The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Master's 5-Year Programme in Teacher Education, level 1-7

Teaching language



60 ECTS credits in Norwegian or mathematics must be completed and passed.

Course contents

The learning and development of the youngest children is placed at the centre of attention in work with writing, reading and oral skills. is. Emphasis is placed on the pupils’ own ability to engender meaning in aesthetical, wondering and creative learning processes in mixed groups. The student will, through the course, learn to understand the potential of interdisciplinary interaction and contribute to solid, professionally founded teaching of Norwegian as a school subject and to the development of the field. Initial training will also be discussed in light of development in education and society. Teaching aids, literature and other resources in the early reading and writing training will be discussed from national and international R&D perspectives. Assessment and mapping in initial reading and writing training will be discussed based on theories on children’s learning and development. In addition, the student shall study a theme related to initial training in Norwegian.

The subject in the practice period

The course prepares for advanced didactic reflection related to classroom work. Through working with the course, the students shall further develop their academic qualifications for planning, implementing and assessing work with initial reading, writing and oral skills training. During the practice period, the student will acquire experience with using relevant teaching aids and work methods. These experiences acquired during the practice period will be of importance for their further studies.

Learning outcomes


Upon completion of the course the student shall

  • Have thorough knowledge of the contents of Norwegian as a subject in pre-school and initial training

  • Have thorough, research-based knowledge about children’s initial reading and writing and about the development of oral skills

  • Have thorough knowledge about how to adapt the initial reading- and writing training to children with diverse abilities and needs

  • Have thorough knowledge about young pupils’ learning and about what promotes learning in the short term and in the long term

  • Have thorough knowledge about suitable tools in initial training in reading, writing and oral skills

  • Have thorough knowledge about relevant children’s literature


Upon completion of the course the student shall

  • Be able to plan for a positive reading- and writing development, with particular emphasis on developing the pleasure of reading and writing for all children

  • Be able to plan for positive development of children’s oral skills

  • Be able to analyse, utilize and reflect on a variety of teaching aids in initial training

  • Be able to use children’s literature when working with early reading and writing and the development of oral skills

  • Be able to plan, lead and analyse learning processes in initial reading and writing training that are based on and stimulate pupils’ creativity, curiosity, wonder and urge to explore

  • Be able to plan, implement and analyse multidisciplinary teaching schemes when working with reading, writing and oral skills in initial training

  • Be able to retrieve, critically analyse and communicate knowledge from national and international R&D to various target groups

  • On an advanced level be able to analyse and assess pupils’ early oral and written texts

General competences

Upon completion of the course the student shall

  • Be able to plan for and stimulate positive reading- and writing development, and provide positive literary experiences for various types of children

  • Have insight into research which is relevant for the topics that are dealt with in the course

  • Be able to analyse and assess relevant problems in a diverse group of pupils in initial reading and writing training

  • Be able to contribute to innovative thinking in initial reading and writing training that enhances the pupils’ activity, creativity and desire to learn

Examination requirements

  • The mandatory attendance requirements must be met and approved.

  • The mandatory work tasks, as described on Canvas when the semester starts, must be completed and approved.

  • The practice must be completed and approved.

Teaching methods

Students will meet a variety of teaching methods like lectures, seminars, practical tasks, group work, oral presentations and supervision. An interdisciplinary project is included. Students will use digital tools when appropriate.

There is a 70% mandatory attendance requirement.

In addition to attending teaching, the students are expected to work with assignments, academic questions and texts studies, both individually and in groups.

The workload is estimated at 400 hours.

There is a five days practice period for students in the teacher education. This will be a preparation for the practice in the 8th semester.


The study programme manager, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Assessment methods and criteria

  • Text from multidisciplinary teaching plans in a group counts 1/3.

  • Individual home examination, 72 hours, counts 2/3.

Graded assessment.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 1:43:56 AM