The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Equal Opportunities, One-semester Programme

Teaching language


Course contents

Even when the vision of gender equality is in place, practical initiatives do not always give the desired results, whether they are in private or public life. The goal of the course is to explore the relationship between vision and practical application, and to provide the skills to implement gender equality initiatives. Attention is directed toward three main areas. The first is the organization and regulation of gender equality work in Norway: Who decides what are important areas for gender equality? Governmental agencies, legal and legislative conditions will be included. The second has to do with normative policies and requirements: What obligations do organisations and businesses have to plan, initiate policies and report? The third has to do with the effects of practical initiatives: What hampers and what forwards gender equality? The course ends in a discussion of whether or not we have come closer to the vision of a society with gender equality, and what today's gender equality debate is.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student will

- have knowledge of laws, regulations and reports relating to gender equality in labour unions and on boards

- have knowledge of conditions connected to biological and social gender with relevance to gender equality in public and private labour unions

- have insight into conditions that contribute to complicating and conditions that contribute to forwarding gender equality work in such organisations, labour unions and boards.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group work and seminars placed at various organizations. The students will also work on an independent project.

Offered as Single Standing Module


Assessment methods and criteria

An individual term paper (60%) and a two-hours Multiple Choice Exam (40%). Graded assessment.

Reduction of Credits

This course’s contents overlap with the following courses. A reduction of credits will occur if one of these courses is taken in addition:

Course Reduction of Credits
LIK102 – Equal Opportunities: Visions and Measures 10
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 1:37:32 AM