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Linda Gurvin Opheim

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences
+47 38141850
Mobile phone
Office J3045 (Universitetsveien 25, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)

Areas of responsibility


2022: PhD in Mathematics Education, University of Agder: Mathematical Tasks from the Teachers’ Point of View

2011: MSc University of Agder: Mathematics Education

2005: University college of Vestfold: General teacher education

Work Experience:

2022-on: Assosciate Professor Uia

2022 - on: Consultant for high stake written exams in mathematics for The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training

2015- 2022: Assistant Professor UiA

2015: Project team member, DVM-U, The Norwegian Centre for ICT in education

2011-2015: PhD research fellow, University of Agder

2011-2012: Student adviser, mathematics, University of Agder

2006-2009: Teacher at Ringshaug ungodomsskole

2004-2006: Teacher at Byskogen skole


Academic interests

My research focus is mathematics teachers and a better understanding of their perspectives. I am also interested in how we can improve the teaching of teacher students' in mathematics to prepare them for teaching in schools.


  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin; Knutsen, Kristoffer Heggelund & Brodahl, Cornelia (2023). Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-efficacy as Future Mathematics Teachers in a Second Language Classroom. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education. ISSN 1029-5968. 27(2). doi: 10.26522/jiste.v27i2.4427. Full text in Research Archive
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2015). Teachers’ initiating change in practice due to variation of progression of didactical time. In Krainer, Konrad & Vondrova, Nada (Ed.), Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-80-7290-844-8. p. 3086–3092.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2013). Man-made Difficulties in Mathematics. In Fuglestad, Anne Berit (Eds.), Special Needs Education in Mathematics New Trends, Problems and Possibilities. Portal forlag. ISSN 978 82 92712 98 6. p. 75–85.

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  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin & Simensen, Anita Movik (2018). Læreren som matematikkstudent. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202579012. 88 p.

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  • Reinhardtsen, Jorunn & Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2023). Developing algebra learning teaching activities in cooperation with teachers in middle school.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin; Knutsen, Kristoffer Heggelund & Brodahl, Cornelia (2023). Multilingual Teacher Students’ Self-efficacy as Future Mathematics Teachers in a Second Language Classroom.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Summativ skriftlig vurdering i matematikk med fokus på lavtpresterende elever.
  • Larson, Niclas & Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Ny doktor drøfter resept for skriftlig eksamen. [Internet]. Apple Podcasts.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Mathematics at secondary schools in Norway and teacher education at UiA.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Assessments in high school.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin; Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne; Goodchild, Simon; Mosvold, Reidar & Wæge, Kjersti (2022). Professional development for mathematics teacher educators.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2021). Hvorfor er matematikk så vanskelig for noen? - Hva kan vi gjøre med det?
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2021). Hvorfor er matematikk så vanskelig for noen? - Hva kan vi gjøre med det?
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2021). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2021). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2020). Algebra er en grunnleggende kompetanse. Fædrelandsvennen. ISSN 0805-3790.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2019). Tips til lavterskel bruk av teknologi for å skape nærhet i nettstudier.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2019). Ungdomsskolematte – enkelt forklart.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2019). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2019). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2019). Lær barna å bli glad i matteleksene.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2019). Fagfornyelsen: Om fremtidens matematikkompetanse,
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2019). Matematikkfaget handler ikke lenger om det riktige svaret. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin; Brodahl, Cornelia & Hansen, Nils Kristian (2017). Nettstudier i Canvas.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin & Simensen, Anita Movik (2017). Matematikk – utforsking av mønstre og de store sammenhengene. In Bjørshol, Stig & Nolet, Ronald (Ed.), Utforsking i alle fag. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-55149-0.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2017). Hvordan utvikle oppgaver som lærere ønsker å benytte i klasserommet?
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2016). Høyt presterende elever (i matematikk).
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2016). Å skape bro mellom forsknings- og praksisfeltet i matematikkdidaktikk.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2016). NVivo workshop.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2016). Forskning med læreren i fokus.
  • Storesletten, Leiv & Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2016). Brukte åtte år på en ligning. Fædrelandsvennen. ISSN 0805-3790.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2015). Teachers’ initiating change in practice due to variation of progression of didactical time.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2015). Presentasjon av doktorgradsarbeid.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2015). Task Design from the Teachers’ Point of View – presenting a new descriptive analytical model from the teachers’ perspective, seeking critique and feedback on how it has been developed and how trustworthy it is.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). NRK: På jakt etter landets mest komplette hjerne. [Internet]. UiA sine nettsider (Uttaskjærs).
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). Runners Up for Linda. [Internet]. UiA sine nettsider (uttaskjærs).
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). Hjernekamp, finale. [TV]. NRK 1.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). Hjernekamp, program 5. [TV]. NRK 1.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). Hjernekamp, program 4. [TV]. NRK 1.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). Hjernekamp, program 3. [TV]. NRK 1.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). Hjernekamp, program 2. [TV]. NRK 1.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). Hjerneduell i beste sendetid. [Newspaper]. Hallingdølen.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). Hjernekamp, program 1. [TV]. NRK 1.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). My PhD-project.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). Time as a Condition for Change in Teacher Practice. Proceedings of the International Groups for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. ISSN 0771-100X.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). Time as a Condition for Change in Teacher Practice.
  • Sundtjønn, Trude; Opheim, Linda Gurvin & Simensen, Anita Movik (2014). TEACHING INTERVENTIONS IN MATHEMATICS.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2014). "Smarte" oppgaveformuleringer i matematikk.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2013). Introduction to NVivo.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2013). Teaching mathematics in vocational programs, time as affordance and constraint for change.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2013). Task Design Following the Teachers’ Point of View.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2013). Task Design Following the Teachers’ Point of View.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2012). Task Design Following the Teachers' Point of View.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2012). Task Design Following the Teachers' Point of View.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2012). Designforskning - fra mitt perspektiv.
  • Sundtjønn, Trude; Opheim, Linda Gurvin & Raen, Kristina Markussen (2012). News from Nordic mathematics education - Nordic/Baltic doctoral summer course 2012. NOMAD. 17(2), p. 73–74.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2011). Man-made Difficulties in Mathematics.
  • Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2022). Mathematical Tasks from the Teachers’ Point of View. A Multiple Case Study of Teachers’ Goals in Norwegian Vocationally Oriented Classrooms. Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-8427-063-0.

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:19 AM