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Christian Walter Peter Omlin

Department of Information and Communication Technology
+47 37233206
Mobile phone
Office A3080 (Jon Lilletuns vei 9, 4879 Grimstad, Norway)

Areas of responsibility

I joined UiA in September 2018. My previous academic appointments were in the US, South Africa, Cyprus and Fiji Islands. I have received my Ph.D. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA) and M. Eng. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Zurich in 1995 and 1987, respectively.



My early research focused on the theoretical foundations of knowledge representation in recurrent neural networks with extensions to fuzzy domains as well as hybrid methods for learning; there is a resurgence of interest in this topic in cognitive science and neuroscience and in the wider context of explainable AI.

My main research interest is in the modelling, analysis and prediction/classification of spatiotemporal patterns using deep machine learning techniques as drivers of applications within the wider settings of converging technologies for Industry 4.0 (diagnostics and prognostics of industrial infrastructures, renewable energies, manufacturing, critical infrastructure protection, safety & security, health, finance, health, education). The ambition for autonomy must be balanced with the need for trust in autonomous systems. There is an emphasis on explainable AI and its relationship to other key imperatives of future AI systems (security, privacy, ethics, and morality) as part of overall AI governance.


Some research highligts are as follows:

1.       We have recently introduced a novel, generic reinforcement learning (RL) paradigm - affinity-based RL (ab-RL) where agents learn strategies that are partially decoupled from reward functions.  It solves problems with an intrinsic global affinity for certain actions, i.e. it encourages agents to learn a desired behavior while maximizing rewards.affinity-based RL (ab-RL) aims at (1) a parsimonious method based on a regularization of the objective function with a distinct action distribution that encourages RL agents (“prototypes”) to globally choose preferred actions based on desired agent traits, (2) an inherent RL interpretability which overcomes the obfuscation of opaque RL models that rely on post-hoc explanation and interpretation, (3) creation of mixed strategy agents thru fuzzy time-variant compositions of prototypical policies with hierarchical RL, each interpretable by its action affinities, that are globally interpretable, and (4) the paradigm allows identification of other agents' strategies without any need for inverse RL.

 2.       The Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) is in place to spot and diagnose particle physics data problems as promptly as possible to avoid data loss in the CMS experiment of CERN. Several studies have proposed to leverage the DQM automation using machine learning algorithms. However, only a few efforts explored temporal characteristics to underpin system monitoring automation of the CMS detectors via anomaly detection models thus far. We have developed a time-aware deep learning model for anomaly detection, prediction, and diagnostics on the multidimensional spatial quantity of the DQM for the HCAL detector.

3.       Machine ethics has received increasing attention over the past few years because of the need to ensure safe and reliable artificial intelligence (AI). The two dominantly used theories in machine ethics are deontological and utilitarian ethics. Virtue ethics is often mentioned as an alternative ethical theory. While this interesting approach has certain advantages over popular ethical theories, little effort has been put into engineering artificial virtuous agents due to challenges in their formalization, codifiability, and the resolution of ethical dilemmas to train virtuous agents. We motivate the implementation of virtuous agents that play such role-playing games, and the examination of their decisions through a virtue ethical lens. The development of such agents and environments is a first step towards practically formalizing and demonstrating the value of virtue ethics in the development of ethical agents.




Selected publications


Manuscripts under Review

A. Vishwanath, C.W. Omlin, “Reward Is Not All You Need for Designing Virtuous Agents with Reinforcement Learning”, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023.

H. Md. Sharif, J. Lei, C.W. Omlin, “Deep Crowd Anomaly Detection by Fusing Reconstruction and Prediction Networks", Applied Intelligence, 2023.

H. Md. Sharif, J. Lei, C.W. Omlin, “Deep Crowd Anomaly Detection: State-of-the-Art, Challenges, and Future Research Directions”, Artificial Intelligence Review, 2023.

C. Maree, C.W. Omlin, “Symbolic Explanation of Affinity-Based Reinforcement Leaning Agents with Markov Models”, Expert Systems with Applications, 2022.

M.S. Mathew, S.T. Kandukuri, C. W. Omlin, “Predicting the Capacity Factor of Wind Farms using Explainable Deep Neural Networks for Estimation of Age Related Performance Degradation”, Wind Europe 2023, 2022.

W. Bounouaa, M.F. Aftaba, C.W. Omlin, “Online Detrended Fluctuation Analysis and Improved Empirical Wavelet Transform  for Real-time Oscillations Detection in Industrial Control Loops”, Computer and Chemical Engineering, 2022.

M.W. Asres, L. Wang, D. Yu, P. Parygin, J. Dittmann, C.W. Omlin, “Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection with Graph Networks for Data Acquisition Monitoring of the Hadron Calorimeter”, Sensors, 2022 (revised).


Publications in Refereed Journals

W. Saeed, C.W. Omlin, “Explainable AI (XAI): A Systematic Meta-Survey of Current Challenges and Future Opportunities”, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, (citations: 15).

