Norwegian version of this page

Library card and login

First, you need to get a library card from UiA help.

Borrowers affiliated with the University of Agder

Borrowers studying full-time at the University of Agder (UiA) can use their student card (app) to borrow. Students at UiA Videre do not need a student card and can use their national library card as people without institutional affiliation.

Select UiA when you log in to Username and password are the same as for other UIA resources.

Former students can register with their national library card (Bibliotekkortet).

Retired employees who still have a user account and e-mail address at UIA can log in with UIA credentials. If you do not have this account anymore, you can be registered with your national library card (Bibliotekkortet).

Borrowers affiliated with other institutions

Students and staff affiliated with other institutions are welcome to use our services, with some exceptions. External borrowers are not allowed to participate in our courses, and we cannot deliver large quantities of articles or books, or books that need to be borrowed from countries other than the Nordic countries. Please contact the library at your own institution if you have such needs, or if you want them to send books to UIA - Universitetsbiblioteket (UBA).

Borrowers affiliated with other educational institutions use the card from these institutions. If you do not have such a card, you can use your national library card as a person without institutional affiliation. The card must be activated at UBA.

To log in to Oria, you must

1. Use UiA's website (uia.oria).

2. Log in with Feide and select the connection to your own institution (which is not UiA).

3. Use credentials from your own institution.

Persons without institutional affiliation

You are welcome to use UiA - Universitetsbiblioteket even if you are not affiliated with a specific institution. You can use the national library card (Bibliotekkortet) issued by any public library in Norway, when activated by UiA help.

If you do not have a national library card, you can find your digital card or create a digital card for free at the National Library of Norway by logging in with your ID port (MinID, BankID, etc.) or with the national identity number and PIN code you use at the public library. Go to the National Library's "Library card"..

When you want to log in to, use the number from your national library card as your user ID and the password you created when you received an email from us in connection with your registration as a library patron.

Published Apr. 17, 2024 - Last modified May 23, 2024