Norwegian version of this page

Haakon Sundbø

Department of Information and Communication Technology
+47 37233426
Mobile phone
Office A3084 (Jon Lilletuns vei 9, 4879 Grimstad, Norway)

Research groups

Areas of responsibility

"Creative, Inspired and Social!" Besides the involvement I have at UiA, I also do assignments through my own company Foto, Video & Web - Haakon Sundbø.

Previous education: 

  • Materialer, energi og nanoteknologi, bachelor fra Universitetet i Oslo
  • Multimedieteknologi og – design, bachelor fra Universitet i Agder
  • Multimedia and Educational Technology, master fra Universitet i Agder


  • Adult Education
  • Teacher Professional Development
  • Life-long learning
  • Multimedia
  • Online Learning
  • Educational Technology Integration
  • E-Learning Platforms
  • Learning Analytics
  • Future education & technology
  • Education for Sustainable Development
  • Interaction Design
  • Accessibility
  • User Experience Design (UX)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Digital Marketing
  • Extended Reality (XR)
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Drones
  • Social Media

Academic interests

  • Multimediat Technology
  • eLearning
  • Photography
  • Videography
  • Web Development
  • Graphic Design
  • Marketing

Selected publications

Sundbø, H. (2016). Development, Usability Engineering and Testing of the Video on Demand Service [Master thesis, Universitetet i Agder]. UiA AURA.

Isabwe, M; Madshaven, J; Sundbø, H (2023, 6-8 March). ACTIVE LEARNING IN INTERACTIVE SYSTEM DESIGN COURSES [Paper]. 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference

Madshaven, J; Reichart, F; Sundbø, H (2023, 21-23 October). Enhancing the digital skills of teachers in an online setting [Paper presentation]. 22nd International Conference WWW/Internet 2023.


Jeg har undervist og vært ansvarlig for disse emnene: 

  • DAT100 - Computer Science
  • DAT104 - Multimedia Design
  • DAT110 - Web Publishing
  • DAT222 - Visual Design
  • DAT228 - Sound
  • PED978 - IKT og e-læring i yrkesfag
  • MM903 - Didaktisk bruk av digitale verktøy

In addition, I have been engaged as a supervisor and guest lecturer in these courses:

  • DAT215 - ICT Project
  • DAT227 - Photography
  • DAT229 - Video
  • DAT303 - Research Project
  • MM901 - Web and Computer Awareness
  • MM202 - Remote Operated Vechicles
  • MM403 - Interaction Design
  • TEKPED60 - Technology for Teaching
  • Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training project Decentralized development of competence - DEKOMP

Short biography

  • Foto, Video & Web - Haakon Sundbø, Freelancer
  • Makro Media, Prosjektleder
  • Stiftelsen Skjærgårdsgospel, Marketing
Published Apr. 16, 2024 12:00 PM