Norwegian version of this page

Mette Mo Jakobsen

Tilknyttet UiA
External with system access
+47 37233394
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Office C4103 (Jon Lilletuns vei 9, 4879 Grimstad, Norway)

Areas of responsibility

Ph.D. in Integrated Product Development, NTH, The Norwegian Institute of Technology, Department of Production and Quality Engineering, 1995

Pedagogical study, NTH, The Norwegian Institute of Technology, 1990-1991

M.Sc. ( Maskin) in Mechanical Engineering, NTH - The Norwegian Institute of Technology, 1989

Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen Nürnberg, Germany. Courses “Werkstoffvissenschaften”- Material science. 1986-1987

LUP (Lederutvikling HIO) Internal Management Programme at Oslo University College 2008-09

AFF Mentoring Program (Management development Program/ Lederutvikling) 2006-07

Course; Bord-competence, BI / Innovasjon Norge, Kvalifiseringsprogram for styrekandidater, 2003

Questback, sertified user, 2013


Doctoral thesis: Development of competitive product concepts- A contribution to a systematic approach for small and mediumsized companies, 1995

Educational research:  SoTL- Scolarship of teaching and learning – Developing scientific approach to teaching as a national common initiative within the STEM-field, starting the Norwegian national STEM-conference and an open access journal Nordic Journal of STEM Education.

Editor – Nordic Journal of STEM Education – Open Access Journal established in 2016

Member of the central Research Board/ Committee at Oslo University College, 2008

Innovation; Establishing a crossdisiplinary researchprogram at Akershus University College - Program Director

Research stay in Germany 1997-2000.  Contact with, and research-co-operation with different institutions, focus on educational research within environmental design; Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Darmstadt University of Technology -Institute for Machine Elements and Engineering Design -Environmental Product Development, TU-Delft – Netherlands- Section for Environmental Product Development.

Design management and Leadership- Co-partner for a Research program applied for and funded by The Research Council of Norway.

Ecodesign-research; a promising approach to sustainable production and consumption

EU-project: ELCE- Environmental Life Cycle Engineering managed by Professor Helge Brattebø, Industrial Ecology, NTNU

Participation on different research projects:

Product certification (Produktgodkjenning , 309560.07 - SINTEF prosjekt)

Methodology in Mechatronics (Mekatronikk metodeutvikling, 240047 - NTH/SINTEF).

Productivity in technology-companies (Teknologiindustriens Produktivitetsprogram – TOPP, NTH/SINTEF)

Academic interests

Integrated Product development, Product development methodology, Project based Teaching, Sustainable innovation and development, Development of competitive product concepts, Engineering Education Development and Research, Scholarship of teaching and learning, SoTL, Pedagogics, learning and university teaching, Innovation and entrepreneurship, Interdisciplinary cooperation, Mechanical Engineering, Strategic project planning, specification and management, Interaction between education, research and practice (knowledge triangle), Industrial projects supervision, Academic development and supervision, Project based and problem based learning and workshops, Scientific writing, Editorial work, Teamwork/ co-operation, Study program/ Education management, Total Quality Management, Product safety. Design for X.


UiA, Product Development and Project Management, 

NTNU, Teaching a part of the course TMAS1003 - Introduction to the Engineering Profession 2017-18

NMBU, Contribution within a course in university teaching, 2016, 2017

Responsible for studyprogrammes within Product design, Mechanical engineering and Electrical Engineering, HiOA and HiO (2003-2010)

Responsible for Product Design 7 - Industrial Assignment, Product development methodology at IPD, NTNU 1996, 2000-2003

Responsible for Ecodesign at IPD, NTNU, 1997-2003

Involved in developing and teaching “Experts in team”, focus on team co-operation and project definition and execution, Involving all engineering departments at NTNU

Sustainability Case Xi’an: Planning and teaching the course ”Sustainable Product and Service Design”, Xi’an, China, Mai  20th—Mai 31st  2002

  • Research stay in Germany 1997-2000.  Contact with, and research-co-operation with different institutions, focus on educational research within environmental design;

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Darmstadt University of Technology -Institute for Machine Elements and Engineering Design -Environmental Product Development, TU-Delft – Netherlands- Section for Environmental Product Development.

  • Contact with and Projects in co-operation with several different companies in many branches.

Short biography

UIA, University of Agder, Professor II, Product Development and Project based learning, 2020 -

UHR, Universities Norway, Senior Advisor, 2011-

KD, Ministry of Education and Research, Senior Advisor, The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research 04.2011-11.2011

HiO - Oslo University College (now OsloMet), Project leader, Quality Engineering Education, 2011

HIO - Oslo University College (now OsloMet), Study Program Leader, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical engineering programme and electronic engineering Program, 2007 – 2011

HiAk - Akershus University College (now OsloMet), Director of research, Research program Innovation, 2004-2007

HiAk - Akershus University College (now OsloMet), Dean, Faculty of Product Design, 2003-2007

NTNU -The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor, Department of Product Design Engineering/ Institutt for produktdesign , IPD, 1996-2003

NTH /NTNU Associate Professor, Department of Machine Design and Materials Technology, 1995-1996.

NTH, Norwegian Institute of Technology, PhD-scolar, Division of Machine Design, 1991-1995.

NTH, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Research Assistant, Division of Machine Design, 1989 – 1991.

SINTEF, Researcher (part-time), Product- and Production Development 1989 -1991

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:08 AM