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Erik Magnussen

«I would like to influence the university's development and at the same time safeguard and promote the interests of temporary staff in important decisions.”

Erik Magnussen

PhD Research Fellow Erik Magnussen
Department of Political Science and Management
Faculty of Social Sciences

Why are you running for election?

- It's great to see how much has happened at UiA since I finished my master's degree just over ten years ago. Now that I'm back as a research fellow, I would like to influence the university's further development and at the same time safeguard and promote the interests of temporary staff in important decisions.

What are the three most important issues you will work for if you are elected?

- I don't have any specific individual issues, but I will work to ensure good follow-up and facilitation of temporary academic staff. This includes both working conditions, rights, and career development, but also good support/facilitation, information flow and participation, so that temporary employees feel fully included as an important part of UIA. I think everyone performs their best when they are happy and feel safe, but this is perhaps particularly important for temporary employees.

What qualities/skills do you have that make your colleagues want to vote for you?

- Calm, a good listener and constructive. Furthermore, I have both research and practical experience from working with strategy and development in large public organizations, which I think will come in handy if I am elected.

A few facts about Erik Magnussen:

Lives in Porsgrunn, Telemark. Research fellow at the Department of Political Science and Management Studies. I also have a secondary position at Telemark Research Institute.


  • 2018: One year study in social planning, Innlandet University College
  • 2013: Master's degree in public policy and management, University of Agder
  • 2011: Bachelor’s degree in political science, University of Agder

Work experience:

  • 2023-d.d.: Research fellow, Department of Political Science and Management, University of Agder
  • 2018-d.d.: Researcher, Telemarksforsking
  • 2017-2018: Advisor and project manager, Department of Regional Development, Telemark County Council
  • 2013-2017: Advisor, county councilor's staff / political advisor, county mayor, Telemark County Council
Published Apr. 30, 2024 - Last modified Apr. 30, 2024