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Elsa Mari Almås

Tilknyttet UiA
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
+47 37233772
Mobile phone
Office C5132 (Jon Lilletuns vei 9, 4879 Grimstad, Norway)

Areas of responsibility

Cand Psychol from the University of Bergen, Norway, 1981. Specialist in Clinical Psychology since 1988. Specialist in Clinical Sexology NACS since 2002.

Private practice at Grimstad MPAT-Institute, Grimstad since 1988.  Associate professor at University of Agder.

Charter Member of Norwegian Society for Clinical Sexology, president for two periods.

One of the initiators of the development of the Nordic Curriculum in sexology, and one of the organisers of the Nordic guidelines for sexological authorisation.

Together with Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad, originator of the education in basic sexology and sexological counselling at University of Agder.

Togehter with E.E.P. Benestad, research on gender issues and on traumatised sexuality. This work has been presented at national and international conferences.

With E.E. P. Benestad, author of a Norwegian textbook in sexology, published in 1997, revised in 2006; a book on gender issues, published in 2001, and a book on sex and sexuality published in 2004.

Several publications in journals on sexology as a clinical profession.


Sexology as a profession, clinical sexology, rehabilitation of traumatized sexuality, gender incongruence, understanding of gender.

Academic interests

Clinical and subjective perspectives in research

Organisation of sexology as a profession

Issues related to gender incongruence

Clinical sexology

Rehabilitation of traumatised sexuality

Selected publications

General outreach

Lectures, interviews, mediawork over the years since about 1980.


I have been giving lectures in sexology since 1980.

Responsible for development og Nordic Curriculum in Sexology (1995-1996)

Member of working group for development or guidelines for authorisation of specialists in sexological counselling and in clinical sexology 1999-2002.

Responsible for program (60 ECTS) in sexological counselling at the University of Agder 2001-2021.

Member of Working group for development of professional education in psychology (360 ECTS) at University of Agder.

Short biography

School psychology, Tvedestrand, 1981-1982.

Psychiatric department, Aust Agder Municipality Hospital, 1982-1984

Research Scholarship (NAVF), University of Bergen 1985-1987.

Private practice since 1988.

Associate professor at University of Agder 2001-2012

Full professor in sexology at University of Agder since 2012.

Member of working group for professional education in psychology since 2021.


  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Bolstad, Silje-Håvard; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar & Giami, Alain (2024). Gender Identity Orientation and Sexual Activity—A Survey among Transgender and Gender-Diverse (TGD) Individuals in Norway. Healthcare. ISSN 2227-9032. 12(4). doi: 10.3390/healthcare12040482.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Alstad, Beate; Jørgensen, Berit Bulien; Eide, Bård; Jensen, Hilde Gunn & Mulelid, André [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2023). Behandling av traumatisert seksualitet via PLISSIT-modellen. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid. ISSN 1503-6707. 20(2), p. 147–158. doi: 10.18261/tph.20.2.6.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Gianotten, Woet; Perelman, Luis & Wylie, Kevan (2022). The multiple roles of sexological organisations. Sexologies: revue europeenne de sante sexuelle - european journal of sexual health. ISSN 1158-1360. 31(3), p. 260–268. doi: 10.1016/j.sexol.2022.04.001. Full text in Research Archive
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2021). Treatment of Traumatised Sexuality. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 12. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.610619. Full text in Research Archive
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). The debate on medicalization of sexology 2001–2010: a literature study on psychological treatment of sexual problem. Sexual and Relationship Therapy. ISSN 1468-1994. 33(3), p. 249–262. doi: 10.1080/14681994.2018.1462491.
  • Berg, Kari Ellen; Rohde, Gudrun E.; Prøven, Anne; Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Østensen, Monika Elisabeth [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2017). Exploring the relationship between demographic and disease-related variables and perceived effect of health status on sexual activity in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: associations found only with non-disease variables. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. ISSN 0300-9742. 46(6), p. 461–467. doi: 10.1080/03009742.2017.1279684.

