Norwegian version of this page

Report as an employee

There are no formal requirements for reporting. Reporting can be done in writing or orally, for example by phone, e-mail, letter, web-based form, or in person.

If you choose to report via web, you can choose if you want to report to the closest HSE manager or the human resources director.

Report as an employee

Different ways to report

Tell your immediate supervisor

One principle is that attempts to solve a problem should be made at the lowest possible level of management, and that case handling should follow the regular line structure at UIA. A case can often be solved simply through a conversation with your immediate superior. Telling this person is therefore the regular course of action.

Academic staff including research fellows have a joint management arrangement. For questions about health, environment and safety and/or administration, the head of administration  (only in Norwegian at the moment) is the immediate superior.

Suspicion of academic misconduct can be reported to your immediate superior or directly to the Rector with a copy to the Research Director and the Dean for the appropriate faculty, cf. Guidelines for case handling regaring susipicion of academic misconduct at the University of Agder (only in norwegian at the moment) . It is also possible to use the web-based form.

Employee representative or colleague

You also have the option of indirect reporting via the employee representative or a colleague  (only in Norwegian at the moment). If you ask another person to report on your behalf, that person should normally report the issue to the immediate superior.

Reporting via the health and safety representative

You also have the option of indirect reporting to management via the health and safety representative. If you ask another person to report on your behalf, that person should normally report the issue to the immediate superior.

Going beyond the manager – reporting to next level immediate superior

If the distribution of responsibility is unclear, if your report of the issue has not been responded to following several attempts, if the immediate superior is disqualified due to a conflict of interest, or if for other reasons you think that the circumstances are of such a nature that reporting to the immediate superior is inadvisable, you can report to the next level superior.

Reporting to human resources director

If you think a satisfactory solution cannot be reached within a reasonable time limit, or the nature of the case makes reporting to the management difficult or impossible, then reporting to the human resources director is a supplementary channel for following up the case internally. This kind of reporting is not meant to replace existing channels, but to be a supplement to them.

Report directly to the human resources director. The web-based message system may be used when reporting to the human resources director. You must check the box for “Send to human resources director” if using this method.

When reporting to the human resources director, the University Director will always assess the case, usually assisted by the Division of Human Resources. If there is any uncertainty as to who should handle the case, the chief health and safety representative may be consulted. Usually, the case will be handled at the lowest possible level of management. The person who reported may be consulted in such cases. If the grounds for reporting concerns the university’s highest level of management, or if information that this level of management is involved is revealed at some point in the survey process, an external party will lead the survey process due to its independent position. The external party must carry out an investigation of the facts. The human resources director is to inform the Board, the ministry, or external supervisory authorities of his/her own volition.

Reporting to the supervisory authorities

If you choose to report via web, you can choose if you want to report to the closest HSE manager or the human resources director.

Published Apr. 17, 2024 - Last modified May 13, 2024