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UiA supports Ukraine

Out of respect for and support of the Ukrainian people, UiA has changed its colours to yellow and blue.

Photo of UiA's logo in Ukraine colors outside campus.
Photo: UiA
By Arne Martin Larsen
Published Mar. 3, 2022 - Last modified May 10, 2024

“We condemn the war in Ukraine. The change of the UiA signs in front of both campuses symbolises our support to UiA’s Ukrainian students and staff and to our university colleagues in Ukraine. Our deepest sympathy goes to everyone who is affected by the recent events. The war is not just an attack on Ukraine, but an attack on democracy”, says Rector Sunniva Whittaker.

“It is important to emphasize that we condemn the Russian regime’s actions. We do not condemn the Russian people. Many people in Russia have rejected the war at great risk to their own lives. They also need our support. In this situation, we must take care of all of our students and staff”, says Whittaker.

Meetings with students and staff

Rector Whittaker has met students and staff from Ukraine and Russia this week along with representatives from UiA’s International Office and SiA Health.

“These have been emotional meetings with people who are affected by the war in different ways. In this situation, it is important to take care of all of our students and employees from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus”, says Whittaker.

The University of Agder is a member of Universities Norway (UHR) and the European University Association. Read UHR’s statement against the war here in EnglishUkrainian and Russian.

The EUA includes more than 850 universities in 48 European countries. The EUA issued a public statement today about the war.