Norwegian version of this page

Elisabet Rudjord Hillesund

Head of Department
Department of Nutrition and Public Health
+47 38141285
Mobile phone
Office I1014 (Universitetsveien 25, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)

Areas of responsibility

As head of the Department of Nutrition and Public Health, one of my main responsibilities is to see to it that the lecturers and researchers have what they need to carry out their duties and work within education, research and research dissemination.

My scientific work concerns diet and nutrition in nutritionally vulnerable life stages, i.e. young adulthood/preconception years, pregnancy, infancy and early childhood. I am actively involved in several research projects addressing dietary challenges in these life stages through the UiA-established Priority Research Centre on Lifecourse Nutrition.

I represent University of Agder in a National forum for higher education and research within the field of nutrition.

For publications visit Cristin:


My scientific work concerns diet and nutrition in nutritionally vulnerable life stages, i.e. young adulthood/preconception years, pregnancy, infancy and early childhood. I am actively involved in several research projects addressing dietary challenges in these life stages through the UiA-established Priority Research Centre on Lifecourse Nutrition.

Academic interests


  • The developmental origins of health and disease
  • Preconception diet in relation to subsequent children's health
  • Maternal dietary behavior and pregnancy health
  • Diet during infancy and childhood
  • Parental feeding practices
  • Dietary pattern indices in investigating diet-disease associations
  • Healthy and sustainable diets


I have been study program leader for the bachelor's program in Public Health Nutrition and had teaching responsibilities in several courses. I have supervised bachelor'stheses in nutrition, master's  theses in public health science, and phd theses through the Faculty's phd program.

Short biography

2020-dd        Professor, Department of Nutrition and Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, UiA (changed name from Department of Pubilc Health, Sports and Nutrition in 2019)

2015-2020     Associate Professor, Department of Pubilc Health, Sports and Nutrition, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, UiA 

2012-2015     PhD candidate, Department of Pubilc Health, Sports and Nutrition, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, UiA 

1995-2015     Clinical Nutritionist, Children's Department, Sørlandet Hospital HF

1992-1995     Clinical Nutrittionist, Kirkenes Hospital, Norway                    

1991-1992     Clinical Nutrittionist, private practice, Kristiansand, Norway

1988-1991     Clinical Nutrittionist, Ernæringssenteret A/S, Kristiansand, Norway

Published Apr. 16, 2024 11:50 AM