M. Dutt, S. Redhu, M. Goodwin, C.W. Omlin, “SleepXAI: An Explainable Deep Learning Approach for Multi-class Sleep Stage Identification”, Applied Intelligence, p. 1-14, 2022,

A. Vishwanath, E.D. Bohr, O.C. Granmo, C. Maree, C. W. Omlin, “Towards Artificial Virtuous Agents: Games, Dilemmas and Mache Learning”, AI & Ethics, Springer, p. 1-10, 2022,

W. Bounouaa, M.F. Aftaba, C.W. Omlin, “Controller Performance Monitoring: A Survey of Problems and a Review of Approaches from a Data-driven Perspective with a Focus on Oscillations Detection and Diagnosis”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, p. 17735–17765, 2022,

C. Maree, C.W. Omlin, “Reinforcement Learning with Intrinsic Affinity for Personalized Prosperity Management”, Digital Finance, p. 241-262, 2022,

C. Maree, C.W. Omlin, “Can Interpretable Reinforcement Learning Manage Assets Your Way?”, AI Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 526-537, 2022,

C. Maree, C.W. Omlin, “Reinforcement Learning Your Way: Agent Characterization through Policy Regularization”, AI, Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 250-259, 2022,

E. Zimudzi, I. Sanders, N. Rollings, C.W. Omlin, “Remote Sensing of Mangroves using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Current State and Future Directions”, Journal of Spatial Science, p. 195-212, 2019. (citations: 10)

E. Zimudzi, I. Sanders, N. Rollings, C.W. Omlin, “Segmenting Mangrove Ecosystems Drone Images using SLIC Superpixels, Geocarto International, p. 164-1662, 2018. (13 citations)

R.C. Staudemeyer, C.W. Omlin, “Extracting Salient Features for Network Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning Methods,’ South African Computer Journal, Vol. 52, pp. 82-96, 2014 (citations: 35).

R. Chandra, M. Frean, M. Zhang and C. W. Omlin, "Encoding Subcomponents in Cooperative Coevolutionary Recurrent Neural Networks", Neurocomputing, Elsevier,  Vol. 74, pp. 3223-3234, 2011 (citations: 35).

R. Chandra, R. Knight, C.W. Omlin, “Renosterveld Conservation in South Africa: A Case Study for Handling Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Neural Networks for Environmental Management”, Journal of Environmental Informatics, Vol 13, No. 1, pp. 56-65, 2009 (citations: 8).

A. Sharma, C.W. Omlin, “Performance Comparison of Particle Swarm Optimization with Traditional Clustering Algorithms Used in Self-Organizing Maps”,  International Journal of Computational Intelligence, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2009 (citations: 14)

R. Chandra, C. W. Omlin, “Evolutionary training of Hybrid Systems of Recurrent Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models”, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol 3, No. 3, pp. 127-133, 2007.

A. Sharma, C.W. Omlin, “Determining Cluster Boundaries using Particle Swarm Optimization”, Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology, pp. 250-254, 2006. ( citations: 8)

C. Scheffler, K.H. Scheffler, C.W. Omlin, “Articulated Tree Structure from Motion - A Matrix Factorization Approach”, Transactions of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, Special Issue on Pattern Recognition: Theory and Applications, 2005. (citations: 2)

R.S. Kroon, C.W. Omlin, “Getting to Grips with Support Vector Machines: Theory”, South African Statistical Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2, p. 93-114, 2004 (citations: 1).

R.S. Kroon, C.W. Omlin, “Getting to Grips with Support Vector Machines: Application”, South African Statistical Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2, p. 159-172, 2004 (citations: 1).

C.W. Omlin, S. Snyders, ``Inductive Bias in Knowledge-Based Neural Networks: Application to Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Breast Tissues'', Artifical Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 28, No.2, p121-140, 2003 (citations: 13).

A. Vahed, C.W. Omlin, ``A Machine Learning Approach to Extraction of Symbolic Knowledge from Recurrent Neural Networks'', Neural Computation, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 59-71, 2004 (citations: 14).

C.L. Giles, C.W. Omlin, K.K. Thornber, ``Equivalence in Knowledge Representation: Automata, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Dynamical Fuzzy Systems'', Proceedings of the IEEE (Special Issue on Computational Intelligence), D.B. Fogel, T. Fukuda, L. Guan (Eds.) , Vol. 87, No. 9, p. 1623-1640, 1999 (citations: 115).

C.W. Omlin, K.K. Thornber, C.L. Giles, ``Fuzzy Finite State Automata can be Deterministically Encoded into Recurrent Neural Networks'', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 76-89, 1998 (citations: 140).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Constructing Deterministic Finite-State Automata in Recurrent Neural Networks'', Journal of the Association or Computing Machinery, Vol. 43, No. 6, p. 937-972, 1996 (citations: 237).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Extraction of Rules from Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks'', Neural Networks, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 41-52, 1996 (citations: 268).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Stable Encoding of Large Finite-State Automata in Recurrent Neural Networks with Sigmoid Discriminants'', Neural Computation, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1996 (citations: 69).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Rule Revision with Recurrent Neural Networks'', IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 183-188, 1996 (citations: 77).

