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Naima Saeed

Department of Working Life and Innovation
+47 38142325
Office A172 (Jon Lilletuns vei 3, 4879 Grimstad, Norway)

Areas of responsibility

Naima Saeed is a Professor in Supply Chain Management at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder. Saeed was an honorary visiting fellow at La Trobe Business School, Melbourne, Australia, and a visiting scholar at the School of Business IT and Logistics, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, University of California, Berkeley, United States, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan, and Nelson Mandela University Business School, South Africa.

She has a Ph.D. in Logistics from Molde University College (Norway), with a specialization in Maritime Economics. Her current research is focused on port competition and cooperation, maritime connectivity, and measures to improve ports’ efficiency.  

Saeed has published papers in well-acknowledged international peer-reviewed scientific journals, including the European Journal of Operational Research, Computers in Industry, Transportation Science, Maritime Economics & Logistics, and Maritime Policy & Management.

Saeed received the third best paper award in the port competitiveness and competition session at IAME 2019 conference in Athens, Greece. She has served as a referee for several academic journals.

Before joining the University of Agder, Saeed worked as an Associate Professor in Logistics at Molde University College. She has also worked on two European Union projects and was responsible for developing distance-learning courses in Maritime Logistics and Maritime Value Chain. She has also worked as a consultant in a project financed by the VRI program of The Research Council of Norway. 

Saeed was a member of the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions’ committee for the research methods course (2016-2020).


Academic interests

Bachelor courses:

  1. ME-109 Statistics, Methods and Applied Data Analysis (2014, 2015, 2016).
  2. MF-203 Industrial Buying Behaviour (2015, 2016, 2017).

Master courses:

  1. ME-423 Business Research Methods, SPSS labs (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017).
  2. ORG-440 Supply Chain Management (2015, 2016, 2017)

PhD course:

  1. ME-612 Survey of Statistical Methods (2015, Fall 2018)

Doctoral and Master thesis students:

  • Ziaul Haque Munim, September 2015- September 2018 (expected). Topic:“Essays on Port Competitiveness”.
  • Ioana Sinziana Rasca. (2018-2021). Topic: “Reaching GHG emission targets through mobility optimization in low density urban areas-a study of coastal Small and Medium-sized Cities in Norway” (Co-supervisor).
  • Supervised several Master’s students, at Molde University College and the University of Agder.


