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Intelligent monitoring

This research team focuses on developing physics- and AI based methods to monitor the health status of subcomponents in mechatronic systems and energy systems, and to estimate their remaining useful lifetime under limited historical failure data.

For years, the team has built scaled testbeds and fault simulators, including inverter-fed electrical machines, scaled pitch/yaw system, planetary gearboxes, accelerated lifetime bearings, etc. to validate the developed methods. Towards intelligent electric vehicles and smart grids, the team aims to develop control and monitoring concepts to enhance security, reliability, and performance of cyber and physical components under faults/ cyber-attacks. 

The in-house controllers, modularized power supplies, loads and real-time FPGA-based simulator OPAL-RT would allow for fast verifications of the proposed concepts. The team has led/participated national and international research projects and won IEEE outstanding journal/best paper awards.


Published May 29, 2024 3:01 PM - Last modified June 4, 2024 1:29 PM