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Udforsk AI 2024

Nordic Conference on AI Research in the Education Sector

Bilde generert av kunstig intelligens

Call for Abstracts

Call for abstracts – send oss ditt konferansebidrag her.

Vi ønsker oss bidrag som tematiserer ulike perspektiver på generativ kunstig intelligens på skoler, studiesteder og i utdanningsrelevant forskning. Aktuelle fagområder kan være pedagogikk, fagdidaktikk, literacy, språkvitenskap, informatikk, programmering, ledelsesfag eller oversetting – men er ikke begrenset til noen av disse.

Abstraktet skal være på maksimalt 300 ord + litteraturliste. Abstraktet kan leveres på skandinaviske språk eller engelsk. For symposium sendes felles abstrakt på maksimalt 1000 ord + litteraturliste. Husk å angi tittel på innlegget, kontaktinformasjon og institusjon.

Abstraktene vurderes av programkomiteen og gis tilbakemelding på som akseptert eller ikke akseptert uten begrunnelse.

Abstrakt sendes til:

Frist for innsending av abstrakt er 15. august 2024.

Udforsk, the Center for Educational Research at the University of Agder, invites you to the Nordic Conference on AI Research in the Education Sector, which will take place from Monday, December 2, 2024, to Tuesday, December 3, 2024, in Kristiansand.

Registration opens on September 15, 2024.

There is no participation fee for the conference

Conference theme

Theme: Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education

What happens when generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is now being adopted by students, teachers, and researchers in the education sector? How do schools, educational institutions, educational pathways, and education-related research get affected? And what ethical, methodological, and pedagogical implications arise in the wake of the “ChatGPT wave”? These are the questions that form the basis for the Udforsk AI 2024 research conference.

Udforsk AI 2024 aims to bring together researchers, educators, and professionals across various fields and disciplines to explore new developments in AI research within the education sector. The conference will feature a dedicated session for Ph.D. candidates, providing an opportunity for them to discuss, receive feedback on their work, and engage in scholarly dialogue. Additionally, parallel paper and symposium sessions will be organized for researchers and other experts. The conference program will be tailored based on the submitted contributions.

Keynote speakers 

Marte Blikstad-Balas, Universitetet i Oslo

Marte Blikstad-Balas is a professor at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research at the University of Oslo. Her research explores how digitalization is transforming the Norwegian school system and the distinguishing features of reading on paper versus screens. Blikstad-Balas is a highly productive and sought-after research communicator and Editor in chief of Nordic Journal of Educational Reseach.

Neil Selwyn, Monash University

Neil Selwyn is a professor of education at Monash University, Australia. His research spans three decades and focuses on the integration of digital technology in schools, higher education, and adult learning. Selwyn has authored numerous books in this field and is internationally recognized for his work on educational issues related to digital technology and artificial intelligence.

Pigga Keskitalo, Universitetet i Lappland

Pigga Keskitalo is a professor and educational researcher at the University of Lapland. She is also a member of the Finnish Sámi Parliament. Her research focuses on indigenous issues related to cultural representation, educational history, Sámi languages, and cross-cultural AI literacy – within the entire Arctic region.

Rune Johan Krumsvik, Universitetet i Bergen

Rune Johan Krumsvik is a professor of pedagogy and educator-of-merit at the University of Bergen. His extensive research covers digitalization in the education sector and healthcare, with numerous scientific publications, including work in the field of artificial intelligence. Krumsvik serves as the Editor in chief of the Nordic Journal for Digital Literacy and is a co-editor for Frontiers in Pediatrics.


Important dates

Submission of abstracts: August 15, 2024

Approval of abstracts: mid-September 2024

Registration opens: September 15, 2024

Final program presented: October 1, 2024

Last date for registration: November 15


The conference will include keynote speeches, paper sessions, a PhD seminar, and lunch on both days.

The final program will be announced soon.

Contact person:

Picture of Jon Olav Sørhaug
+47 38 14 21 56



Published May 16, 2024 2:02 PM - Last modified May 24, 2024 2:31 PM