The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Bachelor's Programme in Applied Philosophy
  • Philosophy, One-year Programme

Teaching language


Course contents

The course gives an introduction to recent metaphysics and the philosophy of mind. Metaphysics is the study of general and basic principles and conditions for reality. Central questions: What does reality consist of? Is everything physics? Do abstract objects exist? What does it mean that some things are necessary while other things are merely possible and not necessary? What does it mean that something is impossible? Do human beings have a free will?

The philosophy of mind is the study of the human mind from a philosophical point of view, and the relation between the human mind and the rest of reality. Central questions: Of what does the human mind consist? What is the relation between the human mind and the apparent physical reality? What is consciousness? Is it possible to create artificial intelligence?

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course students shall


  • Have broad knowledge about metaphysics and the philosophy of mind as a subject

  • Have broad knowledge about problems related to existence, modality and free will

  • Have broad knowledge of the problem concerning the nature of the human mind

  • Have knowledge about the philosophical problem of the relation between body and mind


  • Be able to reflect on the existence and nature of things

  • Be able to reflect on the problem of the relation between body and mind

General competence

  • Be able to communicate knowledge about the problems related to existence and the relation between body and mind

  • Be able to apply metaphysical reflection when encountering new problems

Examination requirements

Passing mark on preliminary examination.

Teaching methods

Lectures and student based study groups. The workload is estimated to ca. 270 hours.


The study programme manager, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Offered as Single Standing Module

Yes. Subject to availability or capacity.

Assessment methods and criteria

4-hour written examination. Graded assessment.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 1:35:11 AM