The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Bachelor's Programme in IT and Information Systems

Teaching language




Course contents

The course will provide the students with a platform for planning digitization projects. The course will provide participants with a knowledge and methodological foundation for leading or participating in innovation processes related to digitization and service design, with the user of the services at the center. Participants in the course have the opportunity to learn how to build a better basis for analysis to ensure that the organization succeeds in digital innovation projects and addresses real user needs. The course consists of the following modules:

1. Main module (Overall, across other modules):

This module supports the entire topic. It contains assignments, templates and other resources the students need for delivering assignments along the way and for the final report (exam).

2. Innovation theory and practice (for example):

  • "Disruptive innovation" theory

  • "Blue Ocean Strategy" methodology

This module provides a review of some key theories and models for business idea development, and examples of how these are used in practice.

3. Digital Service Design (Innovation) and Redesign (Renewal / Improvement):

  • About Using Design Thinking Methods

This module deals with the practical use of Design Thinking methods. The module covers the "Discovery" (survey) and "Define" phase (analysis and idea development) in your case study. Current tools and methods are reviewed.

4. Planning and upscaling of innovations (for example):

  • "LEAN Start-Up" methods

  • About protecting your ideas

In this module, we review how to "wrap" your case study into a report, with a plan for finance (finance) and growth (business development), summary of user stories and wireframes, and other elements that are naturally included in a plan for digitization and business / business development.

Learning outcomes

The course will give the students a platform for planning digital projects and business development. On completion of the course, students will:

  • Be familiar with business models for value networks, and how these are implemented as new digital business concepts or process innovations.

  • Be familiar with and able to apply methods for service development related to the Service Design Thinking method

  • Perform pre-projects for digital service innovation, with user involvement

  • Be familiar with some key models for innovation and business development

Examination requirements

Conditions for taking the exam are submitted and approved group assignments and presentations, and at least 80% attendence at joint gatherings.

Teaching methods

Teaching and learning methods consist of: Lectures or workshops sessions Group work and assignments Group presentations.


The study programme manager, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Offered as Single Standing Module

Yes, if capacity.

Assessment methods and criteria

The form of the examination is group submission to folder, of final report (Deadlines and requirements for the report are stated in the subject's room in Canvas). The grades on the group exam are common to the whole group (letter grades

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 1, 2024 1:35:13 AM