The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Equal Opportunities, One-semester Programme

Teaching language


Learning outcomes

Students will

- learn how we are socialized into certain roles through participation in family life, society and work in different phases of life, and how gender imbalance is perpetuated

- have developed particular understanding of socialization, processes and structures internally and externally in institutions and organizations, emphasizing the role upbringing, school, religion, media, hiring practices and career choices make

- be able to analyze the role gender plays in terms of the cultural impulses one receives as a child, adolescent, pupil and university student, and be able to reflect upon how different ideologies affect gender roles, and why men and women make different choices

- be able to discuss whether or not we have come closer to the vision of a society with gender equality and be familiar with initiatives that can contribute to forwarding gender equality in various arenas.

Examination requirements

Group presentation and compulsory attendance at two seminar.

Teaching methods

Teaching is given in the form of lectures, seminars and tutorials. Student participation is emphasized. Students must attend two seminars.

Offered as Single Standing Module


Assessment methods and criteria

One 3-hour written examination (counts 40% of final mark) and one individual presentation on a topic chosen by the students (counts 60% of final mark). Presentations are to last 20 minutes, including 5 minutes clarifying points and answering questions. Students must have their topics approved by their instructor in advance. Differentiated marks.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 1:37:32 AM