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Priority area 6: Effective communication and infrastructure

To reach the goals of UiA's overall strategy and the priority areas in this plan, communication work at UiA must be of high quality, targeted and effective.

During work on this communication plan, several areas of improvement have emerged. How UiA uses the different communication channels is unclear, there is a lack of capacity for content creation in important formats such as video and sound (podcast), the amount of content in the University’s main channel grows quickly and must be better managed, and we must increase our efforts measuring and analysing the effect of our communication activities.


UiA’s communication is characterised by quality and is clear, uniform and active.

UiA measures and analyses the effect of Its communication activities and makes continual improvements.

It is clearly defined what UiA channel to use for the different messages and target groups.

UiA’s communication promotes and strengthens diversity at the University.

Main measures

  1. Carry out three surveys during this communication plan period to assess the effect of measures in this plan – at the beginning, halfway through and towards the end of the plan timeframe
    Responsibility: Division of Communication
  2. Key communication guidelines will be made available through an online communication manual
    Responsibility: Division of Communication
  3. Create a plan for the use of UiA’s communication channels
    Responsibility: Division of Communication
  4. Set and continuously follow up target figures for the University’s central communication efforts
    Responsibility: Division of Communication
  5. Ensure that UiA’s communication is in accordance with the rules and regulations for universal design
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, Division of IT Services, system owners
  6. Carry out annual user surveys of and small-scale continuous testing of website development
    Responsibility: Division of Communication
  7. Improve coordination of content production and distribution to ensure better reach and impact
    Responsibility: Division of Communication
  8. Strengthen UiA’s expertise and capacity in media formats like video and sound
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, Media Centre, UiA PULS
  9. Manage content on, including removing or storing outdated and/or no longer relevant content
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, faculties/Teacher Education Unit, departments
  10. Use communication activities to promote and strengthen diversity, equality and inclusion at UiA, in accordance with Plan of Action for Equality, Inclusion and Diversity
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, faculties/Teacher Education Unit
Published May 7, 2024 - Last modified May 7, 2024