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Sources and referencing

By working with us and accessing these resources, you can learn about proper formatting, structuring essays or research papers, academic language and citations.

Copyright and licenses

Creative Commons licenses are designed to make it easy for readers and users of your work to understand what you allow them to do with it. Creative Commons is part of the Open Science movement. 

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Remember that as a student, you must familiarize yourself with the rules for using sources. There are various systems for listing references throughout the text. How it should look depends on which reference style you use. The most commonly used styles at UiA are APA7 and IEEE. Talk to your supervisor if you are in doubt about which style is used for your course. If you have any questions about referencing, you can stop by the guidance desk in the library, or you can sign up for a course If you're wondering how to include the references into the text in a good way, contact Skrivestua for help. 

The Citation Compass

The Citation Compass (Kildekompasset) is a tool that shows you how to correctly refer to different types of sources in APA 7, APA 7 adapted footnotes and IEEE reference styles. The Citation Compass also shows you how to assess the quality of a source. 

Go to The Citation Compass


The EndNote reference tool helps you keep track of your references. Here you can store, organize and reference your sources correctly. Download via AppsAnywhere

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Zotero, like EndNote, is a reference management tool that helps you keep track of your sources as you write. However, Zotero is open source, so if you wish to continue using it after graduation or employment, you may want to keep that in mind when choosing your reference tool.

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 - Last modified June 4, 2024