The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Subject didactics in Teacher Education Level 5-10, 2-year Master’s Programme
  • Master's 5-Year Programme in Teacher Education, level 5-10

Teaching language



Students in primary and lower secondary school education must have completed NO-158 and NO-159. Other students must have completed and passed teacher education aimed at primary and lower secondary school with at least 60 ECTS credits in Norwegian aimed at level 5-10, or general teacher education with a minimum of 60 ECTS credits in Norwegian.

Course contents

Through working with the course, the students shall acquire advanced knowledge about oral and written language diversity, and about working with the topic in Norwegian as a subject where initial training has particular focus. The students will acquire thorough knowledge about important research related to language variation and will be able to see how different theoretical approaches may give different perspectives on oral and written texts produced by the pupils. The students will also reflect on varying views on the role of language variation in school. Through working with the course, the students will acquire advanced insight into language teaching so that the relation between theoretical models and practical usage becomes pronounced.

The subject in the practice period

Through working with the course, the students shall further develop the academic premises for planning, carrying out and assessing language teaching at level 5-10 in primary school. The course prepares the student for advanced didactic reflection related to work in the classroom. The students’ experiences with Norwegian as a subject during the practice period will be important when working with the topic.

Learning outcomes


Upon completion of the course the student shall

  • Have thorough knowledge about research related to language diversity in writing and in speech (in the past and now)

  • Have thorough knowledge about teaching languages, with focus on initial training and language didactics

  • Have thorough knowledge about how to adapt language teaching to pupils with different abilities and needs


Upon completion of the course the student shall

  • Be able to orient him-/herself in and assess critically national and international research, and be able to use these skills in his/her own teaching

  • Be able to develop, carry out and assess research based initial training related to language diversity

  • Be able to reflect upon the relations between language theory and didactics

  • With language variation as a starting point, be able to analyze and assess on an advanced level oral and written texts produced by pupils

  • Be able to analyze digital and analogue teaching aids and critically assess their usage

Examination requirements

The mandatory attendance requirements must be met. The preliminary tests/tasks that were announced when the semester started must be completed and passed.

For students in the teacher education: The practice period must be completed and passed.

For students taking free-standing courses: A didactic assignment replacing the practice, must be assessed as a pass.

Teaching methods

The teaching forms will vary. Student active work forms like group-sessions, oral presentations and written work will be emphasized. The students will be expected to be able to participate in academic discussions on an advanced level.

The course prepares for work with digital tools that are purposeful for language teaching at level 5-10 in primary school.

Compulsory attendance requirements will be included in the semester plan and posted on Canvas.

A practice period of five days is included for students in the teacher education. This is a preparation for the practice period in the 8th semester.

Students taking free-standing courses will carry out a corresponding didactic work

The workload is estimated to approximately 400 hours.


The study programme manager, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Offered as Single Standing Module

Yes. Subject to availability or capacity.Prerequesite: Completed and passed teacher education or a minimum of 60 ECTS credits aimed at teaching Norwegian at level 5-10.

Assessment methods and criteria

6-hour individual written examination. Graded assessment.

The language variant is optional, but the two language variants, bokmål and nynorsk, must both be used for written examinations this semester. If bokmål is chosen for the written examination in NO-413, nynorsk must be used for the home examination in NO-414, and vice-versa.

Reduction of Credits

This course’s contents overlap with the following courses. A reduction of credits will occur if one of these courses is taken in addition:

Course Reduction of Credits
NO-405 – Norwegian as school subject and academic discipline 5
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 1:43:54 AM