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Priority area 5: External relations and framework conditions

External relations is the systematic work we do to develop relationships with individuals, businesses, organisations and authorities which are of importance for the University’s work. UiA’s strategy states that we as a co-creation university shall be a recognised partner which cooperates closely with society, business and industry for social development. This cooperation shall ensure that our students are attractive and equipped for future employment.

At UiA this happens within education, research, artistic development work and innovation, through projects, cooperation, networks, an alumni scheme, continuing education and close contact with society, business and industry about cooperation opportunities, practice placements and to assess competence needs.

One priority area in UiA’s strategy is to ensure good framework conditions for learning, innovation, research and artistic development. It also states that UiA must be able to adapt to new framework conditions. It is essential that we keep track of every development in our framework conditions, both regarding regulations and financial conditions. We can then take advantage of the opportunities that exist to affect these positively.


UiAs UiA’s contact with society ensures dialogue, solid relationships and contributes to sustainable social development and value creation.

UiA contributes actively to the positive development of the higher education sector.

UiA uses political communication to bring about better legal and financial framework conditions.

Main measures

  1. Identify UiA’s stakeholders, work, agreements, arenas and activities concerning external relations and implement measures to strengthen and coordinate these and take advantage of synergy effects.
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, the management, faculties/Teacher Education Unit
  2. Communicate directly with relevant decision makers about UiA’s activities and development
    Responsibility: The management, Division of Communication
  3. UiA’s management shall at all times have defined issues to do political work on, in the short, medium and long term
    Responsibility: The management, Management staff, Division of Communication
  4. UiA’s management shall be active participants in public debate
    Responsibility: The management, Division of Communication
  5. Seek key positions in councils and committees to have the opportunity to influence the development of the higher education sector
    Responsibility: The management, faculties/Teacher Education Unit, departments
  6. Expand UiA’s presence at 'Arendalsuka'
    Responsibility: The management, Division of Communication, faculties/ Teacher Education Unit
Published May 7, 2024 - Last modified May 7, 2024