use social entrepreneurship - effort for others - as a teaching method

  • further develop forms of assessment which promote learning in the subject


General competence

Upon course completion, candidates should

  • have a well-developed vocabulary related to experiences in connection with food and meals

  • be able to include other school subjects for in-depth learning in food and health

  • be able to reflect on ethical challenges in the school subject food and health related to the pupils´ different social backgrounds

Examination requirements

Primary school teacher education students must have passed

  • work requirements as described in the semester plan, which includes presentation of project work with trial exam and feed-forward from fellow students

  • compulsory attendance

Course students must have approved

  • a didactical assignment equal in scope to the practical training

  • work requirement as described in the semester plan

  • compulsory attendance

See more information in Canvas.

Teaching methods

Instruction is provided in the form of lectures, seminars and work on individual and group assignments, project work, excursions and practical work. Relevant digital tools will be used as aids for learning, dissemination and assessment. Disseminating the subject and development of relevant lesson plans based on the subject matter will be in focus in all activities. Student work load is estimated to approximately 400 hours. Part of the education is compulsory.


The person responsible for the course, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Offered as Single Standing Module

Yes. Subject to availability or capacity.

Admission Requirement if given as Single Standing Module

For single subject students: completed teacher training education for primary and lower secondary school and upper secondary school, and ordinary prior required knowledge.

Assessment methods and criteria

Plan, implement and evaluate a project work in collaboration with relevant social actors (4 students per group), documented in a report. See detailed description in Canvas. The assignment is graded.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:45:39 AM