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Randi Margrethe Eidsaa

Department of Classical Music and Music Education
+47 38141382
Mobile phone
Office G2004 (Universitetsveien 25, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)


Research group Art and Conflict: Member and co-leader together with Siemke Böhnish

Research group REMP REconfiguring Early Modern Performance: Member

Artistic Reseach Projects: Dialogue-based artistic interdisciplinary performances developed together with music performance students: Marianne N Narratives (2018), Co-creating Knowledge about Arabic Music (2019)   


Subjects: Music Aesthetics, Musicology, Music Pedagogy, concert production, Music mediation

Short biography

Teacher in Primary school   and Secondary High School (Grade 5 - 10)

Lecturer/Researcher/ ass. professor at Depart med of Classical Music and Music Pedagogy at Faculty of Fine Arts


  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2024). Aesthetic responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: The corona performance No Problama. Routledge Open Research. doi: 10.12688/routledgeopenres.17719.2.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Kharatyan, Mariam (2024). Rethinking Music Performance Education Through the Lens of Today’s Society, Teaching Music Performance in Higher Education: Exploring the Potential of Artistic Research. Open Book Publishers. ISSN 9781805112730. p. 251–270. doi: 10.11647/OBP.0398.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2023). Connecting music performance and perspectives on inclusiveness, Education as an impulse for social inclusion. The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. ISSN 978-83-65727-79-4. p. 143–162.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2022). Connecting Music Performance and Perspectives on Inclusiveness/Połączenie wykonawstwa muzycznego i spojrzenia na inkluzywność, Edukacja jako impuls do społecznej inkluzji. Akademia Muzyczna im. I.  J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. ISSN 978-83-65727-68-8. p. 137–158.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2022). Early Music in an Interdisciplinary Artistic Production: The Project Pluvinel's Academy . In Rolfhamre, Robin & Angelo, Elin (Ed.), Views on Early Music as Representation - Invitations, Congruity, Performance. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-75619-2. doi: 10.23865/noasp.157.
  • Øvrebø, Daniel Henry; Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Lislevand, Rolf (2022). Rolf Lislevand in Conversation with Randi Margrethe Eidsaa and Daniel Henry Øvrebø. In Rolfhamre, Robin & Angelo, Elin (Ed.), Views on Early Music as Representation - Invitations, Congruity, Performance. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-75619-2. p. 139–148. doi: https:/
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Schau, Jørn (2021). Higher Music Performance Education in a Changing World: Towards a New Curriculum? In Rykowski, Mikolaj (Eds.), Music E-ducation in XXI- st century. New challenges and perspectives. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. ISSN 978-83-65727-59-6. p. 195–208.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Schau, Jørn (2021). Edukacja akademicka w zakresie wykonawstwa muzycznego w zmieniającym się świecie: zapowiedź nowego programu nauczania? Sprawozdanie z projektu pilotażowego. In Murawskiej, Ewy; Schau, Jørn; Rykowskiego, Mikołaja & Kłysz-Sokalskiej, Natalii (Ed.), E-dukacja muzyczna w XXI wieku Nowe wyzwania i perspektywy. Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu. ISSN 978-83-65727-62-6. p. 257–276.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2021). The Craft of (Re-)Presenting Musical Works . In Holdhus, Kari Mette; Murphy, Regina & Espeland, Magne (Ed.), Music Education as Craft - Reframing theories and practice. Springer Nature. ISSN 9783030677039.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2020). Introduction to the Video: We didn't let the Music Die . In Smith, Tawnya D. & Hendricks, Karin S. (Ed.), Narratives and Reflections in Music Education: listening to Voices Seldom Heard. Springer International Publishing. ISSN 978-3-030-28706-1. p. 189–192. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28707-8_14.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2020). Perspectives and Narratives in Music Education Art-based inquiry as method in creating artistic performances based on historical narratives . In Smith, Tawnya D. & Hendricks, Karin S. (Ed.), Narratives and Reflections in Music Education: listening to Voices Seldom Heard. Springer International Publishing. ISSN 978-3-030-28706-1. p. 207–225. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28707-8_16.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2019). Fortellinger fra Sarajevo: Vi lot ikke musikken dø. In Böhnisch, Siemke & Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (Ed.), Kunst og konflikt: Teater, visuell kunst og musikk i kontekst. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215032344. p. 250–268. doi: 10.18261/9788215032344-2019-12. Full text in Research Archive
  • Böhnisch, Siemke & Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2019). Innledning [Kunst og konflikt]. In Böhnisch, Siemke & Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (Ed.), Kunst og konflikt: Teater, visuell kunst og musikk i kontekst. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215032344. p. 11–25. doi: 10.18261/9788215032344-2019-0. Full text in Research Archive
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2018). Dialogues Between Teachers and Musicians in Creative Music-Making Collaborations. In Christophersen, Catharina Renate & Kenny, Ailbhe (Ed.), Musician - Teacher Collaborations: Altering the Chord. Routledge. ISSN 9781138631595. p. 133–145. doi: 10.4324/9781315208756-12.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2013). Musikalsk mangfold i kirke og forsamling. In Repstad, Pål Steinar & Trysnes, Irene (Ed.), Fra forsakelse til feelgood. Musikk, sang og dans i religiøst liv. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-7634-985-6. p. 66–79.

