Norwegian version of this page

Anne-Dorthe Tveit

Tilknyttet UiA
Department of Education
+47 38141237
Mobile phone
Office E2316 (Universitetsveien 25, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)

Research groups


  • Haraldstad, Åse; Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2022). Democracy in schools: qualitative analysis of pupils’ experiences of democracy in the context of the Norwegian school. Cambridge Journal of Education. ISSN 0305-764X. 52(1), p. 73–89. doi: 10.1080/0305764X.2021.1935738. Full text in Research Archive
  • Cameron, David Lansing & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2020). PPTs bidrag i ansvarsgrupper omkring barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne i barnehagen. Psykologi i kommunen (PIK). ISSN 1892-3364.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2020). Organisational Challenges for School Development and Improvement: The Obstructing Role of Sub-Groups and an Overly Positive School Culture . International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning. ISSN 2232-5107. 9(1), p. 27–42. Full text in Research Archive
  • Jortveit, Maryann; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing & Lindqvist, Gunilla (2019). A comparative study of Norwegian and Swedish special educators’ beliefs and practices. European Journal of Special Needs Education. ISSN 0885-6257. 35(3), p. 350–365. doi: 10.1080/08856257.2019.1689716.
  • Cameron, David Lansing & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2019). ‘You know that collaboration works when … ’ identifying the features of successful collaboration on behalf of children with disabilities in early childhood education and care. Early Child Development and Care. ISSN 0300-4430. 189(7), p. 1189–1202. doi: 10.1080/03004430.2017.1371703.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing & Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2019). Teoretisk og praktisk forståelse av systemrettet arbeid i PPT . In Bjerklund, Monica; Groven, Berit & Åmot, Ingvild (Ed.), PPTs systemrettede arbeid i barnehagen. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215030418.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Jortveit, Maryann; Lindqvist, Gunilla; Göransson, Katharina & Nilholm, Claes (2018). A comparative study of special educator preparation in Norway and Sweden. British Journal of Special Education (BJSE). ISSN 0952-3383. 45(3), p. 256–276. doi: 10.1111/1467-8578.12231.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Cameron, David Lansing (2018). Kommunikasjonsutfordringer i tverretatlig samarbeid om barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne i barnehagen. In Omdal, Heidi & Thygesen, Ragnar (Ed.), Å falle mellom to stoler. Samarbeid til barnets beste i barnehage og skole.. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-02944-3. p. 61–73.
  • Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Omdal, Heidi & Lund, Ingrid (2018). Directional motion: An empirically based model of development in educational institutions. Improving Schools. ISSN 1365-4802. 21(2), p. 127–140. doi: 10.1177/1365480218772637.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2018). Construction of Pupils’ School Achievements and Future Plans in Parent-Teacher Meetings. Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education. ISSN 0826-4805. 49(2), p. 231–246. doi: 10.1007/s10780-018-9324-7.
  • Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing & Jortveit, Maryann (2017). “Bridging old relations”: the (de)construction of ethnic identity in the educational context of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the teachers' point of view . Journal of Language, Identity & Education. ISSN 1534-8458. 16(1), p. 32–44. doi: 10.1080/15348458.2016.1260456.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2017). Parental involvement in school: Applying Habermas’ theoretical framework. In Murphy, Mark (Eds.), Habermas and Social Research. Between theory and method. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-138-12099-0. p. 109–122.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Cameron, David Lansing (2016). Profesjon i endring. Spesialpedagogens plass i skole og annet samfunnsliv. In Hausstätter, Rune Sarromaa & Reindal Magnus, Solveig (Ed.), Spesialpedagogikk: Fagidentitet og samfunnsnytte. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202494643. p. 99–112.
  • Cameron, David Lansing & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2015). Considerations on the evolving role and practice of the special educator in Norway. In Cameron, David Lansing & Thygesen, Ragnar (Ed.), Transitions in the field of special education. Theoretical perspectives and implications for practice. Waxmann Verlag. ISSN 978-3-8309-3117-1. p. 73–90. doi: 10.1111/1467-8578.12231.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Sunde, Annikken Louise (2015). How Different Insights from a Variety of Theories Might Help Ethical Decision-Making in Educational Counselling. Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education. ISSN 0826-4805. 47(2), p. 121–132. doi: 10.1007/s10780-015-9267-1.