C.L. Giles, C.W. Omlin, ``Pruning Recurrent Neural Networks for Improved Generalization Performance'', IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks, vol. 5, No.5, p. 848-851, 1994 (citations: 145).

C.L. Giles, C.W. Omlin, ``Extraction, Insertion and Refinement of Symbolic Rules in Dynamically-Driven Recurrent Neural Networks'', Connection Science, vol. 5, no. 3-4, p. 307-337, 1993 (citations: 116).


Publications in Book Chapters

B. Wiese, C.W. Omlin, “Credit Card Transactions, Fraud Detection and Machine Learning: Modelling Time with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks”, M. Bianchini, L. Jain, M. Maggini, F. Scraselli (Eds.),  Innovations in Neural Information Paradigms and Applications, Springer, pp. 231-268, 2009. (citations: 75).

P. Frasconi, C.L. Giles, M. Gori, and C.W. Omlin, ``Insertion of Prior Knowledge'', in J.F. Kolen and S.C. Kremer, (Eds.), A Field Guide to Recurrent Neural Networks, IEEE Press, pp. 155-177, 2001. (citations: 2).

C.W. Omlin, ``Understanding and Explaining DRN Behavior'', in J.F. Kolen and S.C. Kremer, (Eds.), A Field Guide to Recurrent Neural Networks, IEEE Press, p. 207-227, 2001. 

C.L. Giles, C.W. Omlin, ``Representation of Discrete States'', in J.F. Kolen and S.C. Kremer, (Eds.), A Field Guide to Recurrent Neural Networks, IEEE Press, pp. 83-102, 2001 (citations: 2).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Symbolic Knowledge Representation in Recurrent Neural Networks: Insights from Theoretical Models of Computation'', in I. Cloete & J Zurada (Eds.), Knowledge-Based Neurocomputing, MIT Press, p. 63-105, 2000 (citations: 33).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, and K.K. Thornber, `` Fuzzy Knowledge and Recurrent Neural Networks: A Hybrid Dynamical Systems Perspective'', S. Wermter (Ed.), Hybrid Systems, Springer Verlag, 2000 (citations: 5).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Extraction and Insertion of Symbolic Information in Recurrent Neural Networks'', V. Honavar, L. Uhr (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks: Steps Toward Principled Integration, p. 271-299, Academic Press, 1994 (citations: 32).


Publications in International Refereed Conference Proceedings

M.S. Mathew,  S.T. Kandukuri, C.W. Omlin, “Estimation of Wind Turbine Performance DegradationWith Deep Neural Networks”, PHM Europe, p. 351-359, 2022.

utt, M. Goodwin, C.W. Omlin, “Sleep State Identification Based on Single-Channel EEG Signalsusing 1-D Convolutional Autoencoders”, IEEE Healthcom , 2022, accepted.

M. Asres, G. Cummings, P. Parygin, A. Khukhunaishvili, M. Toms, A. Campbell, S. I. Cooper, D. Yu, J. Dittmann, C. W. Omlin, “Unsupervised Multistep Anomaly Prediction using Causal Convolutional Autoencoders for Multivariate Time Series”, PHM Europe, p. 364-371, 2022.

C. Maree. C.W. Omlin, “Understanding Spending Behavior: Recurrent Neural Network Explanation and Interpretation”, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics, 2022.

C. Maree. C.W. Omlin, “Balancing Profit, Risk, and Sustainability for Portfolio Management”, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics, 2022.

M.W. Asres, G. Cummings, P. Parygin, A. Khukhunaishvili, M. Toms, A. Campbell, S. I. Cooper, D. Yu, J. Dittmann, C. W. Omlin, “Unsupervised Deep Variational Model for Multivariate Sensors Anomaly Detection”, International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing, p. 364-371,2021.

C. Maree, C.W. Omlin, “Clustering in Recurrent Neural Networks for Micro-Segmentation using Spending Personality”, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, 2021. (citations: 7)

M. Dutt, M. Goodwin, C.W. Omlin, “Automatic Sleep Stage Identification with Time Distributed Convolutional Neural Networks”, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2021 (accepted).

C. Maree, J.E. Modal, C.W. Omlin, “Towards Responsible AI for Financial Transactions”, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence”, p. 16-21, 2020. (citations: 8)

M. Holen, R. Saha, M. Goodwin, C.W. Omlin, K.E. Sandmark, “Road Detection for Reinforcement Learning Based Autonomous Car”, 3rd International Conference Information Systems, 2020. (citations: 6)

M. Holen, R. Saha, M. Goodwin, C.W. Omlin, “Road Detection for Reinforcement Based Autonomous Cars, International Conference on Information Science and Systems, ACM, p. 67-71, 2020.

R. Chandra, R. Deo, C.W. Omlin, “An Architecture for Encoding Two-Dimensional Cyclone Track Prediction in Coevolutionary Recurrent Neural Networks”, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, p. 4865-4872, 2016. (citations: 5)

D. Bingol, T. Celik, C.W. Omlin, H.B. Vadapalli, “Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimating using Rotation-Invariant Features and Regressions Analysis”, International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 1381-1385, 2014 (citations: 9).