View all works in Cristin

  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Sexologi i praksis. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 978-82-15-02971-9. 399 p.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2017). Sexologi i praksis 3. utgave. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 978-82-15-02971-9. 399 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2023). Helsemyndighetene har forsømt sin oppgave når det gjelder å bygge ut tilbud i form av regionale kompetansesentre med tilstrekkelig faglig kompetanse. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 60(6), p. 384–386.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2023). Transdebatten: Påstandene er respektløse og i høyeste grad kunnskapsløse.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2023). Måten vi er menn eller kvinner på har endret seg radikalt.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2023). Rapport om kjønnsinkongruens: Ukom utelater viktig kunnskap.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2022). Tokjønnsmodellen blir utfordret – rapport fra en personlig og faglig reise. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 59(9), p. 780–791.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2022). Bell v Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust [2020] EWHC 3274: Weighing current knowledge and uncertainties in decisions about gender-related treatment for transgender adolescents. Faculty Opinions. ISSN 2634-0836.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2022). Review: Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8. Faculty Opinions. ISSN 2634-0836.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2022). Hever fanen for fri kjønnsflyt. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2022). Tokjønnsmodellen blir utfordret - rapport fra en personlig og faglig reise. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2022). Eldre og seksualitet.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2022). «Folkeopplysningen» om trans sprer farlig desinformasjon.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2022). Almås E: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Annon JS, J Sex Educ Ther 2022 2(1:1-15)].
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2021). Kjønn, seksualitet og identitet.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2021). Non-binary gender: A developing identity and new research field?
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Giami, Alain; Wylie, Kevan; Gianotten, Woet & Perelman, Luis (2021). Sexologcal organizations.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2021). Hva kan helsevesenet lære av en sexologisk tilnærming tl behandling? ISSN 1891-635X.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2021). Sexologi 2001-2021.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2021). Hva er seksuell folkeskikk?
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Giami, Alain (2021). World Sexual Health Day 2021.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2021). Behandling av traumatisert seksualøitet - etter PLISSIT-modellen.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Wilhelmsen, Agnes Cecilie; Lomsdalen, Christian & Follestad, Tore Holte (2021). Hva mener de politiske partiene om seksuell folkehelse? ISSN 1891-635X.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2020). Coronabevisst flørt. VG : Verdens gang. ISSN 0805-5203.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2020). Kjønnsbegeistring.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2020). Hvordan blir to-kjønnsmodellen utfordret?
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2020). Seksualitet ved kronisk sykdom.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Bolstad, Silje-Håvard & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2019). Unødig patologisering. Forståelsen av kjønnsinkongruens bør bevege seg i ressurs- fremfor patologiorienter tretning. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 56(9), p. 686–687.
  • Karlsen, Tor-Ivar; Giami, Alain; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Bolstad, Silje-Håvard & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). Paths leading to suicide attempts among Norwegian trans people.
  • Bolstad, Silje-Håvard; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Almås, Elsa Mari & Giami, Alain (2019). Gender Self Definition for Measuring Transition Pathways in Norway.
  • Giami, Alain; Panjo, Henri; Scandurra, Cristiano; Valerio, Paolo; Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2019). Access to health care among trans population in Europe.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar; Bolstad, Silje-Håvard & Giami, Alain (2019). Mental health in gender incongruent individuals below 20 years of age.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Bolstad, Silje-Håvard (2019). Unngå unødig patologisering. Forståelse av kjønnsinkongruens bør bevege seg i en ressurs- fremfor patologiorientert retning. Tidsskrift Norsk Psykologforening.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). From Gender Dysphoria to Gender Euphoria.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). From Gender Dysphoria to Gender Euphoria.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). From Gender Dysphoria to Gender Euphoria.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). From Gender Dysphoria to Gender Euphoria. A workshop with Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad and Elsa Almås.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). From GenderDysphoria to Gender Euphoria. A Workshop with Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad and Elsa Almås.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). From Gender Dysphoria to Gender Euphoria: A Workshop with Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad and Elsa Almås.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). Den positive seksualiteten - dens mangfold og gleder.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2019). Kjønn i bevegelse.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2019). Vårmøte/Årsmøte Sexologi som fag. In Jahr, Ernst Håkon & Thygesen, Ragnar (Ed.), Agder Vitenskapsakademi Årbok 2018. Novus Forlag. ISSN 9788283900279. p. 55–65.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Almås, Elsa Mari & Pristed, Rikke (2019). Norwegian SAR/SSA. International Journal of Sexual Health. ISSN 1931-7611. 31, p. A93–A94. doi: 10.1080/19317611.2019.1661941.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). Sexual Excitement and Attraction in Individuals who Experience Gender Incongruence in Norway. International Journal of Sexual Health. ISSN 1931-7611. 31, p. A35–A35. doi: 10.1080/19317611.2019.1661941.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). Development of Nordic SAR/SSA. International Journal of Sexual Health. ISSN 1931-7611. 31, p. A93–A93. doi: 10.1080/19317611.2019.1661941.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Pristed, Rikke; Vilponen, Tiina; Carola-Bure, Maria & Dogg, Sigga [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2019). Symposium SY-28: Nordic SAR/SSA Sexual Attitudes Reassessment and Restructuring (SAR)/ Sexual Self Acknowledgement (SSA).
