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Data collection and processing


SurveyXact allows you to conduct surveys.

With SurveyXact you can:

  • Design questionnaires
  • Distribute surveys
  • Monitor data collection
  • And run analytics

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Research data

Research funders and publishers are increasingly demanding that you make research data available. Below you will find services and information on how this can be done. Please contact us if you have any questions about this.

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Sensitive data

Sensitive data is confidential information that could harm a person or organization if disclosed. It can include personal information, banking information, health information and trade secrets.

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Web forms can be used for data collection, questionnaires, registrations and bookings, as well as a dictaphone app for collecting audio recordings and images. The solution is provided by the University of Oslo and UiA is a member institution.

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Nvivo is a program that helps handle many of the manual tasks associated with qualitative analysis.

The software is available through AppsAnywhere.

Go to AppsAnywhere


Exporting data from SurveyXact to SPSS. This procedure is used to continue working with a survey from SurveyXact in SPSS.

Introductory course in SPSS

Step 1: SurveyXact - prepare datasets for export

More about exporting datasets can also be found in this guide from Surveyxact (2016).

  1. Go to the survey you want to export data from.
  2. Go to the ANALYSIS section.
  3. The button for exporting questionnaires can be found on the right side.
  4. Select "Csv European" and press "Next".
  5. In "Format", only Spss should be ticked.
  6. All variables will be selected, unless you request otherwise.
  7. Press "Export" and an export file in zip format will be downloaded. Unpack this.
  8. Go to the downloaded file folder and open "dataset.csv". This should be opened in excel, and then saved as an excel workbook (xlsx format).

Step 2: Import SurveyXact file in SPSS

Students and staff have access to SPSS via Appsanywhere for IT help. 

  1. Open spss.
  2. Choose file > open > data and select the excel workbook you saved in point 8 above.
  3. Select "ok" in the box that appears.
  4. Data will be loaded. This is the raw data, we will now add the labels.
  5. Select file > open > syntax.
  6. Select the "labels" file that was downloaded to the folder from Surveyxact.
  7. A box will now open. There you should select everything (ctrl+ a), then press the green play button (run selection).
  8. Questions and variable names should now be added to the dataset. A report will appear. This can be saved if desired.

Transcription tools

All UIA employees now have access to the Autotekst service. This creates text files from audio recordings and can save you a lot of time.

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Published May 23, 2024 - Last modified May 23, 2024