Overall division of responsibility

Principle of line management and management responsibility

UiA follows the principle of line management in the Central Government Communication Policy which says that communication responsibility accompanies case responsibility:

‘The principle of line management means that the responsibility for information and communication follows the responsibility for the issue in question. Responsibility falls to line managers as well as individual staff members. Hence, information and communication has to be considered equal with other types of policy instruments to be employed in order to obtain agreed upon objectives and performance demands. Information and communication should also be considered used in combination with other types of policy instruments.’

- the Central Government Communication Policy, 2009

Communication is a management responsibility at UiA:
‘It is a responsibility of the management to carry out the government’s communication policy, and a special responsibility rests with the top managers. Communication is a tool in line with other policy instruments to help the government reach its objectives and must be integrated in the work processes at an early stage. Managers in state agencies are responsible for letting communication and information be used in a professional, economical way according to ethical standards, internally as well as externally. Managers must make certain that the communication policy is well known and carried out in the agency. It is the management’s responsibility that communication is used as a strategic instrument. The agency shall make sure that managers and leaders at all levels, as well as executive officers and front desk employees, have the necessary competence to secure high quality communication. The management carries the responsibility for efficient coordination of the communication of each agency with adjoining enterprises, whether they be government, municipal or at times even private, when necessary.’

- the Central Government Communication Policy, 2009

The University has a division of communication which has a particular responsibility for facilitating good communication, both externally and internally at UiA.


Here are some examples of how responsibility for communication activities at UiA is divided:

Division of Communication     Faculties/departments
Responsible for the preparation and review of key documents relating to communication efforts at UiA. Contribute to the work to prepare and review key documents concerning communication.

Strengthen external communication about activities (education, research, innovation, development work) which are of particular importance for the University’s development and achieving UiA’s strategy.

Offer training or counselling in communication skills, for example in research dissemination.

Support UiA’s leadership team with internal and external communication.

Responsible for external communication of activities and events at the faculty/department which are relevant to individuals and groups outside UiA.

Report need for training or counselling.

Facilitate good internal communication at institutional level. Develop and maintain internal communication channels at institutional level. Ensure good internal communication within faculties/departments/divisions and ensure that others at UiA get relevant information about the unit's activities.
Overall responsibility for the maintenance, establishment and key information about UiA’s channels of communication at institutional level. Responsibility for training in areas where the Division of Communication has expertise (e.g. web). Create and manage content in UiA’s channels of communication for each faculty/department, in accordance with UiA guidelines (e.g. faculty pages on uia.no, separate social media accounts)
Development of and training in joint guidelines to ensure that UiA’s communication is uniform and of high standard. Ensure that faculty/department communication is in accordance with UiA guidelines.
Organise/coordinate joint communication activities (e.g. the Science Festival, Open Day etc.) Contribute with resources and content for joint communication activities.

Conduct and develop marketing for UiA as a whole.

Aid faculties/departments with advice and support for programme specific marketing activities.

Contribute to development of content for the study programme pages at uia.no. 

Identify and report need for marketing support for specific study programmes.

Cover specific marketing expenses.

Ensure that essential information at institutional level is made available in English for international target audiences.

Ensure that essential information connected to the faculty's/department's area of responsibility is updated and available in English for international target audiences.

UiA PULS Language Services aid with translation and proofreading of English content.

Responsibility for compliance with the Language Act in external communication at institutional level. Follow up and report on the University’s use of 'bokmål' and 'nynorsk'.

Facilitate training in the use of both language varieties.

Responsibility for compliance with the Language Act within area of responsibility. Contribute with data for reporting.

Identify and report need for training.


Published May 7, 2024 - Last modified May 7, 2024