Information for incoming exchange students

Dear student,

Welcome to the School of Business and Law at UiA! We are pleased with the fact that you have chosen to come to us for your exchange semester. We recommend that you read the information and watch the video below before the semester starts.



Practical information for students taking courses at the School of Business and Law

Timetables and overlapping timetables

You will find details in the timetables as well as in Canvas where the lecturers will provide more detailed information about how the courses are organized.

Please note that all timetables at UiA are subject to change, so check your timetables regularly for updates.  

We can not make a guarantee that all combination of courses that you have signed up for will be possible, due to overlapping timetables. However, some courses are possible to combine even though the actual timetables indicates overlap. At the Business School we do not require compulsory attendance in ordinary lectures. Group-work is also voluntary, and often it is possible to have group work at other timeslots than those that you find in the timetable. Overlap between a lecture in one course and group-work in another will therefore often not be a problem. An hour overlap between two lectures, or overlapping lectures for some weeks only, will normally not be problematic.  

If it is unclear whether or not you can combine courses due to collisions, send an e-mail to for clarification. 

Open the timetables here:

How to apply for new courses at the School of Business and Law

Students who have to change business courses should send an e-mail to where you apply for new courses. 

Remember that you need approval from your home university in order to change courses. See the list of courses here

Only students on master level (fourth or fifth year) are eligible for admission to master level courses (courses with 400 or 500 codes) at the Business School. 

Admitted to too many courses?

If you have been admitted to more courses than you will actually take, there are two ways that you can withdraw from courses:

1) When registering for the first time; you will only sign up for the courses that you have decided to take

2) If you have already registered for more courses than you need; withdraw from the courses that you will not take in StudentWeb

If you are not sure which courses to take, at the time when you register, we recommed that you register for all the courses and then you withdraw at a later stage. The deadline for withdrawal is 14 days before the date for exam. 



We look forward to meeting you on campus in Kristiansand and we hope that you will enjoy your stay with us as an exchange student!

Published May 8, 2024 - Last modified June 26, 2024