The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Bachelor's Programme in Pre-school Education
  • Bachelor's Programme in Pre-school Education

Teaching language



BUL100 Children's development, Play and Learning
SRE100 Society, Religion, Lifeviews and Ethics

Recommended prerequisites

STM100 Language, Text and Mathematics
KKK100 Art, Culture and Creativity
NHB100 Nature, Health and Movement

Course contents

The course is closely linked to SRE201, and the two courses constitute a specialization in SRLE in the kindergarten teacher education. Both topics are based on the knowledge area Society, religion, beliefs and ethics (SRE100). The content of the kindergarten Local environment and society and Ethics, religion and philosophy and the local environment and society form the basis for this content.


There are three main themes in the subject:

1) Place, room and everyday life

2) Sustainability

3) The kindergarten teacher as being responsible for the development of social science didactics


The course has its professional foundation in the framework plan for the kindergarten. It is based on the kindergarten tradition's understanding that learning takes place through participation in everyday life. Everyday life in the kindergarten is linked both to place as locality and place as part of space, which is therefore central to both subjects. The kindergarten teacher has a professional responsibility related to the day-to-day life and the kindergarten teacher's ethical competence will therefore also be the focus. The UN's sustainability goals are also central. It is about how to understand and work with sustainability in kindergarten. In addition, it deals with knowledge about how different sustainability goals can be rooted in the local environment and in religions and beliefs.

Learning outcomes


After completing the course the student should

  • have a thorough knowledge of the subject area Local environment and society, including its distinctiveness and its place in the kindergarten and in the community

  • have broad knowledge of the formation of knowledge through everyday life and have in-depth knowledge of interaction between place and space

  • have knowledge of the kindergarten as a learning organization

  • have a broad knowledge of the dynamics between community arenas in and outside the kindergarten



After completing the course the student should

  • be able to map and analyze place aimed at subject didactic work within the kindergarten's disciplines, local community and society.

  • be able to map and analyze elements of the daycare organization that can be linked to subject area and to sustainability

  • be able to master relevant professional expressions and develop and reflect critically on the use of material and artifacts

  • be able to translate kindergarten values ​​into practice through professional didactic work



After completing the course the student should

  • be able to use the opportunities of the place as a resource in working with the subject area Local environment and society

  • be able to put the work with the subject area Local environment and society into a social professional framework based on the kindergarten's location, including social and cultural features of the relevant surroundings that give children the opportunity for perspective formation

  • have a good understanding of how to work with the UN's sustainability goals related to the subject area Local environment and society

Examination requirements

Practice must be passed. Students must have other mandatory work requirements approved. The guidelines for these will be available at the start of the semester.

Teaching methods

Instruction consists partly of lectures, seminar hours, group project work and field trips. Work within the knowledge area is also linked to practice. Expected workload is approx 400 hours.


Course evaluation is carried out as a midterm evaluation in accordance with standard procedure in the quality assurance system, chapter 2.1.1., unless other information is given in the beginning of the semester.

Assessment methods and criteria

Individual written assignment.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 1, 2024 1:39:43 AM