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  • Böhnisch, Siemke & Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2019). Kunst og konflikt: Teater, visuell kunst og musikk i kontekst. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215032344. 270 p.

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  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2023). Research group presentation: Art and Conflict.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Howell, Gillian (2023). Peaces of Music: A Dialogue with Gillian Howell.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2023). Narratives about music and conflict Two cases from the music education research field.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2023). Sea Songs 2023, A Collaborative Student and Community Male Voice Group - An artistic presentation.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Kharatyan, Mariam (2023). Interdisciplinary Artistic Project: Songs of the Soul.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Kharatyan, Mariam (2023). Erasmus + Project REACT: Artistic-Research Based Learning: Toolkit (Output3) .
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2023). Art and Crisis: An Exploration of How Aesthetic Expressions Matter in Times of Crisis.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2023). Music for Microsculptures: An Exploration of Students'Creative Concert in a Museum .
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2023). Researcher, Professional Performer & Music Student Collaboration: The Artistic Performance Musical Landscapes from Spain.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2023). Day 6 Program Pitching Plans and Finalising Business Plans: “Entrepreneurship In the Counterpoint between Stage Art and Sport”.
  • Kharatyan, Mariam & Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2023). REACT - Virtual Academy of Music Performance, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe; Rolfhamre, Robin & Schau, Jørn (2023). Musical communication.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2022). Music and Art in Crisis.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2022). Developing Music Projects: Music in Interdisciplinary Artistic Projects .
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2022). Music and Art in Society: Aesthetic Responses to Conflicts and Crisis.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2022). Macro and Micro Narratives about Classical Music Performance Education.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe; Kharatyan, Mariam; Correia, Jorge; Dalagna, Gilvano; Foletto, Clarissa & Economidou-Stavrou, Natassa (2022). Rethinking Music Performance in European Higher Education Music Institutions: Perspectives from Norway.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2022). Music for Microsculptures: Connecting Music and Museum Objects.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2022). Exploring Early Music as a Tool for Creating Emotions and Relationships.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2022). Chapter 6: Early Music in an Interdisciplinary Artistic Production: The Project Pluvinel’s Academy. In Rolfhamre, Robin & Angelo, Elin (Ed.), Views on Early Music as Representation - Invitations, Congruity, Performance. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-75619-2.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2022). Symposia Rethinking Music Performance in European Higher Music Education Institutions: Perspectives from Norway.
  • Kharatyan, Mariam & Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2021). Frederick Delius Music Project, Three Preludes (1923).
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2021). Produksjonsprosessen bak No Problama - en koronafortelling fra Homborsund.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2021). Presentasjon av kapitlet “Early Music in an Interdisciplinary Artistic Production: The Project Pluvinel'a Academy” .
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2021). Utfordringer i de utøvende utdanningene innenfor klassisk musikk.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2021). No Problama. A Coronavirus story from Homborsund. An artistic response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2021). Music for Microsculptures: Music performer students' reflections on a museum concert project.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2021). Higher Music Performance Education in a Changing World: Towards a New Curriculum? A Report from a Pilot Project.
  • Böhnisch, Siemke; Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe; Liene, Anne-Mette & Kristensen, Jeppe (2020). Bokpresentasjon: Kunst og konflikt. .
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2020). En kunstnerisk, tverrfaglig presentasjon: The music performance Five Reports from Barrack Hospital .
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2020). Studentkonsert på museum.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2020). Higher Music Performance Education in a Changing World: Towards a New Curriculum? A Pilot Project Reflection.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2019). Portretter: En dialogbasert kunstnerisk forestilling med dans, musikk, visuelle uttrykk og innslag fra hestesport.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2019). Dialogbaserte kunstneriske produksjoner i utøvende musikkutdanning: Musikalsk presentasjon for 5-åringer på Naturmuseum Botanisk Hage.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2019). Kunstneriske produksjoner i utøvende musikkutdanning: Silk Road Music Project 1: Seyahatnâme.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2019). The Kelpie Legend: Scottish Myths and Melodies. En dialogbasert tverrfaglig kunstnerisk presentasjon.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2019). Kunstnerisk produksjon i utøvende musikkutdanning: Samspillprosjektet Walking in the Highlands.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2019). Art-based inquiry as a method in creating artistic performances.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2019). Musikk og litteratur - et eksempel fra ungdomstrinnet.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Kok, Vincent (2018). Samskaping av kunnskap: To juletablåer.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Øhrn, Konrad Mikal (2018). The Music Performance Marianne N Narratives.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2018). Musical Dialogues in Conflict Areas: Narratives from Sarajevo.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Christensen, Jorun (2018). Konsert: Musikalske tablåer.