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How to get to Campus Kristiansand

Campus Kristiansand is approximately 3 km from the centre of Kristiansand.


There are many buses running between the university and the centre of Kristiansand (approximately 20 buses each hour each way). See for routes and schedules. 

Electric scooters

You can get to campus by renting an electrical scooter Voi or Ryde. Download the apps of these companies to use the service.


It takes 5 to 10 minutes to bike between the campus and Kristiansand centre. There are proper bike lanes, bike parking and changing rooms on campus.

Bike parking and changing rooms

Cars and parking

Parking spaces are scarce in relation to the daily flow of people on campus (approximately 1,000 employees and close to 10,000 students). Therefore, we recommend opting for other means of transport. 

Car parking on Campus Kristiansand