Norwegian version of this page

Loan, renew and return

How to loan, renew and return.


  • Follow the instructions on the self-service machine with your library card.
  • Copies of articles do not need to be registered, these can be retained.
  • Ordered books can be found in Hentehylla at UiA Help. When a book or article can be picked up, you will receive an email or SMS with a pick-up message. Ordered books in the retrieval shelf are marked with your student number or employee number.
  • Books in the retrieval shelf must be picked up before the retrieval deadline expires. If you can't pick them up in time, please contact us so we can change the pick-up deadline.

Loan period

Our normal loan period is 14 days.

The loan period is automatically renewed 5 times for students and borrowers not affiliated with UiA and 24 times for employees, unless the loan is ordered by someone else. In that case, you will be notified by e-mail.

Maximum loan period: Students 12 weeks. Employees 50 weeks.

Loans of journal issues and CDs are not renewed.

The library may set different loan periods for parts of the collections or stop lending certain materials.

For literature borrowed from other libraries, the owner library's rules for lending and compensation apply. These books can be renewed in the usual way in Oria.


As a borrower, you are personally responsible for the resources you borrow, and you must ensure that they are returned on time and in good condition.

We will notify you in advance of the due date and on the due date itself. If you do not return the items, we will send you a reminder and a notice of the actual compensation fee. A late fee will be charged for the first and second reminder after the due date. The due date notification is sent as an SMS, provided that you have a Norwegian mobile phone number.

How often the emails are sent out depends on the loan period for the individual document. For example, a book that can only be borrowed on a daily basis will receive a compensation fee sooner than a book that can be borrowed for 12 weeks. When a loan is several weeks late, you will receive a loan stop.

The compensation notice is the last resort to deliver or pay compensation before we send the invoice. Invoices with compensation fees are sent a few weeks later and cost NOK 750 per document. The administration fee for invoices is NOK 250. We do not accept a new copy as a replacement. For borrowed documents, the owner's library's rates apply. Particularly valuable works must be replaced in full.

You can see the status of loans, orders and fees when you log in to Oria. NB! If you do not receive an email, please check your trash and accept the sender If you have borrowed books, you will receive an email with a loan overview on the 2nd day of each month. Check if you receive this email!

Loans outside Norway

UiA - Universitetsbiblioteket (UBA) arranges interlibrary loans to libraries in Norway and abroad. The libraries do not provide interlibrary loans to students and staff at UiA, they must reserve and order directly. This also applies to students who are part-time students at UiA.

Click here for more information for distance students and students living far from campus.

Numbers to the ISIL library:
Campus Kristiansand: NO-1100101
Campus Grimstad: NO-1090401

Terms and conditions
Check the lending terms in regardless of whether you order from your own library system or via Log in and click all the way down to item level. If you only look at the sub-collection level (for example "Location: Kristiansand UBA / KRIS 808.066 Thi"), it may look as if we have an item available, but it is one that is only for day loans.

UBA interlibrary loans documents with short-term loans, such as DVDs, music CDs and magazine booklets, or day loans.

The price per article/chapter copy is NOK 60. Norfri libraries are exempt.

Orders via Oria and from your own catalog
The interlibrary loan protocol NCIP P2P was introduced in 2017 and sends orders between different library systems. You can order directly from your own system, but you can also order in Oria.

Log in to Oria:
Select Feide and log in with the username and password that applies to your library.

In the tab "Interlibrary loan (beta)" you can order a loan. You will receive a receipt for your own library system. The standard loan period is 42 days.

In the tab "Find and order" you can order a copy. You will not receive a receipt for your library system. Copies of electronic journals can only be ordered via e-mail. The standard loan period is the same as for all students. See loan terms and conditions.

Different ordering functionalities make it difficult for public libraries to get an overview of the loans from UBA.

We refer to the information pages of Unit (formerly Bibsys) and the National Library of Norway.

Ordering guide for libraries with other library systems than Alma.

Library transport
UBA uses Norwegian Library Transport (NBT). When a library has not received their document within a reasonable time, they must contact UBA. If the document has been sent, UBA registers discrepancies and notifies the ordering library. UBA also registers discrepancies when the document is returned to us, but does not arrive within a reasonable time.

See our terms and conditions for compensation. For smaller libraries that do not have their own finance department, we send the invoice to the municipality or county council.


Loans are automatically renewed 5 times for students and patrons not affiliated with UiA and 24 times for employees. This applies unless a copy has been ordered by someone else, in which case you will be notified by email with a letter about the change of due date.

For interlibrary loans, you can request renewal from your account in Oria. It may take a few days before a new due date is set. You will receive an email notification if the renewal is rejected by the owning library.


Return by using the self-service machine in the library and follow the instructions on the screen.

Due books must be returned before or on the due date. If you are unable to return books on campus, you can return them to other libraries in Agder before the due date. It is also possible to return books from many other libraries in Norway. Please notify the library of the date you may deliver to another library.

Interlibrary loan books that UiA has borrowed for you can also be delivered to other libraries, BUT these MUST be returned to UiA.

Published Apr. 17, 2024 - Last modified May 31, 2024