H. B. Vadapalli, H.O. Nyongesa, C.W. Omlin, “Classifying Facial Action Units: Use of Time Variant Data and Recurrent Neural Networks”,International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing, pp. 64-68, 2011.

H.B. VadapalliH. O. NyongesaC. W. Omlin. “Recurrent Neural Networks for Facial Action Unit Recognition from Image Sequences”, International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, pp.357-361, 2009. (citations: 5)

R. Chandra, C. W. Omlin, ”Evolutionary One-Step Gradient Descent for Training Recurrent Neural Networks”, Proceedings of International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods, pp. 305-311, 2008.

R. Chandra, C.W. Omlin, “Combining Genetic and Gradient Descent Learning in Recurrent Neural Networks: An Application to Speech Phoneme Classification”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, p. 278-285, 2007.

R. Chandra, C.W. Omlin, “A Hybrid Recurrent Neural Networks Architecture Inspired by Hidden Markov Models: Training and Extraction of Deterministic Finite Automaton”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, p. 286-293, 2007.

R. Chandra and C. W. Omlin, “Hybrid Recurrent Neural Networks: An Application to Phoneme Classification” International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods, pp. 57-62, 2007 (citations: 2).

R. Chandra and C. W. Omlin, "Combining Genetic and Gradient Descent Learning in Recurrent Neural Networks: An Application to Speech Phoneme Classification", Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, pp. 278-285, 2007.

R. Chandra and C. W. Omlin, "Hybrid Recurrent Neural Networks Architecture Inspired by Hidden Markov Models: Training and Extraction of Deterministic Finite Automaton", Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition,  pp. 286-293, 2007.

R. Chandra and C. W. Omlin, “Knowledge Discovery using Artificial Neural Networks for a Conservation Biology Domain” International Conference on Data Mining, pp. 221-227, 2007 (citations: 4).

D. Umuhoza, J. Agbinya, C.W. Omlin, “Estimation of Trust Metrics for MANET using QoS Parameter and Source Routing Algorithms”, 2nd International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications,  2007 (citations: 34).

R. Chandra, C.W. Omlin, “Training and Extraction of Fuzzy Finite State Automata in  Recurrent Neural Networks”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, 2006, p. 274-279.

R. Chandra and C. W. Omlin, “Evolutionary Training of Hybrid Systems of Recurrent Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models” Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 58-63, 2006.

A. Sharma, C.W. Omlin, “Cluster Extraction with Particle Swarm Optimimzation”, International Conference on Neural Networks, 2006.

D. Umuhoza, M. Momani, J. Agbinya, C.W. Omlin, ``On Trust Metric and Trust Modelling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks'', IEEE ICTe Africa 2006, accepted for publication, 2006.

J. Whitehill, C.W. Omlin, ``Haar Features for FACS AU Recognition'', 7th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR06), pp. 97-101, 2006 (citations: 243) .

J. Whitehill, C.W. Omlin, ``Local versus Global Segmentation for Facial Expression Recognition'', 7th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR06), accepted for publication, pp. 357-362, 2006 (citations: 13).

O.P. Kogeda, J.I. Agbinya, C.W. Omlin, ``A probabilistic Approach to Faults Prediction in Cellular Networks'', Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Networking  2006 (citations: 8).

O.A. Abidogun, C.W. Omlin,”Fraud Detection in Mobile Telecommunication Networks: Call Profiling with Unsupervised Neural Networks”, Proceedings of the 12th International IEEE Conference on Telecommunications, 2005.

R.C. Staudemeyer, D. Umuhoza,  C.W. Omlin, “Attacker Models, Traffic Analysis and Privacy Threats in IP Networks”, Proceedings of the 12th International IEEE Conference on Telecommunications, 2005. (citations: 5)

P. Kogeda, J.I. Agbinya, C.W. Omlin, ``Impacts and Cost of Faults on Services in Cellular Networks'', 4th International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB2005), p. 551-555, 2005 (citations: 10).

R. Chandra, R. Knight, C.W. Omlin, ``A Neurocomputing Paradigm for Environmental Decision Support Systems'', International Conference on Environmental Management, 2005 (citations: 1).

R.K. Vadapalli, R. Knight, C.W. Omlin, ``Time Series Change Analysis of the Vegetation in Namaqualand, South Africa'',  International Conference on Environmental Management, 2005.

P. Kogeda , J.I. Agbinya and C.W. Omlin; “Probabilistic faults prediction in cellular networks”, 1st International Conference on Computers, Communications, and Signal Processing, 2005.

O.A. Abidogun, C.W. Omlin,”Call Profiling using Self-Organizing Maps”, in M. Mohammadian (Ed), Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, p. 371-379, 2004 (citations: 9).

D. Walsh, C.W. Omlin, ``Automatic Detection of Image Orientation with Support Vector Machines'', T. Hendtlass, M. Ali (Eds.), Developments in Applied Artificial Intelligence, LNAI, Vol. 2358, p. 36, 2002. Intelligence and Expert Systems, 2002.