  • Saeed, Naima; Nguyen, Su; Cullinane, Kevin; Gekara, Victor & Chhetri, Prem (2023). Forecasting container freight rates using the Prophet forecasting method. Transport Policy. ISSN 0967-070X. 133, p. 86–107. doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.01.012.
  • Rasca, Sinziana Ioana & Saeed, Naima (2022). Exploring the factors influencing the use of public transport by commuters living in networks of small cities and towns. Travel Behaviour & Society. ISSN 2214-367X. 28, p. 249–263. doi: 10.1016/j.tbs.2022.03.007. Full text in Research Archive
  • Saeed, Naima; Hoff, Arild & Larsen, Odd I (2021). Analysis of hinterland transport strategies when exporting perishable products. Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM). ISSN 2210-5395. 43(June), p. 1–9. doi: 10.1016/j.rtbm.2021.100766. Full text in Research Archive
  • Baharmand, Hossein; Balcik, Burcu; Boey, Lise; Decouttere, Catherine; Phillips, Ross Owen & Saeed, Naima [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2021). Toward a decision support system for COVID-19 vaccine allocation inside countries. NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi. ISSN 1892-0748. 2021(2), p. 1–14. Full text in Research Archive
  • Saeed, Naima & Cullinane, Kevin (2021). Identifying the characteristics of maritime trading partners of China on the basis of bilateral shipping connectivity: A cluster analysis. Maritime Policy & Management. ISSN 0308-8839. 50(1), p. 42–57. doi: 10.1080/03088839.2021.1954256.
  • Jeon, Jun-Woo; Duru, Okan; Munim, Ziaul Haque & Saeed, Naima (2021). System Dynamics in the Predictive Analytics of Container Freight Rates. Transportation Science. ISSN 0041-1655. 55(4), p. 815–967. doi: 10.1287/trsc.2021.1046.
  • Baharmand, Hossein; Saeed, Naima; Comes, Tina & Lauras, Matthieu (2021). Developing a framework for designing humanitarian blockchain projects. Computers in industry (Print). ISSN 0166-3615. 131. doi: 10.1016/j.compind.2021.103487. Full text in Research Archive
  • Saeed, Naima; Cullinane, Kevin; Gekara, Victor & Chhetri, Prem (2021). Reconfiguring maritime networks due to the Belt and Road Initiative: Impact on bilateral trade flows . Maritime Economics & Logistics. ISSN 1479-2931. 23, p. 381–400. doi: 10.1057/s41278-021-00192-9.
  • Kodzi, Emmanuel & Saeed, Naima (2021). Increasing the attractiveness of a cruise port for cargo business: the contribution of stakeholders. Case Studies on Transport Policy. ISSN 2213-624X. 9(2), p. 879–888. doi: 10.1016/j.cstp.2021.04.008.
  • Saeed, Naima; Cullinane, Kevin & Sødal, Sigbjørn Reidar (2020). Exploring the relationships between maritime connectivity, international trade and domestic production. Maritime Policy & Management. ISSN 0308-8839. doi: 10.1080/03088839.2020.1802783. Full text in Research Archive
  • Saeed, Naima (2020). The effects of exchange rate on Norway’s bilateral trade flow to the UK via maritime and other transport modes: Does the ‘marshall-lerner’ condition hold? The Journal of International Logistics and Trade (JILT). ISSN 1738-2122. 18(2), p. 61–76. doi: 10.24006/jilt.2020.18.2.061.
  • Munim, Ziaul Haque & Saeed, Naima (2019). Seaport competitiveness research: the past, present and future. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. ISSN 1756-6517. 11(6), p. 533–557. doi: 10.1504/IJSTL.2019.103877.
  • Hoffmann, Jan; Saeed, Naima & Sødal, Sigbjørn (2019). Liner shipping bilateral connectivity and its impact on South Africa’s bilateral trade flows. Maritime Economics & Logistics. ISSN 1479-2931. 22, p. 473–499. doi: 10.1057/s41278-019-00124-8.
  • Munim, Ziaul Haque; Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I (2018). ‘Tool port’ to ‘landlord port’ : a game theory approach to analyse gains from governance model transformation. Maritime Policy & Management. ISSN 0308-8839. 46(1), p. 43–60. doi: 10.1080/03088839.2018.1468936.
  • Saeed, Naima; Song, Dong-Wook & Andersen, Otto (2018). Governance mode for port congestion mitigation: A transaction cost perspective. Netnomics. ISSN 1385-9587. 19(3), p. 159–178. doi: 10.1007/s11066-018-9123-4.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I (2016). Application of queuing methodology to analyze congestion : a case study of the Manila International Container Terminal, Philippines. Case Studies on Transport Policy. ISSN 2213-624X. 4(2), p. 143–149. doi: 10.1016/j.cstp.2016.02.001. Full text in Research Archive
  • Saeed, Naima (2013). Cooperation among freight forwarders: Mode choice and intermodal freight transport. Research in Transportation Economics. ISSN 0739-8859. 42(1), p. 77–86. doi: 10.1016/j.retrec.2012.11.005.
  • Saeed, Naima & Aaby, Bernt Christoffer (2013). Analysis of factors contributing to criteria for selection of European container terminals. Transportation Research Record. ISSN 0361-1981. p. 31–38. doi: 10.3141/2330-05.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I (2013). Stackelberg or Bertrand: Which Price Model is Practically Applicable? In Meunier, Franc & Carre, James (Ed.), Game Theory : Economics, Theoretical Concepts and Finance Applications. Nova Science Publishers. ISSN 978-1-62417-165-9. p. 1–24.
  • Saeed, Naima (2012). A game theoretical analysis of vertical and horizontal co-operation among freight forwarders. Proceedings : European Transport Conference. ISSN 1474-9122. p. 1–13.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I. (2010). Container terminal concessions: A game theory application to the case of the ports of Pakistan. Maritime Economics & Logistics. ISSN 1479-2931. 12(3), p. 237–262. doi: 10.1057/mel.2010.8.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I. (2010). An application of cooperative game among container terminals of one port. European Journal of Operational Research. ISSN 0377-2217. 203(2), p. 393–403. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2009.07.019.
  • Saeed, Naima (2009). An analysis of carriers' selection criteria when choosing container terminals in Pakistan. Maritime Economics & Logistics. ISSN 1479-2931. 11(3), p. 270–288.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I. (2008). Game theoretical analysis of competition between container terminals in Pakistan. In Lo, H. P.; Leung, Stephen C. H. & Tam, Susanna M. L, (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies : Transportation and Management Science, 13-15 December, 2008, Hong Kong. Hong Kong Society of Transportation Studies. p. 729–738.

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  • Afenyo, Mawuli; Ng, Adolf K. Y. & Saeed, Naima (2024). Safe and Sustainable Arctic Shipping Management and Development. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0443188497. 205 p.