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Pristed, Rikke (2019). Development of the Nordic SAR/SSA.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar; Bolstad, Silje-Håvard & Giami, Alain (2019). Sexual excitement and sexual attraction in individuals who experience gender incongruence in Norway.
  • Enriques-Estrada, Victor Manuel; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Almås, Elsa Mari; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar; Bolstad, Silje-Håvard & Giami, Alain (2019). “Born in the right or the wrong country?” A comparison of quality of life for the trans populations in Mexico and Norway with Born in the right or the wrong country. Comparison of the quality of life for the trans populations in Mexico and Norway with focus on psychological measures in relation to societal changes that has taken place. .
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Almås, Elsa Mari & Pristed, Rikke (2019). Norwegian SAR/SSA.
  • Giami, Alain; Bolstad, Silje Håvard; Panjo, Henri; Almås, Elsa Mari; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2019). Access to health care among trans population in Europe Trans: Health and Citizenship.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Bolstad, Silje Håvard; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar & Giami, Alain (2019). Mental health in gender incongruent individuals in Norway.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Almås, Elsa Mari; Bolstad, Silje-Håvard; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar & Giami, Alain (2019). Paths leading to suicide attempts among Norwegian trans people.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). Sexologisk dagsseminar.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). Complex and challenging cases: disentangling and integrative approach.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2019). Understanding mind-body in clinical sexology.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). Gender incongruence theory and practice.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2019). Meaning and motivation.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2019). Fagdag sexologi.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Menneskelige møter. Tidsskrift Norsk Psykologforening.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). For opptatt av å ikke gjøre feil Manglende faglig innsikt preger Norsk psykologforenings holdning til behandling av personer med kjønnsinkongruens. Tidsskrift Norsk Psykologforening.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Eli, Stålesen (2018). Det er ingen overraskelse at det skjer seksuell trakassering. ISSN 1891-635X.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Almås, Elsa Mari; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar & Bolstad, Silje Håvard (2018). Født i «feil kropp» i feil land: Ny undersøkelse om kjønnsinkongruens i Norge gir alarmerende resultater. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Seksuell folkeskikk.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Om lengsel og lyst, nærhet og kjærlighet. Om vilkår for god seksuell helse.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Hvordan bli trygg på å snakke om seksualitet?
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Kjønnsbegeistring.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2018). Sound Sexual Skllls (Muhabet).
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Bolstad, Silje Håvard; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar & Giami, Alain (2018). Gender Health and Citizenship.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Langfeldt, Thore & Torvald, Höjerback (2018). NACS 40 year histpry presentation.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli; Giami, Alain; Gianotten, Woet; Perelman, Luis & Wylie, Kevan (2018). The multiple roles of Sexological organizations. Are there different roles on different levels: national, regional and global? .
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Autophilias revisited.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). WAS 40th Aniversary.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Evidenced based research and treatment of traumatized sexuality.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Seksuell folkeskikk.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Uønsket seksuell oppmerksomhet.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Proceedings, conclusions and consequences of the Norwegian expert groups on Transgender health.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Sexologi som fag.
  • Melby, Kristian Leonard; Almås, Elsa Mari; Viki, Nicklas Poulsen & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2018). Muhabbet - a conversation in love and respect.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2018). Kjønnsbegeistring 2018.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Bekymringsfunn seksuell adferd hos barn. Barn og overgrep. .
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Ungdom: kjønn identitet og seksualitet.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Barns seksualitet .
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Kjønn og kjønnsidentitet .
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Profesjonell tilnærming til seksualitet .
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Euforia del género.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Autogynephilia and autoandrophilia revisited.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Kan man reparere seksualitetv etter seksuelle overgrep?
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2017). Sexual problems after traumatization.
  • Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli & Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Kjønnsbegeistring.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Rehabilitation of traumatized sexuality through modified sex therapy.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari (2017). Seksualitet, identitet og rus.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari & Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli (2017). Seksualitet som tema i parterapi. In Ness, Ottar (Eds.), Håndbok i parterapi. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 978-82-450-2206-3. p. 169–182.
  • Almås, Elsa Mari; Heer Aas, Fam Karine; Hennum, Ragnhild Helene; Holter, Øystein Gullvåg; Kjerstad Larsen, Morten & Larsen, Arne Martin [Show all 13 contributors for this article] (2019). Rapport fra Arbeidsgruppen mot mobbing og trakassering i UH-sektoren (UHRMOT). Universitetet i Agder. Full text in Research Archive

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:22 AM