J. van Zyl, C.W. Omlin, ``Knowledge-Based Neural Networks for Modelling Time Series'', International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Vol. 2085, p. 579, 2001 (citations: 1).

J. van Zyl, C.W. Omlin, ``Prediction of Seismic Events in Mines using Neural Networks'', International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, p. 1492-1497, 2001 (citations: 6).

S. Snyders, C.W. Omlin, ``Inductive Bias in Recurrent Neural Networks'', Connectionist Models of Neurons, Learning Processes, and Artificial Intelligence Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2084, Springer Verlag, p. 339-346, 2001 (citations: 3).

S. Snyders, C.W. Omlin, ``Rule Extraction from Knowledge-Based Neural Networks with Adaptive Inductive Bias'', International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Vol. 1, p. 143-148, 2001 (citations: 6).

A. Kruger, C.L. Giles, F. Coetzee, E. Glover, G.W. Flake, S. Lawrence, C. W. Omlin, ``DEADLINER: Building a Niche Search Engine'', Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2000 (citations: 50).

T. Wessels, C.W. Omlin, ``Refinement of Hidden Markov Models with Recurrent Neural Networks'', International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2000 (citations: §1).

T. Wessels, C.W. Omlin, ``A Hybrid System for Signature Verification'', International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2000 (citations: 75).

S. Snyders, C.W. Omlin, ``What Inductive Bias Gives Good Neural Network Training Performance?'', International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2000 (citations 19).

A. Vahed, C.W. Omlin, ``Rule Extraction from Recurrent Neural Networks using a Symbolic Machine Learning Algorithm'', Proceedings International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Vol. 2, p. 712-717, 1999 (citations: 26).

C.W. Omlin, K.K. Thornber, C.L. Giles, ``Deterministic Representation of Fuzzy Finite-State Automata in Recurrent Neural Networks'', Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, 1996 (citations: 11).

C.L. Giles, C. W. Omlin, B.G. Horne, ``Recurrent Neural Networks: Representation and Synthesis of Automata and Sequential Machines'' (invited paper), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, 1996 (citations: 4).

C.L. Giles, C. W. Omlin, ``Learning, Representation, and Synthesis of Discrete Dynamical Systems in Continuous Recurrent Neural Networks'' (invited paper), Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Architectures for Semiotic Modeling and Situation Analysis in Large Complex Systems, J. Albus, A. Meystel, D. Pospelov, T. Reader (eds.), AdRem Inc., Balas Cynwyd, PA, p. 336, 1995. (citations: 6)

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, B.G. Horne, L.R. Leerink, T. Lin, ``Training Recurrent Neural Networks with Temporal Input Encodings'', Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, (ICNN'94), p. 1267-1272, 1994 (citations: 1).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Constructing Deterministic Finite-State Automata in Sparse Recurrent Neural Networks'', Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'94), p. 1732-1737, 1994 (citations: 26).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Integrating Temporal Symbolic Knowledge and Recurrent Neural Networks'' (invited paper), Proceedings of the International Symposium Integrating Knowledge and Neural Heuristics (ISIKNH'94), p.25-31, 1994.

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Pruning Recurrent Neural Networks for Improved Generalization Performance'', J. Vlontzos, J.N. Hwang, E. Wilson (Eds.), Neural Networks for Signal Processing IV: Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Workshop, p. 690-699, 1994 (citations: 90)

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Rule Refinement with Recurrent Neural Networks'', Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'93), Vol. 2, p. 801-806, 1993 (citations: 46).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, C.B. Miller, ``Heuristics for the Extraction of Rules from Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks'', Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'92), Baltimore, MD, Vol.1, p.33-38, 1992 (citations: 38).

C.L. Giles, C.W. Omlin, ``Inserting Rules into Recurrent Neural Networks'', S.Y. Kung,F. Fallside, J. A. Sorenson, C.A. Kamm (Eds.), Neural Networks for Signal Processing II: Proceedings of The 1992 IEEE Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, p.13-22, 1992 (citations: 49).

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, ``Training Second-Order Recurrent Neural Networks using Hints'', D. Sleeman P. Edwards (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning (ML'92), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, CA, p.363-368, 1992 (citations: 82).


Publications in Local Refereed Conference Proceedings 

R.C. Staudemeyer, C.W. Omlin, “Evaluating Performance of Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks on Intrusion Detection Data”, Proceedings of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologist,  p. 218-224, 2013 (citations: 70).

H.B. Vadapalli, H. Nyongesa, and C.W. Omlin, "Recurrent Neural Networks for Facial Action Unit Recognition from Image Sequences", in Proceedings of the 21st Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of
South Africa (PRASA), November, p.. 269-273, 2010.

R. Staudemeyer, C.W. Omlin, “Feature Set Reduction for Automatic Network Intrusion Detection with Machine Learning Algorithms”, Proceedings of the Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2009. (citations: 9)

O.P. Kogeda, J. Agbinya, C.W. Omlin, “Probabilistic Fault Prediction in Cellular Networks”, Proceedings of the Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2007 (citations: 18)

C. Abidogun, C.W. Omlin, “A Self-Organizing Maps Model for Outlier Detection in Call Data from Mobile Telecommunications Networks, Proceedings of the Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2004. (citations: 9)

O. Abidogun, C.W. Omlin, “Intelligent Fraud Detection”, Proceedings of the 1st African Conference on the Digital Common,, 2004 (citations: 1).

