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Quality Assurance System for Education

Adopted by the University Board 27 January 2021.

It is an aim of the University of Agder to be an open and inclusive university with clear and future-oriented education management at all levels. The quality assurance system is an essential part of the management of education, anchored in the university’s strategy and in the academic fields that constitute the basis of the university’s study programme portfolio. The quality assurance system should be characterised by a culture of cooperation in the meeting between employees, students, working life and society.

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The quality assurance system is divided in the following chapters:

1. Introduction

In the introduction chapter the quality assurance system is described as a continuous process aimed at developing quality in courses, study programmes and study programme portfolio. In addition, the legal basis of the quality assurance system is described.

2. Quality assurance system objectives

The overall objective of the quality assurance system is that the students should achieve the best possible learning outcomes and personal development in relevant educations that prepare them for working life and a society in change. The governing bodies and management at all levels of the university are responsible for quality assurance system and will support the development of a quality culture among employees and students.

3. Roles, responsibilities and tasks

The chapter describes the roles, responsibilities and tasks in the quality assurance system for boards and committees, leaders, students and student representatives at UiA.

4. Processes and reports

The quality assurance system is organised in relation to courses, study programmes and the study programme portfolio. Information from relevant sources should systematically be collected and used as basis for quality assurance system work. Among other factors, assessments must be based on relevant quality indicators.

5. Training and follow-up of employees

Description of the responsibilities for training and follow-up of employees.

Published Apr. 15, 2024 - Last modified Apr. 15, 2024