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UiA graduate works with artificial intelligence in South Korea

An education in computer engineering gave Henriette Folåsen the inspiration to pack her bags and move to Seoul.

Henriette Folåsen against purple background

There are many opportunities with a bachelor's degree in computer engineering. Henriette Folåsen settled in South Korea and aspires to work for Samsung or Hyundai in the future. Photo: Private

By Damares Stenbakk
Published Apr. 17, 2024 - Last modified Apr. 22, 2024

“Computer engineers will play a decisive role in developing our new technological lives,” says Henriette Folåsen (26).

She holds a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from the University of Agder (UiA). After completing her studies, she worked as a software consultant in Oslo before deciding to move to the capital of South Korea.

She received a scholarship there to pursue her master's degree while working with artificial intelligence.

Inspired by gaming

Folåsen has been interested in computers and gaming for as long as she can remember, which inspired her to become a computer engineer. However, she assures that prior knowledge of data or technology is not necessary:

Woman at a restaurant
Her interest in gaming inspired Henriette to pursue a career in technology in Asia.

"My programming knowledge was limited before I started my studies, but I received all the necessary training at UiA. The way we worked on projects gave us practical experience and relevant knowledge. It also made the transition to the workplace easier."

The computer engineering programme at UiA offers students the opportunity to specialise in two distinct areas: Cybersecurity and Software Development. Folåsen chose the latter.

This was particularly useful when she worked as a software consultant at Capgemini, an international consultancy firm specialising in technology.

"In my job, I noticed that what we learned at UiA helped me make smart choices in meeting customer needs. I was pleasantly surprised to see how well the technological knowledge we gained at the university applied to the practical work environment," she says.

Opportunities with robots

The 26-year-old currently works with artificial intelligence at a laboratory in Seoul while also working on her master's degree in the same field. Her daily work involves doing research and giving weekly presentations to the research team.

Kvinne i en lab
After completing her studies at UiA, Henriette received a prestigious scholarship to work and pursue a master's degree in artificial intelligence at Konkuk University.

Her day usually starts around lunch and ends just before midnight.

“We are working on developing a robot that will act as a health assistant for older people. It will help with things like managing medication," she says.

So, why South Korea? Folåsen has long been interested in how Korean culture uses modern technology. She also hopes to have a competitive advantage when applying for jobs in the future.

"Norwegian companies often collaborate with Korean companies in areas of technology and engineering. Therefore, being familiar with the language and culture can be an advantage," she says.

After completing her master's degree, Folåsen plans to continue working with artificial intelligence in South Korea with the goal of landing a job at Samsung or Hyundai.

Grimstad offers good alternatives

As a student, there are many offers and options for where to study. However, Folåsen recommends Grimstad due to its excellent student environment. Hiking in the forest became an important part of her study group’s work routine.

The opportunities available in Grimstad also make you attractive in the job market. She highlights practice placements, mentoring schemes, and projects as excellent additions to a strong CV.

While a student, Folåsen served as a student mentor and app developer for a project.

"The world of computing is rapidly developing, making it is essential to be curious. My advice is to take part in projects to learn in a practical way," she says.

Take a bachelor’s in computer engineering

Take a master’s in artificial intelligence at UiA

Alternatively, you can take a master’s in artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT)