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New project aims to make engineering and science more attractive

Tore Ragnar Neset is the project manager for Tekreal 2030 - an initiative aimed at strengthening education and research within engineering and science.

Tore Ragna Neset in front the Faculty of Engineering and Science

Tore Ragnar Neset looks forward to strengthening the largest faculty at UiA by 2030. All photos: Damares Stenbakk

By Damares Stenbakk
Published June 13, 2024 - Last modified June 14, 2024

"We need to prepare ourselves as best as possible for the future. Our surroundings are changing, and it's crucial for our faculty to develop and look forward," says newly hired project manager Tore Ragnar Neset. He works in the Division of Human Resources and will lead the Tekreal 2030 project.

Ensuring the future 

The Faculty Dean, Vikas Thakur, initiated this project to ensure an economically sustainable Faculty of Engineering and Science. [The faculty is also known as Tekreal in Norwegian, which is an abbreviation for Fakultet for teknologi og realfag.]

"Strategic position, finances, and work environment are three important objectives behind this project," Neset adds.

This means that the educational offerings will be tailored to meet the needs of future students, align with the demands of the job market, and enhance research to address future challenges.

In addition, the number of partners will increase, and collaboration with business and industry will be strengthened.

Building on strengths 

Neset and a designated project group will conduct an analysis of education and research with relation to financial improvements.

Tore Ragnar Neset, project manager for Tekreal 2030.

Neset and a designated project group will conduct an analysis of education and research with relation to financial improvements.

This assessment is scheduled to continue until October and will align with UiA's overarching strategy and the faculty's own strategic plan.

"We need to look at market changes and how they will affect us leading up to 2030. That means looking at the impact they will have on our various educations, courses in certain study programmes, and research activities. To be best equipped for the future, we need to look at all aspects of the faculty," Neset says.

He emphasises that the project will build on the faculty's many strengths and not focus on identifying problems.

"Tekreal has many excellent programmes and performs well in research, contributing 40% of UiA's total publication points. Therefore, our ambition is to continue developing a well-functioning organisation."

"All" are included 

Neset is not alone about the project. A dedicated steering group and project group have been established, and student representatives and external partners will also be involved to ensure a broad range of perspectives.

If the project is to succeed by 2030, Neset encourages anyone who can contribute to actively express their opinions and provide suggestions for improvements.

Mann foran trær
Neset wants to involve as many people as possible to help strengthen both the faculty and UiA. 

Workshops will be held in August, September, and October to share ideas and expertise.

"This autumn, we want more people to join the process. While we may not be able to speak with everyone individually, we want to involve as many people as possible and ensure everyone is aware of the project," Neset says.

Tore Ragnar Neset will be available in both Kristiansand and Grimstad for questions and input regarding the project. More information on workshops will be available soon.

These are the contributors to Tekreal 2030

Steering group: Vikas Thakur (leader), Jorunn Gislefoss, Halvard Øysæd (Akademikerne/Tekna), student representative from the faculty board.

Project group: Tore Neset (project manager), Heidi Kristensen (secretary), Lillian Egelandsaa (YS), heads of departments, Jorunn Gislefoss, Damares Stenbakk (communication).

External and student representatives will be included in the project later in the autumn.


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