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Böhnisch, Siemke (2018). Kunst og konflikt Kik-forskningsgruppe.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2018). Reflections on Music and Conflict. A study on music performance in Sarajevo during the war from 1992 to 1996.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2018). Implementing Concert Dramaturgy and entrepeneurship in Higher Music Education /Epona.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2017). En kunstnerisk presentasjon: En dag på Pluvinels Akademi.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2017). I Den Gamle Hagen.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2017). Prosjekt Chants d'Auvergne.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2017). Mozarts Requiem Anno 2017 A Kilden Dialogue Project.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2017). Utfordringer med å involvere studenter i pedagogisk/didaktisk utviklingsarbeid.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2017). Opening Ceremony: Northern Lights 2017.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Kharatyan, Mariam (2017). Musical Dialogues: An Exploration of Hope. An International Concert and Research Project.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe; Kharatyan, Mariam; Despard, Annabelle; Svalsrød, Roger; Træen, Bente & Støkken, Anne Marie [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2017). Tverrfaglig symposium i en kunstnerisk kontekst med utgangspunkt i fotograf Roger Svalsrøds utstilling Shaken 'n Stirred.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2017). Exploring the international colloborative project Musical Dialogues. A Case Study.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2016). Pluvinels Akademi: En eksperimentell barokkforestilling (pre-prosjekt).
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2016). Completed PhD project paper: Who creates the music? Aesthetic and didactic perspectives on creative music making partnerships in schools.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Kharatyan, Mariam (2016). Kunstnerisk utviklingsprosjekt: To tablåer med musikk av Ned Rorem.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Kharatyan, Mariam (2016). Education in Conflict Areas: Dialogues in Jerusalem and Sarajevo.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Kharatyan, Mariam (2016). Musical Dialogues Concert: Music in Conflict Areas.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Svalsrød, Roger (2016). Fabel; A Performance in Between Practices.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2016). How is music created during collaborative partnership projects in schools? Aesthetic and didactic perspectives on creative processes in music projects for professional musicians and school children.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2016). Reflections on Music and Conflict: Two Bosnian-Norwegian Projects.
  • Böhnisch, Siemke & Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2016). Art and Conflict (workshop).
  • Böhnisch, Siemke & Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2016). Kunst og konflikt (Nettside til forskningsgruppen med samme tittel).
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Kharatyan, Mariam (2015). Norwegian-Bosnian Concert Project: Musical Dialogues.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2015). Deltakelse i produksjonsteam for konsert i Kennedy Center of Performing Art: Ned Rorem repertoar til konserten A Musical Journey from Norway to the USA. From Folk Culture to Concert Hall.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2015). The Collaborative Musical Production The Bridge in Mostar 2015.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2015). Reflections on the theme “Music and conflict“ with references to “The Bridge in Mostar” and “Musical Dialogues in Sarajevo 2015”; two international collaborative projects.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Thomassen, Jan Helge (2015). Videoproduksjonen Bach in the Zoo: Bach in the Subways Day 2015.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2015). Med musikal i bagasjen. Erfaringer fra et internasjonalt musikkprosjekt. In Engebretsen, Martin (Eds.), Det tredje språket: Multimodale studier av interkulturell kommunikasjon i kunst, skole og samfunnsliv. Portal forlag. ISSN 9788283140361. p. 212–229.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe & Thomassen, Jan Helge (2015). Forestillingen Frederik Den Andre og Johann Sebastian. Et arrangement under Bach in the Subways Day 2015.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2015). Bach in the Subways Day 2015: Bach Concert with Mariam Kharatyan and music students.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2015). Komponisten Ned Rorems perspektiv på musikk og tekst. In Markussen, Bjarne (Eds.), Lydspor : når musikk møter tekst og bilder. Portal forlag. ISSN 978-82-8314-032-3. p. 199–220.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2014). Key Text Presentation: A Changing Role for the Composer in Society. A study of the Historical Background and Current Methodologies of Creative Music Making by Jolyon Laycock.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2014). Perspectives on communication in creative music partnerships in schools.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2014). Opening Ceremony Nordic Championship in Dressage and Para Dressage: The History of the Trakehners.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2014). What characterizes the composition process and the music created by ensembles in collaborative partnerships between professional musicians and pupils?
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2014). Kunstneriske refleksjoner over englebarn i tau. En forestilling basert på musikk av Ned Rorem og en roman av Paul Leer-Salvesen.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2013). Bridges - Et kulturmøte mellom deltakere fra fire nasjoner.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2013). Trakehnerhistorien. En forestilling i samarbeid med Allegro Ballettestudio.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2013). Komponisten Ned Rorems perspektiv på ord og musikk.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2013). Creative Music projects for professional musicians and pupils.
  • Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe (2015). Hvem skaper musikken? En studie av musikalsk skapende partnerskapsprosjekter i skolen utfra et estetisk og didaktisk perspektiv. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. ISSN 9788776847807.

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:17 AM