P. Kogeda, J. Agbinya, C.W. Omlin, “Faults and Service Modelling for Cellular Networks”, Proceedings of the Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2004. (citations: 6)

R.S. Kroon, C.W. Omlin, ``Bounding Generalization of Support Vector Machines", Proceedings of the 50th South African Statistical Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2003.

C. Scheffler, K. Scheffler, C. W. Omlin, ``Articulated Tree Structure From Motion - A Matrix Factorisation Approach'', Proceedings of the fourteenth Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa,  2003 (citations: 4).

C. Tiflin C.W. Omlin, “LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks for Signature Verification”, Proceedings of the Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2003. (citations: 12

M. Schulze, K. Scheffler, C.W. Omlin,  “Recognizing Facial Actions with Support Vector Machines”, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, 2002.

S. Naidoo, M. Glaser, C.W. Omlin, “Recognition of Static Hand Gestures for SASL Translation”, Proceedings of the 5th South African Conference on Telecommunications, Networks, and Applications, 2002 (citations: 22).

W.H. Andrag, C.W. Omlin, ``Q-Routing for Congestion Control in Telecommunication Networks with Limited Buffer Size'', Proceedings of the 4th South African Conference on Telecommunications, Networks, and Applications, 2001.

W.H. Andrag, C.W. Omlin, ``Optimization of Multiple Objectives in Telecommunication Networks using Intelligent Agents'', Proceedings 3rd South African Conference on Telecommunications, Networks, and Applications, p. 302-306, 2000.

W.H. Andrag, C.W. Omlin, ``Distributed Intelligent Multi-Agents for Telecommunication Network Management'', Proceedings 2nd South African Conference on Telecommunications, Networks, and Applications, p. 302-306, 1999.

T. Wessels, C.W. Omlin, ``Refining Hidden Markov Models with Recurrent Neural Networks'', Proceedings Proceedings 2nd South African Conference on Telecommunications, Networks, and Applications, p. 368-373, 1999 (citations: 11).


Unpublished Manuscript

O.C. Granmo, S. Glimsdal, L. Jiao, M. Goodwin, C.W. Omlin, G.T. Berg, “The Convolutional Tsetlin Machine”, 2019. (citations: 42)

J. Connan, C.W. Omlin, “Bibliography Extraction with Hidden Markov Models”, Department of Computer Science, University of Stellenbosch, 2000 (citations: 19).

F. Coetzee, A. Kruger, C.L. Giles, S. Lawrence, G. Flake, C.W. Omlin, “Binary Feature Selection and Integration in Specialized Search Engines, University of Stellenbosch, 2000.

C.W. Omlin, C.L. Giles, “Dynamic Adaptation of Recurrent Neural Network Architectures Guided by Symbolic Knowledge”, University of Stellenbosch, 1999.


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IKT462 - Digital Health: Fundamental (guest lecturer)

IKT463 - Artificial Intelligence in Society

IKT590 Master's Thesis (contact me for topics)

Short biography


Work Experience

2022- Honorary Professor, School of Computing, University of South Africa.

2018- Professor, Department of ICT, University of Agder.

2016- Thesis Supervisor, School of Computing, University of South Africa.

2015-2016 Professor, School of Computing, University of South Africa.

2012-2014 Professor, School of Computer Science, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.

2007-2012 Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Cyprus.

2007 Visiting Research Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.

2004-2007 Professor, School of Computing, Information & Mathematical Sciences, University of the South Pacific, Fiji Islands.

2003-2006 Extraordinary Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.

2004 Visiting Professor, Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSI),. Lugano, Switzerland.

2001-2004 Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.

1998-2001 Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.

1996-1998 Owner / Consultant, Adaptive Computing Technologies, Troy, USA.

1991-1996 Visiting Scientist, NEC Research Institute, Princeton,. USA.

1987-1991 Graduate Assistant, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA.

1987 Software Engineer, Hasler AG (Ascom), Berne, Switzerland.


Leadership Experience

2012-2014 Head of Computer Science, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.

2004-2007 Departmental leadership in the design and planning of the new Japan-Pacific ICT Center at the University of the South Pacific. The center became operational in 2012.

2002-2004 Founding Director, Telkom / Cisco Center of Excellence for IP and Internet Computing, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.

2003 Organization of the South African DACST Innovation Fund Consortium "HearSEE: A Platform for Sign Language Interaction" 

2001-2004 Deputy Chairperson, Department of Computer Science, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.

2001-2004 Information and Communication Technologies research thrust leader for the South African National Research Foundation Program for Historically Black Universities at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa.


