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Fees and charges

Pay your fees
Reminders can be paid with Vipps (UiA number: 103923. Select: "Purringer biblioteket") or by card.

If you pay with Vipps, you can present the receipt on your phone at the UiA Help desk, which will delete the amount from your account. If you want to pay by card, you can use the payment terminal at the UiA Help desk. Select "other payment" and enter the amount. A receipt will be transferred to the Help desk, which will delete the amount from your library account.


  • Late fee/reminder (25 NOK)
    A reminder is sent out when the item (book, journal, CD, etc.) is overdue. The fee applies to each individual item. You will receive two reminders of NOK 25 each before a replacement fee is issued.

    Replacement fee (750 NOK)
    A replacement fee is issued if an item is lost or severely damaged. The fee of NOK 750 is issued when the patron has not responded to previous reminders. The fee applies to each individual item.

    Administration fee (250 NOK)
    The administration fee of 250 NOK is issued in connection with the replacement fee and must be paid even if the replacement fee is withdrawn. The administration fee covers the cost of administering reminders and fees for the overdue item.

    Once you have received a reminder for an overdue item, the loan cannot be renewed, but must be returned. At the same time, you pay the fee. If no one is waiting for the item, you can borrow it again.

    Once you have paid a fee of NOK 150 or more, you will be blocked from borrowing or renewing loans.

When are fees issued?

  • When an item is delayed
  • When an item is not returned
  • When an item is damaged

Fees apply to each item and are issued at 14-day intervals in relation to the last due date.

The due date is only final when:

  • Automatic renewal is maximized
  • Another patron has reserved the item

The fees are then issued in this way:

1. reminder is sent out 14 days after the last due date.
2. a reminder is sent out 14 days after the 1st reminder.

Replacement and administration fees are issued 14 days after the 2nd reminder.

Pay your fees

See more information to the right!

Compensation and administration fees will be invoiced. The invoice is sent to your email address. When the amount is paid, the loan is removed from your library account. The sooner you pay, the sooner you can resume lending.

Partial payments are not accepted.

How is the replacement fee calculated?
The replacement fee is calculated based on the purchase price and the cost of preparing an item for lending. The amount can exceed 750 NOK for valuable documents. The replacement fee at UBA corresponds to the fees at other university libraries.

Tips for avoiding fees

  • All patrons at the University Library of Agder should manage their loans by logging in to Oria and My Account.
  • Remember to accept the library's notifications on SMS and e-mail. Contact UiA Help to activate these services.
  • Remember to add to the list of secure senders.
  • Also remember that the return of material is not person-dependent, so if you are delayed, maybe someone can deliver for you? If, for extraordinary reasons, you are unable to return an item by the due date, please contact the university library immediately.
Published Apr. 17, 2024 - Last modified June 7, 2024