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2015). Transition between systems: Theoretical and political constructions of the roles and relationships between teachers and parents of children with special needs. In Cameron, David Lansing & Thygesen, Ragnar (Ed.), Transitions in the field of special education. Theoretical perspectives and implications for practice. Waxmann Verlag. ISSN 978-3-8309-3117-1. p. 217–231.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2014). Exploring the Ideal of Dialogue by Taking into Account Both an Observed Interaction Session and the Participants’ Views on the Interaction. Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education. ISSN 0826-4805. 45(1-2), p. 59–73. doi: 10.1007/s10780-014-9221-7.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Nilsen, Ann Christin Eklund & Jensen, Hanne Cecilie (2014). An examination of the role and responsibilities of kindergarten in multidisciplinary collaboration on behalf of children with severe disabilities. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. ISSN 0256-8543. 28(3), p. 344–357. doi: 10.1080/02568543.2014.912996.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing & Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2014). “Two Schools under one Roof” in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Exploring the Challenges of Group Identity and deliberative Values among Bosniak and Croat Students. International Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0883-0355. 66, p. 103–112. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2014.03.004.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2014). Researching teachers' and parents' perceptions of dialogue. International Journal of Inclusive Education. ISSN 1360-3116. 18(8), p. 823–835. doi: 10.1080/13603116.2013.841296.
  • Cameron, David Lansing & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2013). Profesjonsutøvelse i tverrfaglig samarbeid rundt et barn med spesielle behov i barnehagen. FoU i praksis. ISSN 1504-6893. 7(1), p. 9–26.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2013). Foreldresamtalen innenfor rammen av spesialundervisning. Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN 0332-8457. 78(5), p. 4–15.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Cameron, David Lansing (2012). Utfordringer når foresatte skal medvirke på tjenestetilbudet til eget barn. Nordic Studies in Education. ISSN 1891-5914. 3-4(32), p. 321–332.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Kovac, Velibor Bobo & Cameron, David Lansing (2012). “Yes please, both.” The Educational Psychological Services individual and system oriented work in kindergarten . Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN 0332-8457. 77(4), p. 43–56.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Walseth, Liv Tveit (2012). Quality assurance of decision-making in conversations between professionals and non-professionals: identifying the presence of deliberative principles. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. ISSN 1501-7419. 14(3), p. 232–253. doi: 10.1080/15017419.2011.574832.
  • Cameron, David Lansing & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2011). The Policy Implementation Challenges of Individual Plans for Preschool Children with Disabilities. International Journal about Parents in Education. ISSN 1973-3518. 5(1), p. 12–23.
  • Thygesen, Ragnar; Briseid, Lars Gunnar; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing & Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2011). Er generell pedagogisk kompetanse tilstrekkelig for å sikre en inkluderende skole? Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-2052. p. 104–114.
  • Cameron, David Lansing & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2009). Individual Plans to Support Collaboration for Children with Special Needs in Kindergarten, Diversity in Education, Ernape proceedings. Luleå University of Tecnology, Umeå University and Malmø University.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2009). Når informanten ikke vil. In Repstad, Pål; Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann & Halvorsen, Anne (Ed.), Å forske blant sine egne. Universitet og region - nærhet og uavhengighet. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget. ISSN 978-82-7634-815-6. p. 229–247.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2009). A parental voice: parents as equal and dependent - rhetoric about parents, teachers, and their conversations. Educational review (Birmingham). ISSN 0013-1911. 61(3), p. 289–300. doi: 10.1080/00131910903045930.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2009). Conflict between truthfulness and tact in parent-teacher conferences. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. ISSN 1501-7419. 11(4), p. 237–256.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2007). The use of case studies in training vocational rehabilitation trainers, ECER VETNET proceedings: Current research in vocational education and training across Europe. ECER 2006 Geneva. Wissenschaftsforum Bildung und Gesellschaft e.V. [www.ecer-vetnet.wifo.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2007). Conditional Aspects of School-Home Conversations, Ernape 2007. University of Cyprus. p. 253–265.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Ropstad, Hege (1997). Tverretatlig samarbeid: Samarbeid uten styring? Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN 0332-8457. p. 3–8.

