Personnel policy for the University of Agder 2021-2024

The purpose of the personnel policy is to provide motivation for collaboration and stimulation for outstanding individual and collective achievements so that the University of Agder (UiA) succeeds in achieving its social mission, vision and strategy. 

The policy shall be ambitious and must be perceived as meaningful and stimulating. It will contribute to the development of a positive working environment at the university.

Our personnel policy shall promote UiA's vision, the “co - creation for the knowledge of the future”, and builds upon UiA's core values: professionalism, openness, respect and trust (“FÅR-Tillit”). Our academic culture is characterised by academic freedom, sustainability and diversity, cf. UiA’s strategy 2021-24.

Employees at UiA contribute together to ensuring that the strategic goals are met. UiA aims to work purposefully and strategically to recruit, develop and retain skilled employees. Expectations for the individual employee, leaders at UiA and the organisational framework appear in the personnel policy.


In recent years, UiA has enjoyed a significant growth in the number of employees and students. 588 of our employees have been employed in the last 3 years. Our operations are also characterised by increasing internationalisation and demands for sustainability. In addition, we as an organisation are the driving force for, and are affected by, ever-increasing demands for digitalisation, innovation and the requirement to facilitate "learning throughout life".

Such framework conditions and development features provide guidelines for personnel policy. The corona situation has shown us that we are flexible and possess a great ability to adapt. The extensive collaboration across units and disciplines has provided us with valuable insight and expertise, and created a sense of pride in what we achieve together. We wish to preserve and strengthen these positive factors.

The values, plans and declarations upon which the personnel policy is based

Our personnel policy is in part based upon the the state's personnel and employer policy.

The University has joined the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, and the associated development process, HRS4R, (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers).This declaration comprises general principles and requirements regarding quality which secure employment and working conditions for researchers and their employers.  

Gender equality and the equal status of humans shall characterise the fundamental attitude to, and daily actions of, students and employees at the University. UiA's core values are elaborated upon in the Ethical guidelines for the University of Agder. These core values are the basis for co-creation, collaboration and management at the university. The core values must be emphasised when difficult cases need resolving. All employees should know these values. As good role models, leaders are expected to practice the core values.

Examples of how leaders and employees can translate the core values into visible cultural expressions:

  • everyone participates in a fact-based and honest manner, utilising their knowledge in public and internal discussions and dissemination activities
  • everyone is aware of the influence, power and responsibility inherent in the role each individual has at the university
  • everyone responds to inquiries without unnecessary delays
  • everyone contributes towards transparency in internal processes. This is to be done with respect, and within the framework of privacy protection (GDPR) to safeguard the individual's integrity
  • everyone is aware that developing a positive learning environment for our students is a core task in order to accomplish our social mission

The working environment at the University of Agder

UiA must have an attractive, inclusive and dynamic work environment that motivates employees and engenders enthusiasm. Such a work environment is characterised by commitment, cooperation, security and dialogue. Strategies and goals must be realistic and maintain a good working environment.

The continuous improvement of a good physical and psychosocial work environment that promotes health, commitment and good collegial relations shall be facilitated. The employer has a particular responsibility to ensure that work environment measures are implemented. It is the responsibility of the individual employee to ensure that the implementation of measures is successful. The individual is expected to contribute positively to the community and to co-creation, and to be aware that we all have a duty to contribute to a good working environment; "we are each other's working environment".

This is in part expressed in the sense that: 
  • active dispute is characterised by our values: professionalism, openness, respect and trust
  • joint events be held that support the desired UiA culture and contribute to the employees becoming «UiA-proud»
  • employees collaborate across departments and scientific / administrative disciplines, and in so doing find that their perspectives, thoughts, ideas and opinions are valued
  • a constructive and well-meaning feedback culture exists
  • the working environment is a topic that is raised regularly at staff meetings / general meetings at the departments in question
  • clear and unambiguous requirements are in place for the employees' participation in a good working environment
  • courses and training are provided regarding relevant HSE topics and issues
  • the working environment is comprehensively surveyed and further developed through (not exclusively) annual safety inspections and the implementation of a working environment survey every two years in close collaboration with the safety and work environment service
  • conflicts are handled in a constructive manner and as early as possible, cf. the conflict management routine and / or the reporting routines, “Speak Up”
  • preventive work is carried out to combat harassment in the workplace, cf. Action plan for equality, diversity and inclusion
  • we pay particular attention to the working environment of research fellows and employees who have recently been recruited from other countries
  • leaders gain knowledge about collaboration, participation and co-determination through annual collaboration seminars

The personnel policy shall contribute to ensuring that UiA recruits, develops, and retains employees.

