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The FORTHEM Alliance

UiA is a member of the European University Alliance FORTHEM.

Image may contain: Person, Hair, Facial expression, Smile, Gesture.


FORTHEM - Fostering Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility, is one of 44 European University Alliances funded by the European Commission’s flagship Erasmus+ initiative. The Alliance consists of 9 universities from 9 different countries working on in-depth transnational collaboration in education, research, innovation and service to society.

The Alliance affords a variety of opportunities to students, staff, businesses, schools and other organisations in the members’ communities. 

UiA became a full member of the FORTHEM European University Alliance in September 2022.

The other members are

Image may contain: Person, Hair, Fun, Crowd, Event.

Art & Aesthetics in Contemporary Society

UiA coordinates the Art & Aesthetics in Contemporary Society lab.

Learn more about the lab