Norwegian version of this page

Disputation: Obed Opoku Afram

Obed Opoku Afram will defend the thesis for  "Students’ mathematical modelling with the aid of digital technologies: An Activity and Affordance Theory perspective" for the PhD degree.

Photo of Obed Opoku Afram

Obed Opoku Afram has followed the Ph.D. programme at Faculty Of Engineering and Science, with spesialisation in Mathematical Sciences, Scientific Field Mathematics Education.

  • Trial lecture starts 27 August at 11.00
  • Public defence starts 28 August at 10.00

Title of trial lecture: TBA

Disputation chair: Ingvald Erfjord, Department of Mathematical Sciences

Assessment committee

  • First opponent: Professor Cyril Julie, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
  • Second opponent: Professor Vince Geiger, Australian Catholic University, Australia 
  • Chair of assessment committee: Professor Pauline Vos, HVL (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences)

Supervisors in the doctoral work

  • Main supervisor: Professor Said Hadjerouit, UiA
  • Co-supervisor: Professor John Monaghan, UiA

Summary of thesis

Digital technologies in mathematical modelling activities are receiving increased attention in curriculum and policy documents in Norway and internationally. An important point arising from different interests in technology and students’ mathematical modelling activities is the various forms of interactions that emerge within students’ activities generated by digital technologies.

This thesis explores how secondary school students in Norway use digital technologies to solve mathematical modelling tasks in group settings. It extends beyond individual thinking to examine how students interact with each other and the technology. Through observing and analyzing group activities in four schools, the study provides three key insights. First, solving mathematical modelling tasks with digital technologies involves a network of interactions where each aspect of the group modelling activity affects the task. Second, the students’ problem-solving steps were mapped, demonstrating how technology facilitates their solutions. Third, the research identified both the benefits and challenges of using digital technologies, including their impact on group dynamics and problem-solving methods. 

This thesis contributes to research in mathematics education and draws various implications out of the major findings for students’ use of digital technologies in mathematical modelling activities: the potential influence of digital technologies in group interactions, students’ tendency to select or use particular digital technologies, the impact of different types of mathematical modelling tasks on interaction dynamics, and students’ roles in group modelling activities. 

What to do as an online audience member

The disputation is open to the public. To follow the trial lecture and the public defence online, register on Zoom (link coming soon).

We ask online audience members to join no earlier than 10 minutes in advance. After these times, you can leave and rejoin the meeting at any time. 

Opponent ex auditorio: 

Deadline for the public to pose questions is during the break between the two opponents. Questions ex auditorio can be submitted to Disputation Chair Ingvald Erfjord.

Contact person

Picture of Viktoria Belous
PhD adviser
+47 38 14 23 46


Faculty of Engineering and Science
Published July 2, 2024 9:29 AM - Last modified July 3, 2024 10:50 AM