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  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2023). Elevers deltakelse og medvirkning -i samtaler med lærer og foresatte om individuell opplæring. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202756932.

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  • Cameron, David Lansing & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2020). Hvilken spesialpedagogisk kompetanse trenger framtidas skole?
  • Haraldstad, Åse; Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2019). Pupils experiences with democratic arenas in school. Educating democratic citizens?
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Jortveit, Maryann; Nilholm, Claes & Lindqvist, Gunilla (2017). A Comparative Investigation of Special Educator Preparation in Norway and Sweden.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Jortveit, Maryann (2016). An examination of the educational experiences and current working conditions of graduates of special education training programs in Norway.
  • Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Lund, Ingrid & Omdal, Heidi (2016). Directional motion: An empirically based model of development in educational institutions.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Jortveit, Maryann (2015). “Bridging old relations”: The (de)construction of ethnic identity in the educational context of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2013). Systemisk inkluderingsarbeid i barnehagen. Konsekvenser for PP-tjenesten.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Kovac, Velibor Bobo & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2013). Two Schools under one roof: A case study of Segregation among Bosniak and Croatian Secondary School Students.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe; Cameron, David Lansing & Kovac, Velibor Bobo (2011). A study of the Educational Psychological Services’ work with Preschool in Norway.
  • Lindeklev, Heidi Marie & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2011). Unngår krevende foreldresamtaler. [Newspaper]. Vårt land.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2011). En undersøkelse om PP-tjenestens arbeid med barnehagen.
  • Olsen, Jan Arve & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2010). Den utfordrende samtalen. [Newspaper]. TEFT Forskningsmagasin frå Universitetet i Agder.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2009). Samarbeid for barnets helhetlige utbytte: barnehagebarn med nedsatt funksjonsevne.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2009). Samarbeid om barnehagebarn med spesielle behov.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2007). Conditional Aspects of School-Home Conversations.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2007). Parental Voices in School-Home Cooperation: Exploration Through Concepts.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2006). The Use of Case Studies in Training Vocational Rehabilitation Trainers.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2006). The contact between school and home: Transforming Concepts about "The Professional Conversation".
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Tøssebro, Åge (2005). Utvikling av etisk kompetanse i bedriften.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2005). Kommunikasjon i brukermøtet.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2004). "Livsverden" som klargjørende begrep i foreldrekonferansen. "Lifeword" as explanatory concept in the school-home-conference.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2003). Dialogens vilkår i foreldrekonferansen The conditions for dialogue in the school-home conference.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2001). Fornyelse av barnehagen i det postmoderne samfunn. ?. p. 12–13.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Sunde, Annikken (2000). Ethical Dilemmas in School counseling.
  • Cameron, David Lansing; Kovac, Velibor Bobo & Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2011). En undersøkelse om PP-tjenestens arbeid med barnehagen. Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-7117-683-9.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2010). Challenging and dilemmatic dialogues. A study of conversations between teacher(s) and parents. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe (2003). Klosterdialoger. Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 8271174800.
  • Tveit, Anne Dorthe & Ropstad, Hege (1996). Tverretatlig samarbeid rundt barn og unge med særskilte behov. En undersøkelse av tverretatlig samarbeid og spesialpedagogisk kompetanse i grunnskoler og videregåendeskoler i Aust-Agder. Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 82-7117-302-2.

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Published Apr. 16, 2024 10:54 AM