Networking seminar 2024

Click here for link to registration

Programme day 1, 14 October

  • 1100–1130: Registration and mingling
  • 1130–1215: Lunch
  • 1215–1345: Welcome and introduction to and purpose of the School, incl. Mini Research Grand Prix (90 seconds presentation by fellows in all three cohorts)
  • 1345–1400: Break
  • 1400–1530: Group session I
  • 1530–1600: Break (incl. snack)
  • 1600–1645: Plenary: How to relate to quantitative research from a qualitative researcher perspective? By Guri Nortvedt, UiO
  • 1645–1800: Shut up and write        
  • 1930: Dinner at Scandic hotel St. Olavs plass

Programme day 2, 15 October

  • 0900–1030: Plenary: What is quality in a PhD thesis and how to avoid minor and major revisions of submitted PhD thesis. By Ellen Karoline Henriksen, Kristin Solli og Annette H. Bjerke. Discussion included.
  • 1030–1045: Break
  • 1045–1215: Group session II
  • 1215–1315: Lunch
  • 1315–1415: How to use – and declare - use of artificial intellegence in your PhD work, Vidar Skogsvoll, UiO
  • 1415–1430: Summing up, incl. picture
  • 1430–1600: Shut up and write

Group sessions

In the group sessions, the groups comprise four PhD fellows from all three cohorts and supervisors. In each of the two sessions, two PhD projects will be discussed. In advance of the Networking seminar, deadline 25th of September, each PhD fellow will have to submit a text of 1 000 words with the following content:

  • The aim(s) of the PhD project or an article
  • (Tentative) research question(s) for the PhD project or an article
  • A brief description of what the potential answers to the research questions will be
  • A brief description of how you will address the research questions theoretically
  • A brief description of how you will address the research questions methodologically
  • A note on how you will demonstrate «doctorateness» in your PhD work

Send your submitted text to Martin Carlsen;

Published June 17, 2024 1:36 PM - Last modified June 27, 2024 4:23 PM