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Priority area 4: Internal communication

UiA's strategy states that the work and learning environment at UiA is attractive, inclusive and dynamic. We must be able to adapt to new framework conditions, disruptive societal events, new technologies and a rapidly changing labour market. And we must ensure the inclusion of our international staff and students.

To achieve this, the internal flow of information must be good. Our students and employees must be aware of the University’s activities, know how to obtain information about and contribute to the discussion around the University’s development, and we must build a common UiA identity and culture. As our university becomes increasingly more international, we must ensure the inclusion of those who still do not understand Norwegian.

The work on this communication plan has revealed several challenges. Employees, including managers, are uncertain how to communicate well internally; important content is not translated into English; the

students lack an internal communication channel; and the internal communication channel for staff, Innaskjærs, has potential for improvement.


UiA’s internal communication is efficient and target-oriented and contributes to quality, inclusion and trust within the organisation.

International students and staff get access to information in English in accordance with UiA’s current language policy guidelines.

UiA uses internal communication to create a common culture and identity.

UiA’s internal communication channels facilitate communication with our students and staff and give them the opportunity to affect the development of the University.

Main measures

  1. Decide on an internal communication channel for UiA students, either in the existing or a new system
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, Division of Student and Academic Affairs, Division of IT Services
  2. Increase the visibility of UiA’s leadership team through regular messages to UiA’s staff and students
    Responsibility: The management, Division of Communication
  3. Continue to develop UiA’s weekly newsletter with focus on customising content to different target audiences, to make it feel more relevant and valuable
    Responsibility: Division of Communication
  4. Develop Innaskjærs with the aim to bring more visibility to important content on the front page, improve search options and facilitate internal dicsussions around UiA’s development
    Responsibility: Division of Communication
  5. Ensure that information for students and staff is available in English, in accordance with UiA’s current language policy guidelines
    Responsibility: All units, UiA PULS, Division of Communication
  6. Help managers and other employees strengthen their communication skills
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, Division of Human Resources
  7. Organise annual internal events and/or communication campaigns targeting students and staff to contribute to creating a common university identity, build culture and make UiA’s values known
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, Division of Human Resources, Division of Student and Academic Affairs, the management
Published May 7, 2024 - Last modified May 7, 2024