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  • Saeed, Naima (2023). Application of innovative forecasting methods to predict container freight rates.
  • Chhetri, Prem; Ombati, Thomas; Shahrom, Melissa; Tsui, Kan & Saeed, Naima (2023). Belt and Road Initiative in the African context: questions on regional connectivity and inclusive development. The Journal of International Logistics and Trade (JILT). ISSN 1738-2122. 21(4), p. 198–203. doi: 10.1108/JILT-11-2023-070.
  • Saeed, Naima (2023). Arctic Shipping Insurance from the Industry Perspective.
  • Saeed, Naima & Ashraf, Hasan (2023). A Framework for a Sustainable and Resilient Cruise Shipping.
  • Saeed, Naima (2023). Innovative forecasting techniques to improve predicting accuracy.
  • Saeed, Naima (2023). International Teaching Experience, difference is learning approaches.
  • Saeed, Naima (2023). An overview of industry experience on Arctic shipping insurance.
  • Trakoonsanti, Lamphai; Chhetri, Prem; Shahparvari, Shahrooz; Singh, Amanpreet & Saeed, Naima (2023). Modelling Global Patterns, Characteristics and Factors of Port Lapse Time.
  • Saeed, Naima (2022). Panel Data Analysis.
  • Saeed, Naima (2022). Reconfiguring Global Supply Chain Management and Network due to COVID-19 Pandemic .
  • Saeed, Naima (2022). Port competitiveness and hinterland transport strategies: a case study of South Africa .
  • Saeed, Naima (2022). The role of hinterland transport strategies in port management.
  • Saeed, Naima; Nguyen, Su; Cullinane, Kevin; Gekara, Victor & Chhetri, Prem (2021). Did the COVID-19 pandemic disrupt container freight rate trends? Evidence from six of the main shipping routes. The Maritime Economist (ME-MAG). ISSN 2408-0683.
  • Saeed, Naima (2021). Green/Sustainable Supply Chains.
  • Saeed, Naima; Abbasi, Babak; Fadaki, Masih; Kokshagina, Olga & Chhetri, Prem (2021). A Model for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocations: A Case Study in Australia.
  • Abbasi, Babak; Fadaki, Masih; Kokshagina, Olga; Saeed, Naima & Chhetri, Prem (2021). Vaccine roll-out: 3 key factors for success.
  • Saeed, Naima; Nguyen, Su; Cullinane, Kevin; Gekara, Victor & Chhetri, Prem (2021). Impact of COVID-19 and Suez Canal blockage on forecasting container freight rates.
  • Saeed, Naima (2021). A review of literature on green supply chain management: current trends and future directions .
  • Kokshagina, Olga; Abbasi, Babak; Fadaki, Masih; Saeed, Naima & Chhetri, Prem (2020). We modelled how a COVID vaccine roll-out would work. Here’s what we found. The Conversation. ISSN 2201-5639.
  • Kokshagina, Olga; Abbasi, Babak; Fadaki, Masih; Saeed, Naima & Chhetri, Prem (2020). Vaccine roll-out: This model found 3 key factors for success. Agenda - The World Economic Forum.
  • Saeed, Naima; Nguyen, Su; Chhetri, Prem & Alahakoon, Damminda (2020). Analysis of the evolving maritime connectivity network structure using machine learning.
  • Saeed, Naima & Kodzi, Emmanuel (2020). Decision support model for increasing the attractiveness of a cruise port for cargo business .
  • Saeed, Naima & Cullinane, Kevin (2020). Identifying the characteristics of maritime trading partners on the basis of bilateral shipping connectivity: A cluster analysis.
  • Saeed, Naima (2020). A link between maritime connectivity, port competitiveness, and economic growth .
  • Saeed, Naima & Ng, Adolf K.Y (2020). Opportunities and challenges of the opening of the Arctic Ocean for Norway. In Ng, Adolf K.Y; Monios, Jason & Jiang, Changmin (Ed.), Maritime Transport and Regional Sustainability. Elsevier. ISSN 978-0-12-819134-7. p. 209–221.
  • Saeed, Naima; Hoff, Arild & Larsen, Odd I (2019). The effect of the development of port’s inland hinterland transport technologies on the export of perishable products from South Africa.
  • Saeed, Naima (2018). Expose pupils to maritime studies.
  • Saeed, Naima (2018). Can port efficiency become a drawcard for business development?
  • Saeed, Naima (2018). Maritime Transport in Africa: an Agenda for Future Research.
  • Saeed, Naima; Sødal, Sigbjørn & Hoffmann, Jan (2018). Liner shipping connectivity and its impact on bilateral trade flow of South Africa: A Quasi-Maximum Likelihood (QML) estimation of panel data with random effects.
  • Munim, Ziaul Haque; Saeed, Naima; Ng, Adolf K. Y. & Duru, Okan (2018). Evaluation and selection of transshipment port using analytic network process approach.
  • Saeed, Naima (2018). Effect of macroeconomic variables on Norway's bilateral trade flow via maritime and other transport modes to the UK.
  • Saeed, Naima (2018). An overview of my previous research.
  • Saeed, Naima (2017). Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Norway’s Bilateral Maritime Trade Flow to Its Major Trading Partners .
  • Saeed, Naima (2017). An analysis of effect of macroeconomic variables on Norway's export to the UK via different modes of transportation.
  • Munim, Ziaul Haque; Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I (2017). ‘Tool port’ to ‘landlord port’: A game theory approach to analyse gains from governance model transformation.