The personnel policy shall contribute to: 

1. Recruiting employees

UiA shall be an attractive and inclusive workplace that attracts skilled employees from across the entire world. UiA shall pursue an agressive recruitment policy in which we make use of our various advantages.

This is expressed in the following ways: 

  • that an open and thorough assessment is carried out and a plan undertaken regarding the competence needs at UiA in the short and long term
  • that the academic environments, through their national and international networks, contribute to finding good candidates for vacant positions
  • that the recruitment process is carried out professionally and in an orderly and efficient manner with the primary goal being to hire the best qualified candidates
  • that, as a general rule, permanent positions are advertised
  • that a better gender balance is strived for in departments, academic fields and in various job types, cf. Action plan for gender equality - inclusion and diversity
  • that apprentices are recruited in several academic fields and that UiA provides opportunities for job training and practice for people who are outside working life
  • that diversity is emphasised in the recruitment of employees
  • that UiA has a professional introduction programme that ensures that all new employees are well received, become acquainted with their work tasks, gain knowledge of the core values of UiA in order to gain a sense of identity and belonging, and receive good training to be able to carry out their work effectively (knowledge of available support, tools, systems, routines and guidelines and processes)
  • that international employees receive particularly good follow-up and training so that they will be included and taken care of and understand what is expected in Norwegian working life
  • that requirements are put in place and arrangements made so that  international permanent employees learn Norwegian. Norwegian is the language used both in collaboration with colleagues and students, cf. Language policy (new language policy is under preparation)
  • that the mentoring scheme for new academic staff is offered
  • that the salary policy is a means of good recruitment, cf. UiA's wage policy

2. Staff development


Good management is necessary in order that the university achieve its goals, and for ensuring a positive working environment, as well as staff development. UiA shall have strategic, clear and involving leaders who are able to make decisions and implement these in dialogue with employees that are affected by them. Leaders at UiA must be open, show respect and have the ability to think holistically, cf. Leadership principles at UiA.

This is expressed in the following ways: 

  • that leaders are concerned to develop as a leader, and exercise leadership in order to ensure the safeguarding of strategies, goal achievement, and a sound and developing work environment
  • that leaders should show consideration and care for their employees
  • that leaders are clear in their communication and open to suggestions and views from their employees and colleagues.
  • that leaders work systematically with the implementation of UiA's strategy
  • that leaders pass on key information to their employees
  • that leaders work systematically to map critical areas of competence and ensure competence transfer and / or making appointments as needed
  • that leaders at UiA are clear and have an understanding of the role as stewards of employer’s liability
  • that leadership is carried out via dialogue, delegation and co-determination
  • that leaders cultivate the commitment of their employees
  • that leaders facilitate the development of their employees' competence and skills, and that such development is planned in annual employee development interviews
  • that new leaders participate in training with regard to key topics and in mentoring programmes
  • that feedback is given to management through systematic working environment surveys (ARK)
  • that leaders actively seek feedback from employees and management colleagues
  • that employees in the academic departments and senior management support and provide solution-oriented advice for leaders
  • that leaders give each other constructive feedback and collegial support

Staff cooperation

Good staff cooperation is the basis of professional pride and job satisfaction. Employees are familiar with UiA's social responsibility as a university. Positive co-operation means that employees take responsibility, show initiative and participate actively. The willingness to change is a prerequisite for challenging, supporting and developing UiA and wider society. Good staff cooperation provides the framework within which the individual employee realises his or her potential and resources. This benefits both the individual employee and UiA.

This is expressed in the following ways: 

  • staff have the opportunity for, and contribute to, the development of the work environment and academic subject
  • employees are solution-oriented and attempt to find solutions that are in UiA's best interests
  • employees are familiar with and understand UiA's goals and focus areas, and how employees should contribute, for example through collaborating with external parties and an increased degree of interdisciplinarity and co-creation
  • academic and administrative staff show each other mutual support and respect, and use each other's expertise actively
  • the individual employee contributes to the development of UiA, his or her own work situation and career
  • employees are able to adapt in line with new framework conditions and technological developments
  • employees stay up to date on information provided in common information channels
  • employees give each other constructive feedback and collegial support

Co-determination and participation

Collective co-determination is ensured through the employee organisations and is implemented in accordance with the adaptation agreement in order to ensure the best possible basis for co-operation between the parties. UiA shall have arenas at all levels where the employees have the opportunity to exercise influence in realising strategy and goals, as well as having the opportunity for innovation and participation in decision-making processes with noteworthy significance for their own employment situation.         

