The course is connected to the following study programs

Teaching language


Recommended prerequisites

BYG312 Area Planning I, or equivalent courses

Course contents

The course will largely be based on learning through design. The overall approach to the topic will be to look at residential and urban areas as systems and try to develop them with a sustainable approach. The course will be based on a specific residential or urban area, preferably provided by Bynett Sør. The students can choose how they will approach the task, which consists of designing credible area plan with associated regulations. The work will be both analytical and experimental, to be able to design residential and urban areas, with a view to developing areas that meet the UN’s sustainability goals, with focus on item 11 – “Sustainable cities and communities”.

The students themselves will define a syllabus based on their project description which will result in a report documenting the theoretical basis for the zoning plan.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course, the student is expected to:

  • Have knowledge of how to regulate residential and urban areas for sustainable development

  • Have knowledge of relevant technologies to contribute to sustainable development of residential and urban areas

  • Understand and be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a proposed area based on a zoning plan

  • Understand how the design of residential and urban areas affect how residential and urban areas function

  • Understand how sustainable development strategies can be designed

  • Be able to analyze residential and urban areas to identify strengths and challenges in relation to the desire for sustainable development

  • Be able to work in 3D, physically og digitally, with residential and urban areas consisting of building structure, green structure, and infrastructure

  • Be able to create digital plan maps, with associated provisions and plan descriptions

Teaching methods

Lectures and mentored group project.
Estimated workload for the average student is 27 hours per credit.


The person responsible for the course decides, in cooperation with student representative, the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation in accordance with the quality system for education, chapter 4.1.”

Offered as Single Standing Module

Yes, if there is capacity

Admission Requirement if given as Single Standing Module

Admission requirements for the course are the same as for the master’s programme in Civil and Structural Engineering.

Assessment methods and criteria

Portfolio, consisting of both individual and group work, is the basis for an individual grade. Graded marks. More information in Canvas at semester start.

Individual works, 40 % of grade
Report, group project, 60 % of grade

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:44:48 AM