PhD training

The implementation and completion of the doctoral training is described in § 8 of UiAs PhD regulations.

Infrastructure and integration

PhD candidates are offered an office space with necessary equipment such as computer and access to UiAs network and infrastructure. It is very important that the PhD candidate is integrated into the academic environment from the very beginning. Supervisors, specialisation coordinators and heads of department are responsible for integration of the PhD candidate into the academic environment, including Research Groups.

Coursework component

All candidates admitted to a doctoral degree programme must follow the prescribed organised academic training.

The coursework component normally comprises 30 credits (ECTS) and includes training in ethics and the philosophy of science.

The coursework component must be approved by the faculty. Organised training must be completed and approved at the latest before submission of the dissertation, but it is recommended that the coursework component is carried out during the first half of the doctoral programme.

Duty work

The doctoral degree programme must be organised so that it can be completed within a three-year period. Sometimes a PhD candidate may have a fellowship for four years including 25% duty work.

Duty work may include various tasks such as teaching, research assistance, administrative work related to projects etc. Tasks and the workload should be agreed upon in cooperation with the supervisor(s) and the Head of Department.


The dissertation must be an independent piece of scientific work that meets international standards within the relevant subject area. Collections of several minor works, e.g. articles, may be approved as a dissertation when they in content constitute a totality.

A summary must then be prepared to give an overall perspective. The dissertation must contribute to the development of new knowledge within the subject area and represent such an academic level that it can be published as part of the academic literature in the subject area.


The work on the doctoral dissertation must be carried out under individual supervision by one or several persons. Normally, one of the supervisors holds a position at the faculty to which the PhD candidate has been admitted. If an external supervisor has been appointed, an internal supervisor is also appointed.

The principal supervisor should be appointed prior to appointment of the PhD candidate. The PhD candidate and the supervisor(s) are expected to maintain regular contact during the doctoral degree programme. Normally, the candidate should be given the opportunity to discuss his/her dissertation work during seminars.

The relationship between the candidate and the supervisor(s) is described in the Agreement concerning admission to the organised doctoral degree programme (PhD) at the University of Agder (UiA).

UiA expects the individual supervisor to carry out their activities in accordance with the university’s overall ethical guidelines.


After admission, an updated progress plan for the completion of the PhD programme has to be prepared. The plan must be endorsed by the principal supervisor who thereby confirms that he/she considers the plan to be feasible. The plan must be approved within three months. The progress plan must include a detailed outline of the planned course of study, where the normal time for completion is taken into account. Also, concrete milestones for each semester up to the submission of the dissertation must be planned for. In addition, the plan must indicate the anticipated dates for when data collection, processing, analysis, etc, and writing of the dissertation will be completed. Planned training, periods abroad (of shorter or longer duration) and periods at other Norwegian institutions of higher education must also be included.

According to the quality assurance system for UiA, both the PhD candidate and the principal supervisor are asked to evaluate the PhD programme at the same time as submitting the annual progress report. The PhD candidate and the supervisor(s) must report the candidate’s progress annually. If the PhD candidate fails to meet his/her obligations, the faculty may decide that the PhD candidate must terminate his/her doctoral training prior to completion.

Library Services

Agder University Research Archive - AURA
AURA is UiAs open archive containing scientific works in full text. AURA contains masters and doctoral theses and scientific articles. Open archives such as AURA are an important way of providing access to scientific research for the general public and researchers without institutional access (Open Access).

PhD candidates at the University of Agder should, if possible, publish their work in peer reviewed scientific publishing channels that accept parallel publishing in open archives. If possible, articles must be deposited in AURA.

Open Access publishing
The university covers publication fees for articles published in open access journals. For more information, please contact the University Library, or check the details on their website.

Documentation of research publications (Cristin)
All research publications published by researchers at the University of Agder must be registered in the research documentation system Cristin,  a system administered by The University Library. A part of the funding of the Norwegian universities and university colleges is based on the reported amount of publications in approved publication channels.

To get approval, the publication channels must fulfill the definition of a scientific publication given by The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR). The main criterias are scientific quality, and a proper peer review system.


It is very important that the PhD candidate complies with good ethical research principles. There are certain regulations and guidelines which need to be followed.

Ethical Guidelines for the Public Service offers national guidelines for all employees of the Norwegian State (e.g. UiA). UiA has their own ethical guidelines, and there are also guidelines specifically for research ethics at UiA.

According to the Regulations for the PhD degree at UiA, the coursework component must include training in ethics and the philosophy of science. Also, the supervisor is responsible for giving the PhD candidate guidance with respect to ethical research principles relevant to the dissertation.

PhD candidates must follow established Codes of Practice for research.


Agder University Library is a regional academic library supporting research and studies. The University Library offers a large collection of printed and electronic books and journals. All new PhD candidates are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the library and library services.

Each faculty has at least one dedicated academic librarian who renders professional assistance when needed.

Generic courses (without ects)

Centre for Educational Research and Development (PULS) at UiA offers a variety of courses for PhD candidates and other employees at UiA. These courses are not compulsory but can be very useful for PhD candidates at UiA.

Please consult PULS for more information about the courses available.

Study abroad

PhD candidates are encouraged to include a study period abroad in their doctoral training. Studies abroad can give great academic benefits and an opportunity to get international contacts as well as language skills, cultural competence and new experiences.

The Research Council of Norway grants scholarships for this purpose for PhD candidates financed by RCN, and their website provides more information about possibilities for studying abroad.

Some Faculties also offer financial support for a stay abroad. Please contact your Faculty´s PhD coordinator for more information.

Organising a period of study abroad might be time-consuming and the deadlines for funding early, so the PhD candidate should make sure he/she starts planning early enough.

Leave of absence

All PhD candidates must report any longer period of absence from the PhD studies, for instance parental or other leave, longer periods of sick leave or reduced workload because of other projects. In order to qualify for a prolongation, absence must amount to at least two continuous weeks.

PhD candidates employed at UiA as PhD research fellow will find more information about leave of absence and prolongation of the period of appointment here.

All other PhD candidates, please contact your faculty senior adviser/PhD coordinator.

Working at UiA

PhD candidates working at UiA will find useful information on UiAs Intranet.

UiA has several Safety Representatives (verneombud) you can contact concerning physical and psychosocial working environment.

You are also encouraged to join one of our many unions.

UIA wishes to foster a culture which is based on responsibility and openness. All employees are encouraged to speak up about things which do not work, undesirable incidents, accidents/near-accidents, and reporting wrongdoing are all part of the measures required for developing a positive and acceptable work and study environment.

Published Mar. 23, 2024 - Last modified Mar. 25, 2024