This is expressed in the following ways: 

  • employees know how the collective co-determination works, and that special training is provided for international employees who are not acquainted with the Norwegian system
  • there is transparency concerning ongoing processes
  • there is a call to obtain information on Innaskjærs and in newsletters about meeting places and opportunities for participation and influence
  • the input of staff is valued and taken into consideration, and that input and comments are shown respect

Competence development/professional development

UiA is a knowledge company and is characterised by a culture of lifelong learning, development and ethical reflection. This requires that employees receive competence development and personal development through their work. Employees must be given the requisite space for the solution-oriented co-creation of knowledge. All employees must experience that their formal and non-formal qualificationis are valued, utilised and further developed.

The most important competence development takes place in one’s daily work.

This is expressed in the following ways: 

  • teaching, research, academic and artistic development work and dissemination are equal primary tasks
  • there is an expectation that employees, research groups and academic environments can attain high international academic levels, and this is suitably facilitated
  • digital tools are further developed and utilised in the various work processes and teaching that takes place at UiA
  • employees receive the necessary training in the use of digital tools and support systems
  • employee development interviews are amongst those tools utilised in order to plan the employee's competence development
  • concrete competence-enhancing measures are offered to all employee groups, and arrangements are made for employees to make use of this
  • there is facilitation and opportunity provided for job rotation for technical / administrative employees, cf. Guidelines for competence development techn / adm
  • participation and competence development are facilitated through developing work tasks and projects
  • co-creation, both internal and external, is facilitated
  • team and project work is facilitated
    • participation in internal and external professional forums and professional networks is facilitated
    • leaders facilitate a learning work environment in which knowledge sharing and peer mentoring are naturally integrated into work processes
    • leaders systematically plan how knowledge transfer from senior to new staff is to be ensured

3. Retaining staff

Salaries and renumeration

UiA has adopted a wage policy which is reflective of the fundamental view of the personnel policy; all employees are important for achieving strategic goals. Local wage supplements shall be based on job performance and the competitive situation in the labour market. There shall be equal pay for equal work. All employees at UiA shall be acquainted with the wage policy. There must be transparency about the possibility of negotiating one's own salary. Renumeration and the sense of being valued can also be expressed in other ways than by salary alone.

This is expressed in the following ways: 

  • through favourable working conditions including stability, good infrastructure and the ability to exercise significant influence on one's own work situation
  • in the sense that work planning emphasises time for continuous research
  • the existence of open and familiar processes in connection with local negotiations
  • the recognition and visibility of solid achievements

Staff follow-up

It is important to take care of our employees in order to maintain their motivation and commitment, and to facilitate co-creation based on the diversity of the employees' backgrounds, competence and experiences. All staff must contribute to an attractive, inclusive and dynamic work environment. Individual adjustments can be made to the work undertaken based on the employee's prerequisites, life situation and needs at different stages of life and work situation (life phase policy is currently being worked on).

This is expressed in the following ways: 

  • that we have a good feedback culture with open dialogue, based on trust, professionalism and respect
  • that employees find that their thoughts, ideas and opinions are valued
  • that there is an annual invitation to an employee development interview (MUS)
  • that work plans are realistic, and are prepared within a reasonable timeframe in advance of the relevant calendar year, with possibilities for adjustments
  • that internal job rotation is facilitated
  • that leaders follow up employees who have challenges related to the sense of accomplishment or coping in their work
  • that work is adapted individually, and adjusted in accordance with leave or other long absences
  • that employees and leaders have knowledge concerning who to contact in the event of conflicts, sick leave, holidays and other leave
  • that good welfare schemes exist to take care of all employees
  • that invitations to senior interviews are sent, in order that the individuals concerned are then able to influence their own work situations in the final years of working life (the Senior interview)
  • that information is provided concerning caring for pensioners, in part through an established pensioners' association, access to the senior centres, and the possibility of further production through an emeritus scheme at UiA
Published May 13, 2024 - Last modified May 13, 2024