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Marit Kringlen

“It is essential that the voices and needs of temporary staff are included in the university's future policies and strategies.”

PhD Research Fellow Marit Kringlen

Department of Economics and Finance

School of Business and Law


Why are you running for election?

I am running to maintain and develop solutions that support both professional and personal growth of temporary staff at the university.

What are the three most important issues you will work on if elected to the university board?

  1. Formally include the needs of temporary staff in the university's strategic plans. It is essential that the voices and needs of temporary staff are included in the university's future policies and strategies. I will advocate for:
    Improved access to research groups and resources: This includes increasing the allocation of research funding specifically for projects led by or heavily involving temporary staff. Enabling temporary staff to lead and participate in research projects will enhance their professional profile and contribute to a more dynamic academic culture.
    Voting rights in key decision-making processes: I will work to ensure that temporary staff are represented on relevant committees and boards that make decisions that affect their working conditions and career development.
    Support for work-life balance: I will propose measures to promote flexibility in working conditions, tailored to the needs of those balancing academic careers with personal commitments. To support a healthy work-life balance, it is essential to protect the financial and career interests of temporary staff during leave of absence and sick leave. I will work to ensure that these periods are taken into account in salary progression and that they do not adversely affect career progression or opportunities for further engagement.
  2. Promote advanced research tools and technologies, especially in AI. I believe it is imperative that the university is up to date with modern tools, especially in the field of AI. This ranges from AI-powered literature searches and summaries for efficient information management, to automated data analysis and AI-assisted experimental design. Access to such advanced tools can potentially accelerate our research and ensure that we remain at the forefront of academic developments.
  3. Improving and developing career preparation for temporary staff. I will work to extend and strengthen career preparation seminars and mentoring programmes that provide practical guidance and encourage networking. I will also promote inter-institutional cooperation that can enhance the career prospects of temporary staff. Through the implementation of inclusive and fair practices, I will seek to ensure equal opportunities for engagement and fair remuneration for additional responsibilities. My aim is to ensure a forward-looking approach that optimises the career development of all temporary staff at the University.

What qualities/competencies do you have that make you a suitable candidate for your colleagues to vote for?

My academic and personal background gives me a unique understanding of the challenges faced by temporary staff in higher education. In parallel with my PhD, I completed an additional master’s degree and balanced this with the birth of three children during my tenure. Combined with my experience in teaching and research, this gives me a broad perspective of the academic environment and a comprehensive understanding of the diverse needs of temporary staff. Driven by a strong commitment to fairness and innovation, and with the experience of serving on the Faculty Board of the School of Business and Law, I have the necessary qualities to effectively represent temporary staff on the University Board. I am committed to promoting an inclusive and fair academic culture that values and supports the contributions and growth of all members.

About you:


2021: MSc in Accounting and Auditing, University of Agder

2016: MSc Financial Economics, University of Agder

Work Experience:

2018-present: Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Economics, with 25% teaching

2013-2018: Customer Advisor, Nordea

2010-2013: Key Account Manager, Phonero

Previous/Other Board Experience:

2024: Board Member at the Business School, UiA


Published Apr. 30, 2024 - Last modified Apr. 30, 2024