  • Mathew, Manuel Sathyajith; Mansouri, Mo; Kandukuri, Surya Teja & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2024). A Systems Perspective on the Public Perception of Wind Power in Norway. INCOSE International Symposium. ISSN 2334-5837.
  • Mathew, Manuel Sathyajith; Kandukuri, Surya Teja & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2024). Soft Ordering 1-D CNN to Estimate the Capacity Factor of Windfarms for Identifying the Age-Related Performance Degradation. Proceedings of the European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHME). ISSN 2325-016X. 8(1), p. 762–770. doi: 10.36001/phme.2024.v8i1.4028.
  • Mathew, Manuel Sathyajith; Kandukuri, Surya Teja & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2024). Fully Automated Diagnostics of Induction Motor Drives in Offshore Wind Turbine Pitch Systems Using Extended Park Vector Transform and Convolutional Neural Network. Proceedings of the European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHME). ISSN 2325-016X. 8(1), p. 488–498. doi: 10.36001/phme.2024.v8i1.4030.
  • Vishwanath, Ajay & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2024). Exploring Affinity-Based Reinforcement Learning for Designing Artificial Virtuous Agents in Stochastic Environments. In Farmanbar, Mina; Tzamtzi, Maria P.; Verma, Ajit Kumar & Chakravorty, Antorweep (Ed.), Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications. FAIEMA 2023. Springer. ISSN 978-981-99-9835-7. p. 25–38. doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-9836-4_3.
  • Sadiq, Touseef & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). Scene Retrieval in Traffic Videos with Contrastive Multimodal Learning, 2023 IEEE 35th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2023). IEEE Computer Society Digital Library. ISSN 9798350342734. p. 1020–1025. doi: 10.1109/ICTAI59109.2023.00153.
  • Fernandes, Fara Aninha; Chaltikyan, Georgi; Gerdes, Martin & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). Bias – The Achilles Heel of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Journal of applied interdisciplinary research. ISSN 2940-8199. p. 90–101. doi: 10.25929/5qxh-nt21.
  • Darowski, Michal; Aftab, Muhammad Faisal; Li, Hongyu; Walker, David; Yu, Guoyu & An, Chenghui [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2023). Towards Data-Driven Material Removal Rate Estimation in Bonnet Polishing. International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation. ISSN 2837-5114. p. 473–479. doi: 10.1109/ICCMA59762.2023.10375024.
  • Asres, Mulugeta Weldezgina; Omlin, Christian Walter Peter; Wang, Long; Yu, David; Parygin, Pavel & Dittmann, Jay [Show all 14 contributors for this article] (2023). Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection with Graph Networks for Data Quality Monitoring of the Hadron Calorimeter. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220. 23(24). doi: 10.3390/s23249679. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bounoua, Wahiba; Aftab, Muhammad Faisal & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). Stiction detection in industrial control valves using Poincaré plot-based convolutional neural networks. IFAC-PapersOnLine. ISSN 2405-8963. 56(2), p. 11687–11692. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.523.
  • Sadiq, Touseef & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). NLP-based Traffic Scene Retrieval via Representation Learning. In Benedicenti, Luigi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science (EECSS 2023) . Avestia Publishing. ISSN 978-1-990800-26-9. doi: 10.11159/mvml23.108.
  • Sharif, Md Haidar; Lei, Jiao & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). CNN-ViT Supported Weakly-Supervised Video Segment Level Anomaly Detection. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220. 23(18). doi: 10.3390/s23187734. Full text in Research Archive
  • Mathew, Manuel Sathyajith; Kolhe, Mohan Lal; Kandukuri, Surya Teja & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). Data driven approach for the management of wind and solar energy integrated electrical distribution network with high penetration of electric vehicles. Journal of Cleaner Production. ISSN 0959-6526. 421. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138467. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sharif, Md Haidar; Lei, Jiao & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). Deep Crowd Anomaly Detection by Fusing Reconstruction and Prediction Networks. Electronics. ISSN 2079-9292. 12(7). doi: 10.3390/electronics12071517. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bounoua, Wahiba; Aftab, Muhammad Faisal & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). Online detrended fluctuation analysis and improved empirical wavelet transform for real-time oscillations detection in industrial control loops. Computers and Chemical Engineering. ISSN 0098-1354. 172. doi: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2023.108173.
  • Saeed, Waddah & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). Explainable AI (XAI): A systematic meta-survey of current challenges and future opportunities. Knowledge-Based Systems. ISSN 0950-7051. 263. doi: 10.1016/j.knosys.2023.110273.
  • Dutt, Micheal; Redhu, Surender; Goodwin, Morten & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). Sleep Stage Identification based on Single-Channel EEG Signals using 1-D Convolutional Autoencoders, 2022 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom). IEEE conference proceedings. ISSN 978-1-6654-8016-1. p. 94–99. doi: 10.1109/HealthCom54947.2022.9982775.
  • Vishwanath, Ajay; Bøhn, Einar Duenger; Granmo, Ole-Christoffer; Maree, Charl & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). Towards artificial virtuous agents: games, dilemmas and machine learning. AI and Ethics. ISSN 2730-5953. doi: 10.1007/s43681-022-00251-8.
