"Norway was an easy choice because of the high quality standard in education."

Student at the University of Agder

Name: James Matete
Field of study: M.Sc. in Finance in Munich, Germany
Country of origin: Kenya

Tell us about yourself!

My name is James Matete, I am Kenyan, and I am 40 years old. I moved to Munich, Germany, to take a M.Sc in Finance after having worked for over 16 years in positions in finance and procurement within energy and telecom sectors.

Why did you choose Norway?

Norway was an easy choice because of the high quality standard in education. The rich content and relevance of the courses offered at UiA, as well guaranteed housing, contributed to the choice. Furthermore, I wanted experience the breathtaking landscapes, nature and a new culture. I am also an avid drum player; I thought I would be playing in a band every other week or so, but unfortunately this dream did not come true during my stay.

What were your first impressions upon arrival? 

When I arrived in Kristiansand I was well received by Kristiansand Municipality who paid for the ten-day hotel quarantine costs for all exchange students. This was followed by a detailed and well-coordinated series of orientation info sessions that were strengthened by an equally well organised buddy program that helped adjusting to student life here. I felt very welcome in Kristiansand.

While still speaking of first and lasting impressions, some of those days and nights in January were really very cold!

The professors are very professional, supportive, and have the necessary knowledge and understanding to carry out the courses.

What is your opinion on the courses?

The School of Business and Law at UiA is in continuous collaboration with the job market and actively adapts to trends by incorporating new courses, contents, tools and techniques that prepare students to respond to its dynamic changes.

The courses encapsulate practical and theoretical concepts that we can apply to real world problems. The professors are very professional, supportive, and have the necessary knowledge and understanding to carry out the courses.

The lab sessions for R programming in both Derivatives and Empircal Finance courses were very helpful.

What do you like most about Kristiansand and why?

I don’t know whether it is the fish market or the salmon in the fish market! The market did not disappoint when it opened after COVID-19 lockdown. On weekends, my friend and I would find ourselves somehow wandering towards the market to buy some fresh delicious salmon. 

I also admire the strong sense of patriotism that Norwegians demonstrated on the 17th May, Norway's Constitution Day. The women dressed up in beautiful traditional attire ("bunad") and men in formal suits to celebrate the parades town. There was beautiful music and boat parades in honour of the country. And, of course, I ate “softis” in the rain.

What did you discover about Norway that was unexpected?

Upon arriving in Kristiansand in late December 2020 during the pandemic, rivers and water bodies were just starting to freeze. But then in the summer there were boats everywhere in the water. I keep asking my Norwegian colleagues whether everyone in Kristiansand owns a boat. I didn't expect that people would use boats so much in this city.

What would you like to share about UiA to others?

Any finance and economics student interested in a blend of latest research trends and practical application of financial concepts in the market, should consider UiA exchange programme and if possible, apply for a double degree. This would prove invaluable in the job market.

What opportunities, if any, did you get from studying at UiA?

Definitely! The courses I took at UiA in Analytical Finance perfectly complement the courses I attended at my home university. They provide the edge that is needed to solve complex finance problems and cases using big data computing.


Published Feb. 24, 2021 - Last modified May 6, 2024