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Priority area 2: Recruitment

UiA’s strategy states that we will be a growing university, have an attractive work and learning environment and attract good students and talented employees. The recruitment policy for both students and employees shall be ambitious, and we seek to increase our continuing education offer.

UiA’s market share of first priority applicants in the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service has been stable at around 4.8 per cent over the last years. 50 per cent of UiA students come from our own region. Numbers for Agder in national reputation surveys in recent years show that we are very well known among young target audiences in our own region. The potential for growth in applicant numbers therefore lies outside the region of Agder.


UiA shall have an increase in the number of qualified applicants for all graduate programmes and have a market share of more than 6 per cent in the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service by 2024.

UiA shall increase the proportion of young people in Norway who know and have a positive impression of UiA.

UiA will strengthen its international recruitment of students and employees in accordance with the current action plan for internationalisation.

UiA is an attractive partner for continuing education nationally, and a preferred partner in the region, in accordance with the action plan for continuing education.

UiA’s communication in connection with recruitment of employees shall contribute to increase the University’s attractiveness as an employer

Main measures

  1. UiA shall increase its marketing in regions outside Agder where the University is less known today, while also maintain its position in the region
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, faculties/Teacher Education Unit
  2. Strengthen expertise and capacity in digital marketing and online visibility
    Responsibility: Division of Communication
  3. Revise the parts of targeting potential students
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, faculties/Teacher Education Unit, Division of Student and Academic Affairs
  4. Increase the use of student ambassadors in recruitment efforts and employ them throughout the year
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, faculties/Teacher Education Unit
  5. Use alumni as ambassadors and target potential students nationally and internationally
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, faculties/Teacher Education Unit
  6. Strengthen and systematise our contact with applicants for our study programmes to avoid a drop in number of applicants during the application process
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, Division of Student and Academic Affairs, faculties/Teacher Education Unit
  7. In our communication we will connect UiA’s study programmes to our interdisciplinary priority areas to show their relevance for key societal challenges
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, faculties/Teacher Education Unit
  8. Use surveys like 'Studiebarometeret', 'Kandidatundersøkelsen' and 'Studiestartundersøkelsen' actively and help ensure good response rates are achieved in these
    Responsibility: Faculties/Teacher Education Unit, departments, Division of Communication
  9. Implement annual campaigns to recruit UiA students for graduate and postgraduates studies
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, faculties/Teacher Education Unit
  10. Market UiA internationally in accordance with the goals in our action plan for internationalisation
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, Division of Student and Academic Affairs, faculties/Teacher Education Unit
  11. Carry out a project to revise UiA’s communication in connection with recruitment of employees, and implement measures to improve UiA’s brand as an employer, nationally and internationally
    Responsibility: Division of Human Resources, Division of Communication
  12. Strengthen regional and national campaigns to promote UiA as a provider of continuing education under the brand 'UiA Videre'
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, faculties/Teacher Education Unit
  13. Promote UiA as an inviting and co-creative host for students, employees and visitors by establishing routines for guided tours, visits and representations
    Responsibility: Division of Communication, faculties/Teacher Education Unit, Division of Student and Academic Affairs, management staff
Published May 7, 2024 - Last modified May 7, 2024