  • Munim, Ziaul Haque; Saeed, Naima & Qin, Feifei (2017). Benchmarking Chinese port container terminal efficiency: Exploring key efficiency drivers.
  • Saeed, Naima (2017). Impact of Exchange-Rate Volatility and Economic Growth on Norway’s Maritime Export to its Major Trading Partners .
  • Munim, Ziaul Haque & Saeed, Naima (2017). ‘Tool Port’ to ‘Landlord Port’: Gains From Governance Model Transformation.
  • Saeed, Naima; Song, Dong-Wook & Andersen, Otto (2016). Governance Mode for Port Congestion Mitigation: A Transaction Cost Perspective.
  • Munim, Ziaul Haque & Saeed, Naima (2016). Seaport competitiveness research: A bibliometric citation meta-analysis.
  • Saeed, Naima; Song, Dong-Wook & Andersen, Otto (2016). Understanding port congestion as a governance issue: a transaction cost perspective.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I (2014). Application of queuing methodology to analyze congestion at the Manila International Container Terminal.
  • Saeed, Naima & Aaby, Bernt Christoffer (2013). An analysis of factors contributing as selection criteria for users of European container terminals.
  • Kaselimi, Evangelia N.; Notteboom, Theo E. & Saeed, Naima (2012). Should We Concession One Large Container Terminal or Two Smaller Ones? : A Game Theoretical Approach with Application to Valparaiso Port. In Gillen, David (Eds.), 5th ALRT Asian Logistics Roundtable & Conference in Vancouver BC, Canada : Papers and presentations. ALRT. p. 1–29.
  • Hermansen, Olav & Omtalt person: Saeed, Naima (2011). Konkurranse og samarbeid mellom containerterminaler – hvem vinner? Logistikk & Ledelse. ISSN 1501-5890. 24(3), p. 46–47.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I. (2011). Application of Stackelberg model : an analysis of advantage of moving first for container terminals in Pakistan.
  • Kaselimi, Evangelia N.; Notteboom, Theo E. & Saeed, Naima (2011). A game theoretical approach to the inter-relation between terminal scale and port competition.
  • Saeed, Naima (2011). Cooperation among freight forwarders : mode choice and intermodal freight transport.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I. (2009). Effect of type of concession contract on game outcome among container terminals. In ., Ukjent (Eds.), Conference Proceedings (USB). International Association of Maritime Economists.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I. (2009). Effect of type of concession contract on game outcome among container terminals.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I. (2009). Competition between two ports : an application of cooperative game among container terminals of one port.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I. (2008). Game theoretical analysis of competition between container terminals in Pakistan.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I. (2008). Competition between two ports : from game theory perspective. In Petrosjan, Leon A. & Zenkevich, Nikolay A. (Ed.), The Second International Conference Game Theory and Management : GTM2008, June 26-27, 2008, St. Petersburg, Russia : Abstracts. Graduate School of Management. St. Petersburg University. p. 189–191.
  • Saeed, Naima & Larsen, Odd I. (2008). Competition between two ports : from game theory perspective.
  • Baharmand, Hossein; Balcik, Burcu; Birkeland, Asle; Boey, Lise; Decouttere, Catherine & Fossli, Håvard [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2022). Project report #4 – Final report: System Demonstration and Validation . Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-8427-075-3.
  • Baharmand, Hossein; Balcik, Burcu; Boey, Lise; Decouttere, Catherine; Fossli, Håvard & Kjøndal, Jan Ove [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2022). Project report #3: Vaccine supply chain decision support system. Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-8427-060-9. Full text in Research Archive
  • Baharmand, Hossein; Balcik, Burcu; Decouttere, Catherine; Phillips, Ross Owen; Saeed, Naima & Vandaele, Nico (2020). CONTRA Project report #1: Requirements identification and system mapping . Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-8427-006-7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bråthen, Svein; Saeed, Naima; Sunde, Øyvind; Husdal, Jan; Jensen, Arne & Sorkina, Edith (2012). Customer and agent initiated intermodal transport chains : final report to the NRC/SMARTRANS program for the Norwegian part of NCR project no 188387. Møreforsking Molde AS. ISSN 978-82-7830-166-1.
  • Helgheim, Berit Irene; Jæger, Bjørn & Saeed, Naima (2011). Technological intermediaries as third party service providers in GlobalSupply Chains. Høgskolen i Molde. ISSN 978-82-7962-127-0.
  • Saeed, Naima (2009). Competition and cooperation among container terminals in Pakistan : with emphasis on game theoretical analysis. Høgskolen i Molde. ISSN 9788279621133.

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:00 AM