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Siri Helene Puntervold Nilssen

Department of Law
+47 38142271
Mobile phone
Office 9I149 (Universitetsveien 19, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)

Areas of responsibility

Siri Helene Puntervold Nilssen is a PhD-student and works as an assistant professor at the Department of Law at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder. She holds a cand. jur-law degree from the University of Oslo. She has worked in a law firm mainly with contract law issues, real estate law and planning and building law. She has also worked at the Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction and Property, and then mainly with contract law and public procurement. As a PhD student her topic is unlawfull power of attorney. She teaches a wide range of legal subjects, but her main focus is contract law. 


Currently working on my PhD thesis with the working title "The legal status of the third party when contracting with an unauthorized agent”.

Member of the following research groups:

Law, Universitetet i Agder (2017-)

Real Estate: Economics & Law, Universitetet i Agder (2012-)

Property Rights and Obligations, Universitetet i Bergen (2017-)

Academic interests

  • contract law
  • law on money claims
  • property law
  • tort law
  • law on land use planning
  • the law on debt negotiations and bankruptcy


Teaching experience:

Bachelor of law:

JUR 103          Contract law, 10 credits (2012-)

JUR 106          Law on money claims 10 credits (2013-2015)

JUR 105          Tort law, 10 credits(2016)

JUR 110          Property law, 10 credits (2014-2015)

JUR 200          Contract law II, 15 credits (2012-2016)

Other law courses:

JU 100            Law 1 (2011)

JU 202            Law 2 (2011-2013)

JU 303            Law 3 (2010-2013)

JU 104            Law (2015)

JU 404            Contract law (2013-2014) 

JU 405            Contract law (2013-2014) 

IND 412          Contract law (2011-2015)   

SV 126            Business law (2013-2014)

BE 205            Accountants' duties and responsibilities (2011)

TKS 100         Legal method, executive for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration 

Short biography

2017 -              PhD-student at the Department of Law at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder 

2010 -              Assistant Professor  at the Department of Law at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder 

2002-2010      Adviser and senior adviser at the Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction and Property, Oslo

2003                Project Manager for the project Afteruse of Fornebu at the Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction and Property, Oslo (temporary engagement)

2000-2002       Associate, Advokatfirmaet Kjær & Co DA, Kristiansand


  • Nilssen, Siri Helene Puntervold (2018). Western value premises in my project and cultural conditions indispensable to sustain those values - The legal status of the third party when contracting with an unauthorized agent.
  • Nilssen, Siri Helene Puntervold (2018). The legal status of the third party when contracting with an unauthorized agent.
  • Nilssen, Siri Helene Puntervold (2018). Når hundreåringen ikke strekker helt til - om ulovfestet representasjon i norsk rett.
  • Nilssen, Siri Helene Puntervold (2018). Partenes rettsstilling ved representasjon på ulovfestet grunnlag.
  • Nilssen, Siri Helene Puntervold (2017). Presentasjon av doktorgradsprosjekt for Institutt for rettsvitenskap.

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:40 AM