  • Dutt, Micheal; Redhu, Surender; Goodwin, Morten & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). SleepXAI: An explainable deep learning approach for multi-class sleep stage identification. Applied intelligence (Boston). ISSN 0924-669X. doi: 10.1007/s10489-022-04357-8. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bounoua, Wahiba; Aftab, Muhammad Faisal & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). Controller performance monitoring: A survey of problems and a review of approaches from a data-driven perspective with a focus on oscillations detection and diagnosis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. ISSN 0888-5885. 61(49), p. 17735–17765. doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.2c02785.
  • Maree, Charl & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). Understanding Spending Behavior: Recurrent Neural Network Explanation and Interpretation, 2022 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CIFEr). IEEE conference proceedings. ISSN 978-1-6654-4234-3. doi: 10.1109/CIFEr52523.2022.9776210. Full text in Research Archive
  • Maree, Charl & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). Balancing Profit, Risk, and Sustainability for Portfolio Management, 2022 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CIFEr). IEEE conference proceedings. ISSN 978-1-6654-4234-3. doi: 10.1109/CIFEr52523.2022.9776048. Full text in Research Archive
  • Maree, Charl & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). Reinforcement learning with intrinsic affinity for personalized prosperity management. Digital Finance. ISSN 2524-6984. doi: 10.1007/s42521-022-00068-4. Full text in Research Archive
  • Mathew, Manuel Sathyajith; Kandukuri, Surya Teja & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). Estimation of Wind Turbine Performance Degradation with Deep Neural Networks. Proceedings of the European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHME). ISSN 2325-016X. 7(1), p. 351–359. doi: 10.36001/phme.2022.v7i1.3328. Full text in Research Archive
  • Asres, Mulugeta Weldezgina; Cummings, Grace; Khukhunaishvili, Aleko; Parygin, Pavel; Cooper, Seth I. & Yu, David [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2022). Long Horizon Anomaly Prediction in Multivariate Time Series with Causal Autoencoders. Proceedings of the European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHME). ISSN 2325-016X. 7(1), p. 21–31. doi: 10.36001/phme.2022.v7i1.3367. Full text in Research Archive
  • Maree, Charl & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). Can Interpretable Reinforcement Learning Manage Prosperity Your Way? AI. 3(2), p. 526–537. doi: 10.3390/ai3020030. Full text in Research Archive
  • Maree, Charl & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). Reinforcement Learning Your Way: Agent Characterization through Policy Regularization. AI. 3(2), p. 250–259. doi: 10.3390/ai3020015. Full text in Research Archive
  • Maree, Charl & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2021). Clustering in Recurrent Neural Networks for Micro-Segmentation using Spending Personality. In Haddow, Pauline (Eds.), IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2021. IEEE Press. ISSN 978-1-7281-9048-8. doi: 10.1109/SSCI50451.2021.9659905. Full text in Research Archive
  • Asres, Mulugeta Weldezgina; Cummings, Grace; Parygin, Pavel; Khukhunaishvili, Aleko; Toms, Maria & Campbell, Alan [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2021). Unsupervised Deep Variational Model for Multivariate Sensor Anomaly Detection, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC). IEEE conference proceedings. ISSN 978-1-6654-2655-8. p. 364–371. doi: 10.1109/PIC53636.2021.9687034.
  • Dutt, Micheal; Goodwin, Morten & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2021). Automatic Sleep Stage Identification with Time Distributed Convolutional Neural Network. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. ISSN 2161-4393. doi: 10.1109/IJCNN52387.2021.9533542.
  • Maree, Charl; Modal, Jan Erik & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2020). Towards Responsible AI for Financial Transactions, 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). ISSN 978-1-7281-2547-3. p. 16–21. doi: 10.1109/SSCI47803.2020.9308456. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holen, Martin; Saha, Rupsa; Goodwin, Morten; Omlin, Christian Walter Peter & Sandsmark, Knut Eivind (2020). Road Detection for Reinforcement Learning Based Autonomous Car, ICISS 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 The 3rd International Conference on Information Science and System. ACM Publications. ISSN 978-1-4503-7725-6. p. 67–71. doi: 10.1145/3388176.3388199.
  • Zimudzi, Edward; Sanders, Ian; Rollings, Nicholas & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2019). Remote sensing of mangroves using unmanned aerial vehicles: current state and future directions. Journal of Spatial Science. ISSN 1449-8596. doi: 10.1080/14498596.2019.1627252.

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  • Mathew, Manuel Sathyajith; Kandukuri, Surya Teja & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). Predicting the capacity factor of wind farms using deep neural networks for estimating age related performance degradation. .
  • Mathew, Manuel Sathyajith; Kandukuri, Surya Teja & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). Predicting the capacity factor of wind farms using deep neural networks for estimating age related performance degradation. .
  • Asres, Mulugeta Weldezgina; Wang, Long; Yu, David & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2022). Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection for the DQM of the CMS Experiment via Graph Networks.
  • Mathew, Manuel Sathyajith; Kandukuri, Surya Teja & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2021). Analytics for Wind Farm Asset Management.
  • Maree, Charl & Omlin, Christian Walter Peter (2023). Affinity-Based Reinforcement Learning: A New Paradigm for Agent Interpretability. Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-8427-108-8. Full text in Research Archive

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 10:50 AM