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Making Memories: Contemporary Aesthetic Articulations of Norway in the Second World War


A remarkable trait of today’s intense engagement with the Second World War is the vivid involvement of aesthetic articulations. TV productions, movies, theatre performances, exhibitions, memorial sites, comics, and literature refer to events and experiences from the war in numerous ways. Their contributions frequently achieve broad attention and trigger debate, often in ways that prompt reconsiderations of knowledge production and perceptions of the past.


Making Memories aims at examining these trends as we assume that general conceptions of the war to a large extent are based on aesthetic representations. The ability of art to make people and situations come alive helps to catch the interest in what has happened, link it to our present, and offer both captivating, thought-provoking and contested interpretations. We examine which topics are addressed, how they are scientifically and artistically treated, what discussions they enable, and what function they have in contemporary cultural and political contexts.

The central idea is that the past emerges in dynamic negotiations between existing interpretations and new interests and that the war in Norway is created and recreated as a product of changing cultural memories and aesthetics. Therefore, the project emphasizes examining how the war is presented as a complex product of various voices, texts, images and objects based on conditions and needs in contemporary society.


  • Langås, Unni (2023). What can be inherited? On guilt, violence, and sexuality in two Nordic postmemory novels. Scandinavistica Vilnensis. ISSN 2029-2112. 17(3), p. 405–422. doi: 10.15388/ScandinavisticaVilnensis.2023.20. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Langås, Unni (2023). Krigsminner i samtidslitteraturen. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-4412-6. 292 p.

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  • Langås, Unni (2024). Krigsseilerne i dagens minnekultur.
  • Gjelsvik, Anne (2024). Analysen: Konvoi .
  • Langås, Unni (2023). Hva vil det si å arve en krig? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Wulfsberg, Marius (2023). The Impact of Claude Lanzmann's Shoah.
  • Wulfsberg, Marius (2023). Krigsminner i samtidens sakprosa.
  • Gjelsvik, Anne (2023). Analysen: Kampen om Narvik .
  • Gjelsvik, Anne (2023). Innledning til Krigsseileren .
  • Langås, Unni (2023). Krigens lange ettertid. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847. p. 50–51.
  • Böhnisch, Siemke & Langås, Unni (2023). Individet og kollektivet. Andre verdenskrig i litteratur og scenekunst.
  • Røst, Andreas (2023). Minnekommisjonen.
  • Langås, Unni (2023). Angsten for arven. Om krigsforbrytere og deres etterkommere.
  • Langås, Unni (2023). Nations and emotions. Wartime love affairs in contemporary fiction.
  • Wulfsberg, Marius (2023). Tjenestemenn og gjerningsmenn. Om Bjarte Brulands Holocaust i Norge og Synne Corells Likvidasjonen .
  • Gjelsvik, Anne (2023). Art and Perpetrator Memory: What Art can do.
  • Böhnisch, Siemke (2023). Enacting World War II memories and collective identities in recent Norwegian theatre productions.
  • Langås, Unni (2023). Haunting Legacies. Perpetrator Fictions in Post-War Norwegian Memory Culture.
  • Langås, Unni (2023). Krigsforbryter i familien. .
  • Langås, Unni; Wulfsberg, Marius; Storeide, Anette Homlong; Kjørholt, Ingvild Hagen & Torjusen, Henrik Martin Hansen (2023). Krigsforbrytere i minnekulturen.

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Project owner

University of Agder


Picture of Unni Langås
Project leader
+47 38 14 20 75
Published May 2, 2024 8:20 AM - Last modified June 6, 2024 3:14 PM